cancer as a punishment I was told



  • Kimba1505
    Kimba1505 Member Posts: 557

    Thanks everyone u guys are the best; )
    all of youre feedback and understanding means more to me than you all will ever no and makes me feel a whole lot better Im just gone forgive and move on bless u all

    Fast track
    Cancer can put many of us on the fast track to patience, understanding, acceptance, and appreciation. Others are on a slower road. I have sometimes been accutely aware that "ignorance is bliss"; and knowledge, understanding and insight can feel like a burden. In the end I am always grateful for the burden.
    Survivor...continue on your journey...know that you have become wise and strong...keep doing what you are are beyond surviving...LIVE and LOVE!
  • Bigfuzzydoug
    Bigfuzzydoug Member Posts: 154
    God and the blessing of cancer
    You're not being punished, you're being tested. But not by God, by yourself. To get closer to God means rising up, resetting your priorities and always becoming a better person. There's nothing like the words, "your biopsy came back positive," to reset your priorities.

    Before I received those words I was about to have a mid-life crisis. The questions that plagued me were, "why have I not been promoted yet?" "Why am I not making more money?" "Why am I not further along in my career at the age of 41?" I was envious and jealous. "I know I'm smarter and better than these other people, I should be more successful." "I should have that new car, boat, etc," when looking at the neighbors. "That Vice President is younger than me, I should be in that role." And then I heard those five words, "your biopsy came back positive."

    And you know something? The message from God was not that I'm being punished, but rather that I should look at myself and make the choice of how I choose to deal with this and my life. So I've been trying to be an inspiration for others. I've been MORE helpful to others. I abandoned all of those questions, envies and jealousy I wrote about above. Now I hug my kids a little tighter and a little longer. I'm a little nicer and loving to my wife. I'm a little friendlier at work and a little more helpful (even in the midst of treatments) for friends and neighbors.

    So in a strange, twisted, warped kind of way. My cancer (and I can only speak for me) has been in a little way... a blessing. God shows me the opportunity to re-prioritize and God gives me encouragement to keep fighting and beat this thing! It's up to me what I choose to do and I choose to make the world and people around me a little better, nicer and happier!

    That's not a punishment - its a blessing.
  • zinniemay
    zinniemay Member Posts: 522

    God and the blessing of cancer
    You're not being punished, you're being tested. But not by God, by yourself. To get closer to God means rising up, resetting your priorities and always becoming a better person. There's nothing like the words, "your biopsy came back positive," to reset your priorities.

    Before I received those words I was about to have a mid-life crisis. The questions that plagued me were, "why have I not been promoted yet?" "Why am I not making more money?" "Why am I not further along in my career at the age of 41?" I was envious and jealous. "I know I'm smarter and better than these other people, I should be more successful." "I should have that new car, boat, etc," when looking at the neighbors. "That Vice President is younger than me, I should be in that role." And then I heard those five words, "your biopsy came back positive."

    And you know something? The message from God was not that I'm being punished, but rather that I should look at myself and make the choice of how I choose to deal with this and my life. So I've been trying to be an inspiration for others. I've been MORE helpful to others. I abandoned all of those questions, envies and jealousy I wrote about above. Now I hug my kids a little tighter and a little longer. I'm a little nicer and loving to my wife. I'm a little friendlier at work and a little more helpful (even in the midst of treatments) for friends and neighbors.

    So in a strange, twisted, warped kind of way. My cancer (and I can only speak for me) has been in a little way... a blessing. God shows me the opportunity to re-prioritize and God gives me encouragement to keep fighting and beat this thing! It's up to me what I choose to do and I choose to make the world and people around me a little better, nicer and happier!

    That's not a punishment - its a blessing.

