finger weakness has any one have it?

Grandma X 6
Grandma X 6 Member Posts: 135
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi everyone. I had lumpectomy Sept 14 2009 IDC with no node involvement, followed with chemo tac and carbo herceptin for 6 treatments every 3 weeks just finished the herceptin for one year. Also have mild lymphedema in hand and fingers. This past week my fingers feel very weak I am having trouble doing every day things in my affected arm. I have ony appointment on Friday. Has anyone had or have this? Thank You for your input. This board is amazing I love it and pray for all my Pink Sisters Daily.God Bless ALL of US!


  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    My hands and fingers are not
    My hands and fingers are not as strong and sometimes I am very clumsy. I have notice it is worst when I am tired. I just ask for help when I can't do something like open a jar and my manly hubby take over the task. My eye sight was also significantly affected by treatment. God bless..Alison
  • shy violet
    shy violet Member Posts: 167
    Just count my dishes...
    I sure do...just count my dishes...or the lack daughter knows extra paper towel rolls are always on the list...hard to write and use computer as numbness sets in...mine is from multiple surgeries on same side...hope you are feeling better soon and get help at your,shy