2nd round and hair loss :( here we go!

carriesoup Member Posts: 144
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
i was in the shower this morning, and the dreaded is starting! a small clump of hair came out.
i've always been a big fan of my hair!! (like many women, i'm sure) i know it's just hair, and i'm not a superficial person. but, i want it!
i do have a wig, and it's nice. it's just not MY hair though!


i'm actually, (surprisingly enough) very calm and at peace right now with the thought of my next treatment. this might change tomorrow at 8am, but i'm happy at this moment! i'm taking another step.

*hugs* and good energy to all


  • shy violet
    shy violet Member Posts: 167
    Aww Miss
    Aww Miss Carrie...sigh...well, I am having a cup of tea and sending happy peaceful karma and visions of beautiful hair that you have not yet seen...love, shy
  • carriesoup
    carriesoup Member Posts: 144

    Aww Miss
    Aww Miss Carrie...sigh...well, I am having a cup of tea and sending happy peaceful karma and visions of beautiful hair that you have not yet seen...love, shy

    you just brought tears to my
    you just brought tears to my eyes, in a good way :)

    thank you shy :)
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    you just brought tears to my
    you just brought tears to my eyes, in a good way :)

    thank you shy :)

    I remember exactly what you
    I remember exactly what you are describing...same exact thing with me. But you will get through it and you will be stronger than ever. But you are beautiful with or without your hair. And it is always fun to see it come back in (and it will). You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member

    you just brought tears to my
    you just brought tears to my eyes, in a good way :)

    thank you shy :)

    Hi Carrie. We all know how
    Hi Carrie. We all know how traumatic the hair loss can be. I had convinced myself I was gonna be one of the rare few who, for some reason, don't lose it. I did. I'm 5 mos out of chemo and have enough hair to cover my head finally, but it's different than the hair that fell out so I have to keep reminding myself that it is hair and to be grateful. I really am and you WILL have pretty hair again. Warm wishes to you.
  • carriesoup
    carriesoup Member Posts: 144
    GayleMc said:

    Hi Carrie. We all know how
    Hi Carrie. We all know how traumatic the hair loss can be. I had convinced myself I was gonna be one of the rare few who, for some reason, don't lose it. I did. I'm 5 mos out of chemo and have enough hair to cover my head finally, but it's different than the hair that fell out so I have to keep reminding myself that it is hair and to be grateful. I really am and you WILL have pretty hair again. Warm wishes to you.

    i didn't even let myself get
    i didn't even let myself get excited about the idea of not losing my hair! i'm not ready yet!!

    it's such a strange concept to me, that the new hair comes in different. maybe, i'll be a true light blonde ;) lol.
  • shy violet
    shy violet Member Posts: 167

    i didn't even let myself get
    i didn't even let myself get excited about the idea of not losing my hair! i'm not ready yet!!

    it's such a strange concept to me, that the new hair comes in different. maybe, i'll be a true light blonde ;) lol.

    Me again...you are my
    Me again...you are my daughter's age...what she does for me (and herself) is to go to a website called faceinthehole.com
    You can take your pic and become lady gaga or bella with edward or long gorgeous hair. We have so much fun...right now she has flowing maroon locks, a couple of days ago bella. Anyway, try it out, a real hoot. Let me know how you like it...very addicting...love, shy
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    :( there's no way around it
    :( there's no way around it -the hair loss really sucks. I prepared myself for it but it still sucked, and it still does! I havea cute wig, but i dont wear it much. I have some really cute beanie type knit hats that i love, and also got a couple silk scarves that feel really good on my scalp. I so miss my hair! You have a great positive attitude Carrie, that will make such a good impact on how you get through all of this!
  • carriesoup
    carriesoup Member Posts: 144

    Me again...you are my
    Me again...you are my daughter's age...what she does for me (and herself) is to go to a website called faceinthehole.com
    You can take your pic and become lady gaga or bella with edward or long gorgeous hair. We have so much fun...right now she has flowing maroon locks, a couple of days ago bella. Anyway, try it out, a real hoot. Let me know how you like it...very addicting...love, shy

    i'll have to check


    i'll have to check that out! sounds fun :)
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613

    :( there's no way around it
    :( there's no way around it -the hair loss really sucks. I prepared myself for it but it still sucked, and it still does! I havea cute wig, but i dont wear it much. I have some really cute beanie type knit hats that i love, and also got a couple silk scarves that feel really good on my scalp. I so miss my hair! You have a great positive attitude Carrie, that will make such a good impact on how you get through all of this!

    Think of it this way
    It's temporary and you'll grow in a new head of hair once you're done. And it will come out very beautiful ;)

    Yeah, I was in the shower...same thing...my hair started to pull a "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree" on me...not fun...but again just temporary.