    Your aunt reads for the old testment a eye for a eye. Sad for her, I think and this is what I think . God does not give you cancer, he does not give you pain. These are things that make up what we call life. My mother thought that she looked upon a lady who was "crippled' with pity and I was born deformed. I had my left leg removed at age 1 1/2 What could I have done to offend God? I look at it is he blessed me with a humor so I could laugh at things. No god would have done this to punish someone. I was just born that was. The End. My mother (Rest in peace) She would think what she wanted but I was born just "normal" to me in my not so normal world. My husband has cancer never once has or will I think God punished him or I. My husband has cancer why because he carries a gene I believe passed by his mother. has nothing to do with God.
    That is sad that she would push this ideal on you that God punishing you. NO way.
    What I know from my life is I am fairly happy, I don't need two legs I can do almost everything I want to (can't tap dance) . I would not say I love myself, but I like me and I think God did a pretty good job with me. I have a great husband , two great children (always heard poor thing never going to marry never going to have kids) Well I did both. My fear is statments that your Aunt made is the same others will say but Show me in the bible where it said that? God said let ye with out sin cast the first stone. I think you should know God made me just fine and I know he made my husband just the way he should be. So please remember who your Aunt is in kind but take her words with a a grain of salt. Love her the best way you can.
    Peace be with you
  • adventurebob
    adventurebob Member Posts: 691
    Just wrong.
  • Jan Trinks
    Jan Trinks Member Posts: 477
    Don't believe a word of it!
    I don't know what your aunt is thinking! I certainly agree with everyone else! God does not give anyone cancer! Like Hondo said about growing in your relationship with God; I firmly believe the Lord used my husband's disease to bring us closer to Him and depend on Him. My husband passed away 1 month ago tonight as his cancer came back and was in several places; but God did not allow my husband to suffer long and he did have a remission for 1 1/2 years. We found out on 7/6 the extent of the return of cancer and he did have 6 weekly treatments before he passed away. I was with him till the end and he went very peacefully and even though I am heartbroken; I'm so grateful he didn't suffer and because of the nature of his disease and its progression God intervened and didn't allow the inevitable to happen. But He certainly didn't punish him by giving him cancer. So, stay positive!

    Jan Trinks
  • staceya
    staceya Member Posts: 720

    Don't believe a word of it!
    I don't know what your aunt is thinking! I certainly agree with everyone else! God does not give anyone cancer! Like Hondo said about growing in your relationship with God; I firmly believe the Lord used my husband's disease to bring us closer to Him and depend on Him. My husband passed away 1 month ago tonight as his cancer came back and was in several places; but God did not allow my husband to suffer long and he did have a remission for 1 1/2 years. We found out on 7/6 the extent of the return of cancer and he did have 6 weekly treatments before he passed away. I was with him till the end and he went very peacefully and even though I am heartbroken; I'm so grateful he didn't suffer and because of the nature of his disease and its progression God intervened and didn't allow the inevitable to happen. But He certainly didn't punish him by giving him cancer. So, stay positive!

    Jan Trinks

    I am so angry I can't think
    I am so angry I can't think straight! What does she think Pope John Paul was being punished for. She is so wrong and I am so sorry that you had one nanosecond of unnecessary pain because of her ignorance.
  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member

    Good Word Hondo!
    well said, & it's clear you're doing the work of His kingdom here.

    God Bless You

    Ditto Hondo!
    Very well said, keep the word comming!
  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    Wow, Wow, Wow

    all the wonderful posts here are just amazing and uplifting.

    All you are very special.

  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
    Sorry you had to hear that remark
    I'm so sorry you had to hear that remark, especialy from a family member, but please do not let it get you down as it is completely untrue!!! God does not give us cancer!

    I have never had anyone make this remark to me but I have heard it said about others and I always reply "What could a little 18 month old baby have done in his short lifetime to deserve cancer"??? This usually shuts them up real quick. Unfortunately it is true, while I was receiving chemo there was a father with his little 18 month old son and they were setting up an appointment for him to start receiving his treatment just before Thanksgiving. It broke my heart to think of someone so young and so innocent having to go through treatment. I've never felt sorry for myself or ask "why me" since that day.

    Your name says it all, you are a survivor!! You have survived cancer and the treatments and you will survive this as well. NEVER let them get you down.

    Stay strong,
  • BonnyKay
    BonnyKay Member Posts: 8
    It never fails to amaze me ...
    Oh hon ... I'm so very sorry. :(

    My husband was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the nasopharynx back in June. We were devastated. At first I told only my closest friends about what was going on ... and then I got ... the e-mail.

