masectomy soon

anaumann Member Posts: 60 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Im calling the dr today to schedule my masectomy; Decided against reconstruction. I was doinging better with being nervous, but now I am becoming more anxious again. After surgery when will I be able to wear a bra with the soft filler? Where will I get it--do I need to purchase it ahead of time so I'll have it when its time?
My insition from my lumpectomy is just starting to be much better. The soreness under the arm has been the most persistant. Im not looking forward to having more nodes removed plus some muscle?? Any info from you that have gone through this wooud be appreciated.


  • EdnaM
    EdnaM Member Posts: 30
    I'm keeping you in my prayers. I had a mastectomy (right only) on April 21 and also had decided not to have reconstruction. Nerves boy do I relate to that; but once I made that
    big decision and actually had schedule I was more calm - hopefully it will be that way with
    you. Initially I wasn't aware that I could get a "puff" so it was probably 6 weeks after
    surgery that I went to a local mastectomy supply store to get another surgical bra and they
    informed me that my insurance would pay for my post mastectomy bras and puff - wow what a
    difference I felt like I was comfortable going out in public again. My local store said I
    could have come in sooner had I known - so if you have a store in your area (check the
    yellow pages or internet) but definitely check it out; your insurance may pay for surgical bras for drains, etc. Also my surgeon and oncologist said to wait a good 6 to 8 weeks for
    prosthesis fitting (after tenderness and swelling are gone). I waited 10 weeks (probably could have been sooner but I was so comfortable with my puff I didn't want to rush it - plus I was still sore). Once fitted with the prosthesis it was a world of difference - wonderful.
    Only a short period of adjustment (in my mind, my body was fine with it). It's reached the
    point where first thing in morning I put on my prosthesis and feel like it is really a part
    of me. In fact I realized several weeks ago that I'm as back to normal as I'll ever be.
    Been outside gardening,painting, etc. I'm so very comfortable with it. I hope you have the
    same good experience I have. Sorry for rambling but if I can help in any way pls let me
  • survives
    survives Member Posts: 254 Member
    EdnaM said:

    I'm keeping you in my prayers. I had a mastectomy (right only) on April 21 and also had decided not to have reconstruction. Nerves boy do I relate to that; but once I made that
    big decision and actually had schedule I was more calm - hopefully it will be that way with
    you. Initially I wasn't aware that I could get a "puff" so it was probably 6 weeks after
    surgery that I went to a local mastectomy supply store to get another surgical bra and they
    informed me that my insurance would pay for my post mastectomy bras and puff - wow what a
    difference I felt like I was comfortable going out in public again. My local store said I
    could have come in sooner had I known - so if you have a store in your area (check the
    yellow pages or internet) but definitely check it out; your insurance may pay for surgical bras for drains, etc. Also my surgeon and oncologist said to wait a good 6 to 8 weeks for
    prosthesis fitting (after tenderness and swelling are gone). I waited 10 weeks (probably could have been sooner but I was so comfortable with my puff I didn't want to rush it - plus I was still sore). Once fitted with the prosthesis it was a world of difference - wonderful.
    Only a short period of adjustment (in my mind, my body was fine with it). It's reached the
    point where first thing in morning I put on my prosthesis and feel like it is really a part
    of me. In fact I realized several weeks ago that I'm as back to normal as I'll ever be.
    Been outside gardening,painting, etc. I'm so very comfortable with it. I hope you have the
    same good experience I have. Sorry for rambling but if I can help in any way pls let me

    Edna and I had the same time table---
    My mastectomy was on the left, and my hold up was because of an infection that took forever at the tube site. Once that cleared, it was smooth sailing. I think my daughter ordered from Jodee, and I got my poofy from them, and a leasure bra that hooks in the front. It was/is so very comfortable. ACS gave me my prothesis. Check with your imaging center to see. Mine came from an oraganization called "Bosom Buddies", and I didn't have to by my first one, OR my first first bra, for that matter.

    Like I said, once the infection healed, I was off an running. The ONLY think I don't like about the prothesis is that here in Texas it gets uncomfortably hot, and my solution is......take it off!!!! :-) You will get a sense of "normalcy" with the "foob".

    Wishing you the best, and hoping for a speedy recovery.
  • EdnaM
    EdnaM Member Posts: 30
    survives said:

    Edna and I had the same time table---
    My mastectomy was on the left, and my hold up was because of an infection that took forever at the tube site. Once that cleared, it was smooth sailing. I think my daughter ordered from Jodee, and I got my poofy from them, and a leasure bra that hooks in the front. It was/is so very comfortable. ACS gave me my prothesis. Check with your imaging center to see. Mine came from an oraganization called "Bosom Buddies", and I didn't have to by my first one, OR my first first bra, for that matter.

    Like I said, once the infection healed, I was off an running. The ONLY think I don't like about the prothesis is that here in Texas it gets uncomfortably hot, and my solution is......take it off!!!! :-) You will get a sense of "normalcy" with the "foob".

    Wishing you the best, and hoping for a speedy recovery.

