Radiation fatigue after one week?!?!

Kimosabe Member Posts: 43
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Finished chemo Aug. 24 started rads one week ago. Yesterday and today I am wiped. I'm trying to stay somewhat active but am napping twice a day the last two days. Everything is an effort. I wasn't expecting this kind of fatigue for a few weeks. Has anyone else experienced fatigue so soon into radiation? I feel like a wimp!


  • waffle8
    waffle8 Member Posts: 234
    It was only two days into my rads that I felt that fatigue....I did not feel like that with the chemo.....I was really surprised how tired I got..But I am happy to say that it does go away..I have 4 more radiation treatments and have lots of energy....Just keep resting and counting down....Blessings!
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Tiring just to have an appointment every day
    Girl, you're NOT a wimp! Don't underestimate how tiring it is to have to go to an appointment every single darn day.

    How long a drive do you have to the radiation center? My radiation center is only a 10-minute drive from my house -- I thought, oh pssshhh, no big deal. WRONG! It was definitely more tiring than I expected, just to have to physically go there every day.

    And you're not even a month out of chemo! Of course you're not 100%. So cut yourself some slack, and pamper yourself.

    As my radiation oncologist said to me (and I quote): "Traci, you have the rest of your life to work your a** off -- now is the time to take care of yourself."

  • Kimosabe
    Kimosabe Member Posts: 43
    waffle8 said:

    It was only two days into my rads that I felt that fatigue....I did not feel like that with the chemo.....I was really surprised how tired I got..But I am happy to say that it does go away..I have 4 more radiation treatments and have lots of energy....Just keep resting and counting down....Blessings!

    Wow, you mean your fatigue
    Wow, you mean your fatigue got less intense as the rads went on? My onc told me it would be the worst during the last 2-3 weeks, that's why I'm freaking out with this fatigue after only one week. I hope I follow your pattern! Thanks, Waffle.
  • Kimosabe
    Kimosabe Member Posts: 43
    TraciInLA said:

    Tiring just to have an appointment every day
    Girl, you're NOT a wimp! Don't underestimate how tiring it is to have to go to an appointment every single darn day.

    How long a drive do you have to the radiation center? My radiation center is only a 10-minute drive from my house -- I thought, oh pssshhh, no big deal. WRONG! It was definitely more tiring than I expected, just to have to physically go there every day.

    And you're not even a month out of chemo! Of course you're not 100%. So cut yourself some slack, and pamper yourself.

    As my radiation oncologist said to me (and I quote): "Traci, you have the rest of your life to work your a** off -- now is the time to take care of yourself."


    My onc is less than 10 mins.
    My onc is less than 10 mins. away. Unfortunately, I also have PT twice a week (again nearby) because my quads on my right leg got weak over the summer due to much less exercise (gee, I wonder why) and my kneecap went off track. Also have exercises to do at home. In my infinite wisdom I also signed up for the Livestrong program at the Y which is for cancer survivors to help regain some strength and stamina. That is twice a week for 75 mins. Luckily I opted to take this fall off from work to focus on recovery. Sometimes I think I'm cracking up - finding it so hard to take it easy - I guess I'm not going to have a choice though. Thanks, Traci.
  • october7
    october7 Member Posts: 9
    Me too
    I started radiation on 9/13 and felt like I had mono yesterday for a few hours but it passed by evening. Today I feel pretty energetic and clear headed. I waited a few weeks longer than you to start radiation after chemo because I wanted to get my health back. I was feeling pretty good until this. I was told the same thing that the last 3 weeks of radiation would be tiring. But since most everything I was told so far has not turned out that way, this is no surprise. I am going to ask tomorrow why I felt so crappy yesterday. I only have a 10 minute drive to the treatment but finding parking and walking the few blocks to get in etc. is getting old real fast. I am trying to look at it as a job, a contract position that lasts 6 more weeks. That helps since I hated the last job I had and had to force myself out of bed every day to go. So, this is just more of the same only the pay is way better and its over in 6 weeks with lifelong benefits that no one can take away from you.

    p.s. no one is a wimp in this game
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    My fatigue was immediate as
    My fatigue was immediate as well. I was frankly surprised that Rads made me more fatigued than chemo.
    It will get better but not until you're done with Rads.
    P.S. You are NOT a wimp!
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I have to say no
    I was completely exhausted from 12 weekly Taxols when I started rads the week after the last Taxol. I just kept feeling better and had more energy as rads went on.

    edit added: I just finished a little over a week ago giving rides daily to someone who was going through rads for brain cancer. They did get tireder over the weeks but they were also doing daily oral chemo during the time so don't know which or both were making them tireder.
  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    no chemo
    I did not have chemo, just lumpectomy and rads. And I remember being sooooo tired. I finished April 2009 and am now back to work fulltime, and living life.

    There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is *not* a train.

    And no one in this fight is a wimp.