    Hugs to you,

  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    Hi Carrie
    Its never easy to

    Hi Carrie
    Its never easy to loose your hair. I remember that day very clearly. The day it started fallen out i had my sis put it in a ponytail and cut it off...all 1.5 feet of it went to locks of love so that made me feel a little better it was going to a good cause since i wasnt going to be using it anymore. Besides it wasnt that long ago and a month ago i finally thru out my bandannas, now roughin it with an untamed hairdo that doesnt want to coperate and just wants to stand straight up in some areas and flat in others...but its fun cuz i have hair again!
    You dont have to be superficial to want to just keep your hair, being forced to loose it can be traumatic...good thing about it is it does grow back.
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Dear Carrie,

    no matter how prepared you think you are.. it still feels weird loosing your hair.
    I tried the wig thing but did not work for me. I am too fidgety and my bangs were
    always sideways sooner or later. So ditched them and did scarves for a while then
    I got BOLD and said what to heck, I want to be comfortable.

    Soon I was confusing little children, scaring my cat (and me sometimes when I
    caught an unexpected glimpse of myself) and ruining my friends dating future,
    since most people just assumed I must be gay. (and they were with me.. hihihi_)

    So have fun with it, is what I'm saying =v)

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    aysemari said:

    Dear Carrie,

    no matter how prepared you think you are.. it still feels weird loosing your hair.
    I tried the wig thing but did not work for me. I am too fidgety and my bangs were
    always sideways sooner or later. So ditched them and did scarves for a while then
    I got BOLD and said what to heck, I want to be comfortable.

    Soon I was confusing little children, scaring my cat (and me sometimes when I
    caught an unexpected glimpse of myself) and ruining my friends dating future,
    since most people just assumed I must be gay. (and they were with me.. hihihi_)

    So have fun with it, is what I'm saying =v)


    Round 4 and losing the rest of it
    This hair loss thing is interesting (if it was someone else). I starting losing mine on day 12 of round 1. Had my hair buzzed and the rest of the loss was easier. I still hung on to some "whiskers". They didn't grow, but they didn't come out and acted like they were here to stay. Then yesterday, just a day before I got round 4 and my last chemo, I noticed that I seemed a little more bald. Today confirmed that more of what I thought was attached is coming out, or at least some of it is. So far, I've hung on to most of my eyelashes and eyebrows, but now I wonder if I'll also lose them.

    All I know (probably only Californians will be able to relate to this) is every time I see a Jerry Brown ad on TV, I'm reminded of what I see in the mirror! This is not a good thing. .

  • Brooklynchele
    Brooklynchele Member Posts: 123
    Right there with you
    Yesterday was my 2nd chemo treatment (TC). I had started losing my hair about a week ago but only little by little at first. Mostly in the shower or when I touched it/ran hand through it/brushed it. Overall, it continued to look ok to everyone else although I thought it looked and felt thin. Then 2 days ago it started to fall out with a mind of it's own. I knew it was inevitable and to avoid the annoying pieces falling in my eyes, in my food, on my keyboard, in the sink - you understand - I had my boyfriend shave my head after chemo down to about 1/8 of an inch. It felt liberating.

    However, last night I discovered the remaining hair was kind of annoying while I was trying to sleep. The stubble seemed to want to lay a certain way so as not to be "pokey". I think later today I'm going to go down to bare scalp. After all it will eventually grow back as my new "mystery hair" and hair really is just another accessory we women wear.

    Take heart. We're with you. And hold on to that sense of peace you discovered!

  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    Hi carrie, I posted new pics
    Hi carrie, I posted new pics of my many wigs and the fun I had with them on expressions, check it out. Hope this lifts your spirits a little.

  • sparkle1
    sparkle1 Member Posts: 242
    I feel you! I thought I was
    I feel you! I thought I was prepared for the hair loss but when it happened I had a melt down. Called my sister and cried for about 5 minutes. She then made me realize it was just hair and she would love me with or without it. However, she now makes jokes about me ever chance she get, but it makes me laugh. I cann't wait for mine to grow back. Looking forward to seeing what I get. I'm wearing a curly wig that is definetly making a statement at work. I'm on a new job and no one has every seem my old hair. Just this morning a lady in the elevator commented on how attractive my hair is. She thought it was my own and I didn't tell her it was a wig. I simply said THANK YOU!
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Sorry about your hair
    I got mine cut shorter & shorter and then finally buzzed around my last treatment. Couldn't bring myself to shaving completely. Have some thin spots, but still do have hair. Everyone is different.