any shampoo I can use?

kit kat
kit kat Member Posts: 56
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I've been a hairdresser for 30 years and find myself battling bc. My last round of chemo is Sept 29th yay!!!Now I can help my customers in yet another area . Is there a shampoo I can use after chemo help it along. I hear of Aloe rid by Nexxus. Any others out there ?I wonder how may hairdressers end up with c.Is it the enviroment? Thank you guys peace.


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I haven't used it (it's kind of pricey to me who uses Suave LOL) but I've been told that it is great. I think it's addy is but if that's not it you can google it.

    I can't help but wonder if having been a hairdresser for 15 years when much younger may have contributed to my Imflamatory BC. But then I've been involved in a lot of other 'things' that may have contributed also. I had radiation to my throat in 1948 after tonsils were tken out at about 18 mths (radiation was definately nasty back then), I lived a while as a small kid near where above ground nuclear tests were done in the early 50's, I lived near or under flight paths of USAF and USN most of my life, I've been an upholstrer and a screen printer - so lots of possibilities or combination of possibilities. I'm the first on either side of my family that has had any form of cancer in 4 generations - so it's anybody's guess.

  • kit kat
    kit kat Member Posts: 56
    Rague said:

    I haven't used it (it's kind of pricey to me who uses Suave LOL) but I've been told that it is great. I think it's addy is but if that's not it you can google it.

    I can't help but wonder if having been a hairdresser for 15 years when much younger may have contributed to my Imflamatory BC. But then I've been involved in a lot of other 'things' that may have contributed also. I had radiation to my throat in 1948 after tonsils were tken out at about 18 mths (radiation was definately nasty back then), I lived a while as a small kid near where above ground nuclear tests were done in the early 50's, I lived near or under flight paths of USAF and USN most of my life, I've been an upholstrer and a screen printer - so lots of possibilities or combination of possibilities. I'm the first on either side of my family that has had any form of cancer in 4 generations - so it's anybody's guess.


    I know what you mean that
    I know what you mean that are factors involed with bc. my mother was from GermANY She died of stomach c and her sister from lung. My uncle"s therory is , back in the old country they use to fertilizethe fields with there bare hands, wore no gloves ,or masks, and god knows how ppoison it was. I also oil paint and do tons of other things with chemicals like everyone else in the world.Thanks
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    kit kat said:

    I know what you mean that
    I know what you mean that are factors involed with bc. my mother was from GermANY She died of stomach c and her sister from lung. My uncle"s therory is , back in the old country they use to fertilizethe fields with there bare hands, wore no gloves ,or masks, and god knows how ppoison it was. I also oil paint and do tons of other things with chemicals like everyone else in the world.Thanks

    Rague I worked in a silk
    Rague I worked in a silk screen printing shop in my teens and swear this is the reason for my breast cancer now. I was exposed to so many toxins at a time when my boobs were growing.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    carkris said:

    Rague I worked in a silk
    Rague I worked in a silk screen printing shop in my teens and swear this is the reason for my breast cancer now. I was exposed to so many toxins at a time when my boobs were growing.

    Natural BIOTIN Shampoo .. J/A/S/O/N
    I purchased shampoo from larger 'health food store' .. or on line. I swear by it.

    Luck, Curls and Length ..

    Vicki Sam
  • new2me
    new2me Member Posts: 177 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Natural BIOTIN Shampoo .. J/A/S/O/N
    I purchased shampoo from larger 'health food store' .. or on line. I swear by it.

    Luck, Curls and Length ..

    Vicki Sam

    Does this shampoo help the hair to grow back faster? cuzz i bought Biotin in a pill form and was told it will help with that. I haven't started taking it yet - will 3 weeks after my last treatment 10/1/10.

    Love, Kelly
  • chriskaput
    chriskaput Member Posts: 109
    help on making hair grow faster after chemo

    Here are some helpful tips. Let me know if you try any of them. I finish my chemo on 104 and plan to try the olive oil and also use the dandruff shampoo for the zinc.....

    best of luck
    Chris, NY
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    help on making hair grow faster after chemo

    Here are some helpful tips. Let me know if you try any of them. I finish my chemo on 104 and plan to try the olive oil and also use the dandruff shampoo for the zinc.....

    best of luck
    Chris, NY

    I can't say that my hair grew in faster, even tho my
    daughter and friends stated so. I just started to take biotin in pill formula - due to my thin lashes and brows .. Also ..please note that I just finished 1 year of herceptin - August 20th ...

    olive oil .. interesting .. zinc in dandruff shampoo's .. I am curious if we can take it orally ? Questions... Questions ...

    Vicki Sam
  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    Was recommended to me by a oncologist nurse.. seems to at least make the hair look a little thicker..