need your opinions

tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
It's been awhile since I've posted ... but I try to keep up when possible. Anyway ... short story ... over a year ago I had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. Currently NED!

So ... there's this person I know who ... is a know-it-all ... and considers herself to be an expert on everything. Someone emailed her last week about a mammogram and "Miss know-it-all" sent the following message to several people:

My sister-in-law had a double mastectomy several years ago. The results from her regular mammogram were inconclusive, as many usually are. They then did another non-invasive test that is not advertised to women but is much more accurate and reveals whether a lump/growth is cancerous or not without having to do repeated biopsies. The procedure uses ultrasound and tomography. She was furious and wanted to know why women do not know about the test. The doctor just told her it was too expensive. She probably would have known at a much earlier stage, before the mammogram detected it, that there was a problem and could have avoided her major, debilitating surgery.

So ... now it's me writing again ... and I have to ask you ... is there any sense to what "Miss know-it-all" is saying? I have my opinion ... that she's bunching all breast cancers and all patients into one big blob ... like there's only one way to diagnose and one way to treat it etc. etc. Any opinions out there????



  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I had to look up tomography
    I had to look up tomography and one definition is it's another word for ultrasound or CT scans. For me testing started with mammogram but also did an ultrasound and from there did the biopsy. As a lot of woman have stated on these posts they had a lump and didn't know what it was till after the biopsy. The MRI's and CT scans were done as part of staging.

    Of course some cancers don't show on a mammogram or ultrasound (like mine) and that is where self exams come in. I guess unless there is a problem some insurance companies don't want the added expense of CT scans or MRI's.

    Good NED on you tgf!
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    I think you should take anything she says with a "grain of salt", I'm not sure what her point is? Don't get a momgram, don't trust your doctor?... she does sound like a know-it all and she sound a little crazy to me.