    A "friend" wrote me and said, "Do you remember when you asked how come there aren't any miracles these days? You said in the Old Testament there was always a burning bush or a pillar of fire and you asked why we don't see those things anymore? Well, I'm not saying that God gave your husband cancer because YOU didn't believe ... but it makes you go hmmmmm."

    I sat at my desk and CRIED. My husband got cancer because I asked a simple question? Omigosh ... I was heartbroken. And now I see what your Aunt told you and I'm STILL heartbroken. What are these people thinking? Do they believe saying something like that HELPS?

    Know in your HEART that nothing you can think or do would cause God to give this to you. I don't believe it works that way ... I don't believe God punishes us with cancer. And all I can tell you is that I said a small prayer ... a prayer that they never discover THEY have this disease ... because they'll have to question these beliefs in their own hearts.

    You can beat this ... we're on your side ... and so is God. HUGS!
  • rozaroo
    rozaroo Member Posts: 665
    BonnyKay said:

    It never fails to amaze me ...
    Oh hon ... I'm so very sorry. :(

    My husband was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the nasopharynx back in June. We were devastated. At first I told only my closest friends about what was going on ... and then I got ... the e-mail.

    A "friend" wrote me and said, "Do you remember when you asked how come there aren't any miracles these days? You said in the Old Testament there was always a burning bush or a pillar of fire and you asked why we don't see those things anymore? Well, I'm not saying that God gave your husband cancer because YOU didn't believe ... but it makes you go hmmmmm."

    I sat at my desk and CRIED. My husband got cancer because I asked a simple question? Omigosh ... I was heartbroken. And now I see what your Aunt told you and I'm STILL heartbroken. What are these people thinking? Do they believe saying something like that HELPS?

    Know in your HEART that nothing you can think or do would cause God to give this to you. I don't believe it works that way ... I don't believe God punishes us with cancer. And all I can tell you is that I said a small prayer ... a prayer that they never discover THEY have this disease ... because they'll have to question these beliefs in their own hearts.

    You can beat this ... we're on your side ... and so is God. HUGS!

    So sorry!
    I cannot believe in such a stupid remark your relative made to you, then I read Glenna's post about the little 18 month old going through treatment. I alway's tell people that **** about everything including minor alement's to go & walk through the cancer centre for a day especially in the children's area.That will make them shut up. How could god punsih an innocent chld that has not done anything wrong. My god wouldn't. They are innocent ask her to explain that to you. That will shut her up quick!
  • delnative
    delnative Member Posts: 450 Member
    rozaroo said:

    So sorry!
    I cannot believe in such a stupid remark your relative made to you, then I read Glenna's post about the little 18 month old going through treatment. I alway's tell people that **** about everything including minor alement's to go & walk through the cancer centre for a day especially in the children's area.That will make them shut up. How could god punsih an innocent chld that has not done anything wrong. My god wouldn't. They are innocent ask her to explain that to you. That will shut her up quick!

    Like Rozaroo said
    When I was going through radiation, the next person into the chamber after me was a little boy who couldn't have been more than 5 years old. They had to sedate him every day to get him into the mask and secured to the table, because otherwise he would have squirmed.
    What in the name of heaven could that poor little boy have done to deserve a disease that a hard-assed adult like me had a hard time dealing with?
    It wasn't punishment. God doesn't work that way.

    --Jim in Delaware
  • Hector10
    Hector10 Member Posts: 5
    Done something wrong.
    Hi, I am sorry that you have been put in this situation. I find that people, like my mother, who put all of lifes events in God's hands have very little insight into being a
    "Christian". From what I remember in the bible, God never committed an evil act or punished those who did, he forgave them and helped them to be better people. I am glad to hear you say you know what she says is not true.
  • Jimbo55
    Jimbo55 Member Posts: 590 Member
    Just someone's opinion
    How's that saying go? Opinions are like a**holes, everybody has one. Sure don't make em right. Ignore them. Cheers

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Jimbo55 said:

    Just someone's opinion
    How's that saying go? Opinions are like a**holes, everybody has one. Sure don't make em right. Ignore them. Cheers


    Jimbo Photo
    Nice new photo of you Jimbo....
