me & mom -updates

Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Wow I have so many things to share, I'm afraid this is going to be another chapter here sisters.
First of all, I had my 4th and last combinatin chemo of AC yesterday. I'm past the halfway mark now! I have 2 rounds of Taxotere left & then I'm done!!! Dare I say I can see the light at the end of this tunnel?? I'm actually feeling almost good today. Maybe the 12 hours of sleep I got last night had something to do with it?!
Two days ago, a reporter and photographer from our local newspaper came out to my house to interview my mom and I for a special breast cancer awareness section they're putting in the paper next month. A woman I've talked with several times from our local ACS office had forwarded my info to the newspaper because of the uniqueness of our story (no family history-i was diagnosed this summer at age 34, 2 months later my 60 yr old mother was diagnosed). So they wanted to tell our story and also promote our local Making Strides for Breast Cancer walk -which I'm proudly walking in, even though it will be days after my last chemo treatment, i know my friends & family will physically carry me over that fihisn line if I can't walk it myself. So that was exciting -when the paper is published I'll share a link so you can see it!
Also, speaking of mom, she's been receiving your wonderful cards in the mail & I cannot express my grattitude to you all for supporting my mom like you support me on here. It means the WORLD to me, and to my mom. Mom is now a proud warrior, and I'm so proud of her. She has her spark back, she has a fighting spirit, and we are doing this together. I like to surprise mom with little snacks or small gifts on a weekly basis (i do spoil her but she STILL spoils me, her daughter, as an adult!) and my next surprise is going to be a pretty stationary set, mom's a wonderful letter writer & wants to write back to each & every one of you -so THANK YOU again, from the bottom of my heart. I love you all.
I am so excited about doing the walk -ours in town will be on October 23rd. I'm amazed at how easy it's been for me to recruit walkers. I posted recruiting emails on my Facebook page. I have had people that I literally have not seen since middle school, who were friends of mine when we were little girls -who are joining me on this walk with their families. My daughter, and nephews, are making friendship bracelets to sell to their friends and classmates for a dollar to raise money for the walk. Even yesterday, my chemo nurse gave me a $20 donation, that I didn't even ask for.
I have my nexe expander fill on Wednesday, and I think i'll have just 1 fill left after that, plus one more for the overfill. These things are just getting in my way lol, and I'll be so glad to have soft squishy boobs back rather that these hard, unmoving expanders! Then on Friday, mom and I are going together for our Oncologist appointments. We go to the same cancer center, so while she's having her follow up appointment after her lumpectomy with the surgeon, I'll be getting my blooc counts checked with the Oncologist, and then mom sees the oncologist to get her pathology report back & get her port surgery scheduled & her chemo battle plan laid out. I'm hoping that she can have her 1st chemo the same time I'm having my next one, so we can do it together. Mom and I have always been very close, we have ALWAYS talked every day, or seen each other just about every day. Even through my angst filled teenage years we were still close. For us to be going through something like this together is just....words just can't express what it's like. The only reason that I can think of, other than just random fate, for us to be going through this together, is so that my daughters will grow up being educated on breast cancer, because as much as I hate to come to terms with this -they have a very very strong chance of having to deal with this when they are adults.
Ok, I think that's my update for our busy week we just had! Thanks for taking the time to check in on me!! I love you all & honestly have a special place in my heart reserved just for you!
*hugs & hugs*


  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    Heather, thank you so much for your update. So ironic that you and your Mom are going through this at the same time. I, like you, do not have a family history of breast cancer, and I have lots of female relative that came before me. My personal opinion is that this cancer thing has something to do with our environment. Hopefully, it won't be much longer before they find the cause, and a cure. In the meantime, we all do what we have to do in order to be able to do what we want to do (a favorite quote from our famous Kindred Spirit, Chenheart). I hope your Mom gets through her treatment as well as you are doing, and that she continues to keep her spirits up. I am sure that all of the cards she is receiving from the members of this Board are uplifting. I will keep you two in my prayers, and hope you do as well with your Taxotere as you did with the AC. See you at the "end of the tunnel". Hugs, Judy
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    Heather, thank you so much for your update. So ironic that you and your Mom are going through this at the same time. I, like you, do not have a family history of breast cancer, and I have lots of female relative that came before me. My personal opinion is that this cancer thing has something to do with our environment. Hopefully, it won't be much longer before they find the cause, and a cure. In the meantime, we all do what we have to do in order to be able to do what we want to do (a favorite quote from our famous Kindred Spirit, Chenheart). I hope your Mom gets through her treatment as well as you are doing, and that she continues to keep her spirits up. I am sure that all of the cards she is receiving from the members of this Board are uplifting. I will keep you two in my prayers, and hope you do as well with your Taxotere as you did with the AC. See you at the "end of the tunnel". Hugs, Judy

    I will keep you and your mom
    I will keep you and your mom in my prayers. I was very close to my mom also and it is hard to see those we love going through this. I would love to see the article when it comes out. Your mom sounds like a dear and you are a darling yourself.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    thanks for the update on all that's going on. Although I'm the oldest of 4 girls my mom never showed favorites so we are all somewhat close. I do have to say I'm not a telephone person so I only talk to my mom maybe once a week. I do talk to my daughter almost every day but she's usually the one to call with her busy schedule. How exciting to hear about the newspaper getting involved in your family story. I'm so glad that old "friends" and new ones too have offered to help donate to the cause. I will keep you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers as you go on to Taxotere and she with her port and the start of chemo. Hopefully she'll get through this without much side effects.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    thanks for the update on all that's going on. Although I'm the oldest of 4 girls my mom never showed favorites so we are all somewhat close. I do have to say I'm not a telephone person so I only talk to my mom maybe once a week. I do talk to my daughter almost every day but she's usually the one to call with her busy schedule. How exciting to hear about the newspaper getting involved in your family story. I'm so glad that old "friends" and new ones too have offered to help donate to the cause. I will keep you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers as you go on to Taxotere and she with her port and the start of chemo. Hopefully she'll get through this without much side effects.
    {{hugs}} Char

    sounds like things are
    sounds like things are moving along and you are helping your mom with her battle. My mom got diagnosed after me in her 60's as well. its all crazy.
  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325
    AC Su@*ed for Donna
    Glad you are done with AC; hoping Taxotere has milder side effects for you. Very cool about you and your mom in the local paper. Sad for the reason, but very cool anyway

  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member
    Hubby said:

    AC Su@*ed for Donna
    Glad you are done with AC; hoping Taxotere has milder side effects for you. Very cool about you and your mom in the local paper. Sad for the reason, but very cool anyway


    Keeping these kinds of stories available to the public certainly promotes awareness about this disease. It needs to stay in the forefront in order to keep hope alive. Too many people think that cancer is now curable but that is so wrong. Modern medicine has come a long way but there's still a long way to go! Congratulations for getting the story out.

    Really happy that you're nearing the end of chemo, that's great. Equally happy that your mom has picked up the fight. Even with her other health issues, she can do this. Best wishes to you both!
