Saw Onc for 1'st follow up after treatment & Mammo

natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My onc put me somewhat at ease today regarding my not so nice mammo. He said that it's not unusual for that first mammo after treatment to show areas that are usually nothing more than scar tissue. With the breast exam today, he said everything seemed to be ok. I'll repeat the mammo and ultra sound in Feb.

I stopped arimidex after using it for 1 and 1/2 months because it was putting me into a depression along with mood swings and insomnia. He switched me to Femara which I will start using beginning of Oct. Since I'm high risk one of these will have to do. I hope femara is a bit easier for me.

In reference to Megan_M's post of last March which is titled "grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr", all I can say is yes I'm going thru and feeling all those things right now. I'm slowly digesting all I've been thru in the past year and it has finally brought me to some good, sad tears. I didnt think I'd feel this emotional and physical aftermath, oh well the laugh is on me.

I want to be and do what that old me did, but my body just wont allow it. I'm trying to adjust to this new normal and it is difficult and different. I cant do what I used to do, and I aint what I used to be, but I'm trying to be the new me and it's not that easy.


  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    glad you're feeling better after talking with dr. What are the side effects of Femara? I'm hoping you cope better with the Femara over the Arimidex. My sister took Arimidex but didn't have any side effects.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Oh sweet Natly~ you have
    Oh sweet Natly~ you have been through so very much! Allow yourself time to grieve what was, but of course rejoice in what is, and even more so, what will come to be! Your new normal is just that...and you will fill it with all of the zest and vitality that defines you NOW. As we are not the same women with the same energy and foolishness we had at say 16, or even 26, we are different women now, too. Not less than we were, not defective or worth less than we were, just different. Stronger in many ways, wiser in more ways than we ever knew, and full of compassion and a true reason to live all of our years with gusto.

    Bless your heart, Natly~ I love you!

  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    chenheart said:

    Oh sweet Natly~ you have
    Oh sweet Natly~ you have been through so very much! Allow yourself time to grieve what was, but of course rejoice in what is, and even more so, what will come to be! Your new normal is just that...and you will fill it with all of the zest and vitality that defines you NOW. As we are not the same women with the same energy and foolishness we had at say 16, or even 26, we are different women now, too. Not less than we were, not defective or worth less than we were, just different. Stronger in many ways, wiser in more ways than we ever knew, and full of compassion and a true reason to live all of our years with gusto.

    Bless your heart, Natly~ I love you!


    Natly, just wanted to let
    Natly, just wanted to let you know that I was on Femara for 5 months to reduce my tumors before my masectomy and didn't have much of any side effects. After I get thru rads my onc said she will start me back on Femara for 5 years. Its an estrogen reducing med and it worked for me and did reduce my tumors during those 5 months I took it. Hope you tolerate it well and it does the job for you. We'll never be the same as before our bc dx, but we can be better. Like Chen said, we'll be stronger, wiser, more compassionate and have the desire to make the most of our life instead of idling the days away on foolish thoughts and actions. Not to say we can't enjoy ourselves and have silly moments. We'll just make the most of what we have now and appreciate each moment for itself. And just think of all the fun you're going to have with your grandkids. Hope you feel better soon and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi Natly,
    Glad your onc gave you peace of mind regarding your mammo. That's always good news. Hope the Femara works for you and is a bit easier. I know how you feel about wanting the old you back. Hang in there. Hopefully, things will eventually get better. You are a strong woman. Remember you have those Grandbabies that love you. I'm sure you will feel better once you are there with them. Sending positive thoughts & prayers to you and your wonderful family. Hugs, Jean
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Jean 0609 said:

    Hi Natly,
    Glad your onc gave you peace of mind regarding your mammo. That's always good news. Hope the Femara works for you and is a bit easier. I know how you feel about wanting the old you back. Hang in there. Hopefully, things will eventually get better. You are a strong woman. Remember you have those Grandbabies that love you. I'm sure you will feel better once you are there with them. Sending positive thoughts & prayers to you and your wonderful family. Hugs, Jean

    So glad that your oncologist
    So glad that your oncologist helped to ease your mind! Think positive!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    jnl said:

    So glad that your oncologist
    So glad that your oncologist helped to ease your mind! Think positive!