    Definitely need to check out insurance. I'm older and with a medicare advantage company - my insurance covered the puff and 2 post surgical bras then when i was ready for prosthesis my
    insurance covered full cost of it plus 4 bras. Each year I will be able to get 4 bras and every 2 years a new prosthesis (store where I deal told me many insurance companies will provide 6 bras and new prosthesis each year). Side note if you gain or loose weight my store
    will get new prescription from my Dr. and then insurance will allow the same number of new bras and a prosthesis in new size any time within that year.
    I'm fortunate to have a store within a very short distance of home and they were so knowlegable on insurance that I didn't need to do any more inquiring just hand them my prescription.
    Also, survives if correct warm weather is a bummer - I'm in PA and we had
    an unusally hot summer and prosthesis definitely was not as comfortable as it is now. I
    went back to my puff on the really hot, humid days - too large busted to take it off - or I would have.
    Good Luck
  • hoop77
    hoop77 Member Posts: 84
    Hello Ann,
    So sorry for what

    Hello Ann,
    So sorry for what you are having to deal with. I remember the nerves and fear all too well. I was diagnosed in April and had a bi-lateral mastectomy 2 weeks later. I did the reconstruction and just had my expanders replaced with implants 3 weeks ago. I can't answer your questions about bras after surgery since I took the reconstruction route. I can tell you that the surgery and recovery are really not bad, totally doable. I am so happy with the path I chose and the end results. I hope you find some peace and calm after scheduling your surgery. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. Good luck!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I had bilateral mastectomy June 22, 2010 and no reconstruction. I bought 2 post mastectomy camisoles to hold the drains but my insurance didn't cover them. However, once healed I went to a specialty store my insurance approved and got my silicone prostheses and 3 bras and 1 leisure bra with weighted foam prostheses. I can go back every year for new bras and if my weight has changed and I need new prosthesis they'll be covered. Good luck with surgery.
    {[hugs}} Char
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    Hi Ann
    I had bilat mast. June 09,You might ask your onc. about some ativan for your anxiety, it was a life-saver for me during surgery recovery and chemo. Before my mast. I purchased a cotton camisol at the boobie store,it had train tube pockets, inserts so it looked like I still had boobs, and was very comfortable. I wore it all the time! and my insurance eventually paid for it as a post surgical garment. I received my treatment in Spokane and next door to my cancer treatment center was a shop that carried all the goods for bc patients, they also took care of the insurance billing. Having someone in the know help you pick the right garment for you is very helpful! Prayers for you.. and look forward to hearing more.
    God Bless,
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    You Will Be Fine
    Hi Ann!

    I so understand your anxiety about your masectomy - I was a basket case before surgery - seriously, who wouldn't be but as you can see all of us who have posted came thru with flying colors and you will too! I had my masectomy 2 1/2 years ago and opted not to go the reconstruction route. Didn't want to deal with more doctors, surgeries and just wanted to get back to my life as soon as possible. My husband was fine with my decision. Everyone's advice about the prothesis is right. Look in the yellow pages to find a shop and most insurance will pay part if not all of what you need. My fake boob shop is great - both ladies had b/c so are especially understanding. I had some old Vanity Fair bras that had a pocket and I just stuffed the one side with some stuffing - a la pre high school!!!!! It was 6 weeks later that i could get fitted for the prothesis. As for the hot summers, I think it gets better with time but I also got some padded masectomy bras and the one side I can put one of the soft shells in and that helps. As far as the surgery goes, I had very little pain - was on Tylenol by evening. The worst part was the drain. I started the exercises they gave me right away and started back to yoga and my normal exercises as soon as I got the OK and I think that really helped. I have had no problems. I will be more than happy to answer any specific questions you may have.

    Just keep positive thoughts going.
    Hugs, Sally
  • Bill.S
    Bill.S Member Posts: 177
    My local ACS office has a "store" where they give away free supplies. Check with the ACS in your area.
    Naturally they couldnt help me.
    Bill S
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Bill.S said:

    My local ACS office has a "store" where they give away free supplies. Check with the ACS in your area.
    Naturally they couldnt help me.
    Bill S

    I go to a specialty store
    I go to a specialty store where I live. i used the camisoles they were better than the bras for me. I also got a jaqui jacket from susan Komen, it is a blazer type jacket that has pockets to hold the drains. with it getting colder it might be something you would want. It is free. hugs to you you will feel better whenits over. My surgeon put anerve block in so I was not in any real pain first night post op and oral meds took care of it when the block wore off.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    EdnaM said:

    I'm keeping you in my prayers. I had a mastectomy (right only) on April 21 and also had decided not to have reconstruction. Nerves boy do I relate to that; but once I made that
    big decision and actually had schedule I was more calm - hopefully it will be that way with
    you. Initially I wasn't aware that I could get a "puff" so it was probably 6 weeks after
    surgery that I went to a local mastectomy supply store to get another surgical bra and they
    informed me that my insurance would pay for my post mastectomy bras and puff - wow what a
    difference I felt like I was comfortable going out in public again. My local store said I
    could have come in sooner had I known - so if you have a store in your area (check the
    yellow pages or internet) but definitely check it out; your insurance may pay for surgical bras for drains, etc. Also my surgeon and oncologist said to wait a good 6 to 8 weeks for
    prosthesis fitting (after tenderness and swelling are gone). I waited 10 weeks (probably could have been sooner but I was so comfortable with my puff I didn't want to rush it - plus I was still sore). Once fitted with the prosthesis it was a world of difference - wonderful.
    Only a short period of adjustment (in my mind, my body was fine with it). It's reached the
    point where first thing in morning I put on my prosthesis and feel like it is really a part
    of me. In fact I realized several weeks ago that I'm as back to normal as I'll ever be.
    Been outside gardening,painting, etc. I'm so very comfortable with it. I hope you have the
    same good experience I have. Sorry for rambling but if I can help in any way pls let me

    Putting you in my prayers
    Putting you in my prayers Ann for a successful surgery and a quick recovery!