There is so an "I" in Team-Work!!!!

chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello my Kindred Spirits! Seems I haven't been posting as often lately! I have, thankfully been busy~ many of you ( especially my FB friends) know that I have had incredible, spiritual, fulfilling times with Reggie and his Tribe for the last two weeks. If any of you is interested, you can friend me on FB...I am Claudia Cable ( just let me know who you are by CSN screenname so that I don't ignore your requests!) and you can click on the link "21 mile journey with 1000 year history"..well, the title is something like that! It is a local newspaper article and a video of the event. That was the week of the 9-12th, and last weekend, we traveled to another Tribal gathering for the weekend. Not only is my Reggie a traditional paddler and Boat builder for his Tribe, he is also part of a Native singing group which has preserved his is inspiring and important.

Ok~ on Friday, right before we left for our weekend away I had labs drawn. On Monday, when we came back I had a chest Xray and a mammogram. Today, at 2PM, I see the oncologist. I hate for him to ask me how I am doing...what a silly question! Afterall, isn't HE holding the results of all of my tests in his hands, and so he is going to tell ME how I am ???

It is the 3 month mark since starting the Tamoxifen for my recurrance/mets. I am feeling a bit iffy that it is having the needed effect...I see chemo in my near future. :-( I am trying to be positive about that~ chemo and rads, coupled with Arimidex did keep me in remission for almost 8 years; perhaps it will again. The operative word is that I am TRYING to have a good attitude about chemo! LOL

Oh...the title of my Post? Just this morning Reggie said whoever says there is no "I" in team-work is wrong~I am with You, he said, and together You and I fight this! So, yeah, there is indeed an "I" in team-work!

I know you will all keep me in your good thoughts today; know that I reciprocate by having you in mine. We rejoice and commiserate together, as the need arises!



  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Claudia, I so agree with
    Claudia, I so agree with your Reggie, there is definately an "I" in teamwork. You can add all of us as your "I", too. I'm sending positive thoughts your way for your appointment today. I am hoping that you are totally wrong and the Tamoxifen is doing its job. Let us know your results when you can and please know that we are with you every step of the way. Regardless of the path the journey takes, the most important thing is to kick its @ss!!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    So many of us...
    Are with you today, dear Chen - even if separated by many miles & limited to via cyberspace.

    Hopeful hugs backatcha.

    Kindest regards, 12/25 xo
  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Got back from vacation on
    Got back from vacation on Sunday. Sounds like things have been very exciting for you.

    Sending hugs and prayers for good results when you visit your doc.

    Reggie is definitely a keeper.


  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    So many of us...
    Are with you today, dear Chen - even if separated by many miles & limited to via cyberspace.

    Hopeful hugs backatcha.

    Kindest regards, 12/25 xo

    That Reggie is a keeper,
    That Reggie is a keeper, some people could use a clone of him, but then this world may not be good enough for too many Reggies or Chen's either!!!! praying for good news, and you know we are all here for you !!!!!
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    carkris said:

    That Reggie is a keeper,
    That Reggie is a keeper, some people could use a clone of him, but then this world may not be good enough for too many Reggies or Chen's either!!!! praying for good news, and you know we are all here for you !!!!!

    I've been thinking about you today.
    Hi Chen,

    You came into my mind this morning and I wondered how you have been doing. Glad to hear you've been busy. Hope all goes well with the onc. If it's not the tamox it will be something else that brings bc to it's knees. Hugs.

  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    Fingers Crossed
    I'm hoping you have gotten good news from you onc by now and that you will be sharing the good news with all of us this evening. And nothing like keeping busy with fun stuff to keep your mind off troubling issues. You've won before and you will beat this again. We're all pulling for you, Claudia.

    Hugs, Sally
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    We are all
    with you and Reggie on this journey. Let us know when the doctor tells you how you're doing.

  • Brooklynchele
    Brooklynchele Member Posts: 123
    Def an "I" in Teamwork!
    Hang on to your beautiful outlook. My best wishes are with you!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Def an "I" in Teamwork!
    Hang on to your beautiful outlook. My best wishes are with you!

    love and commitment. Team -- Reggie is the TE, tribal elder and guide, and you my spirited Warrior, the AM -- Yes, Admired and Mentor. TEAM, both individuals, strong warriors, however - together -- a soft wind of love, support and hope.

    You are always in my prayers, dear ChenHeart :-))))

    Vicki Sam