    Hugs, Leeza

    I am happy too Natly that
    I am happy too Natly that you feel better now. We have so many scares with bc, that it is nice that you can put this behind you. Take care!
  • sharon1952
    sharon1952 Member Posts: 2
    I know how you feel
    I have not had my first check up yet I will in Jan I am glad i read your post about the first mamo maybe being abnormal because of scar tissue. i just finished my radiation and started Tamoxifen which the side affects are horrible but we do what we have too, and i am not the same person i can not do the same things i used too i dont have the energy i am so tired all the time i am not happy i have changed and i know my family sees it and they dont like it they keep asking whats wrong why you so tired why you so sad i am new to this i just dont know where to go from here I want my old self back the fun loving happy energic person where is she???
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    Oh Natly, I understand what
    Oh Natly, I understand what you're going through all too well. I want to do what the docs tell me too, but I love the way you said it," My body just won't allow it." As you might have read, I've been off Femara and Arimidex waiting to be put on my last chance, Aromisin. I keep stalling calling the doctor so I haven't gotten the prescription yet. I cry a lot now because I know I'm not doing what's best for me, but I have had such energy and relief from pain, that I'm scared to start it all again.
    God bless you and maybe we can keep each other updated and give strength to each other. I know I need it.
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941

    Oh Natly, I understand what
    Oh Natly, I understand what you're going through all too well. I want to do what the docs tell me too, but I love the way you said it," My body just won't allow it." As you might have read, I've been off Femara and Arimidex waiting to be put on my last chance, Aromisin. I keep stalling calling the doctor so I haven't gotten the prescription yet. I cry a lot now because I know I'm not doing what's best for me, but I have had such energy and relief from pain, that I'm scared to start it all again.
    God bless you and maybe we can keep each other updated and give strength to each other. I know I need it.

    Wanda for sure. I'll post
    Wanda for sure. I'll post once I start the Femara. Although I'm still tired, my emotions and spirits seem to be getting back to normal. Praise God! I've been off arimidex since Aug 24 and I think my body is finally getting rid of it. My knee and leg is no longer achy and I';m feeling better.

    I hope aromisin works for you. I would NEVER negate treatment for this disease, but I have honestly questioned taking arimidex with those terrible side effects. We want a quality of life and I'll do what I have to do, but going into the depths of depression is no quality for me. Let's pray for each other that these new meds go a little easier on our bodies.
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941

    I know how you feel
    I have not had my first check up yet I will in Jan I am glad i read your post about the first mamo maybe being abnormal because of scar tissue. i just finished my radiation and started Tamoxifen which the side affects are horrible but we do what we have too, and i am not the same person i can not do the same things i used too i dont have the energy i am so tired all the time i am not happy i have changed and i know my family sees it and they dont like it they keep asking whats wrong why you so tired why you so sad i am new to this i just dont know where to go from here I want my old self back the fun loving happy energic person where is she???

    Dear Sharon this BC is not
    Dear Sharon this BC is not for the faint of heart. We are true warriors, fighters, and survivors!

    What's wrong with you? You my dear have been fighting for your life. Dont know exactly which treatments you had other than the radiation mentioned, but whatever it was, the treatment was to fight BC.

    Want that old self back? We will never be the same old gals we were before because this walk with BC and it's treatment has changed our bodies forever. What we have been thru is now a part of who we are. I guess we all get to that new normal in time and with patience. I so know how you feel. I'm trying to adjust to the new normal with all it's bumps, but I will never give up my faith, hope and desire to be happy and fulfilled.

    I read something today that really helped me. It said something like, relax dont force issues and as we relax and trust God things happen just a little bit easier. I'm going to try and relax today and accept me just as I am. I'm not going to agonyze over who I was and what I will be, I'm just gonna "BE" today , I'm not gonna "DO" and trust God to help with the rest. Hugs to you pink sister.