I carried you all with me this weekend!!!!!

chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Some of you ( ok~ MOST of you) know that I am happily married to a Native American~ an amazing man in his own right, and on top of that, a Tribal elder, a spiritual man, and one so involved in the renewal and preservation of his culture. I am honored daily to be in his company, and the company of his tribe.
His Tribe, the Chumash of Coastal California was for generations, a sea-faring Tribe, and their island home was 22 miles from the mainland on what was called Limuw. It is now part of the Channel Islands National Parks, but is revered by the Tribe, and most recently by the Parks service as well. The early Chumash were known to make plank canoes from redwood, held together by the natural pitch and pine tar in the area, and they men fished and traded to sustain life for them and their families.
In 2001, the Tribe built a new plank canoe (Tomol in the Chumash language) and for the first time in over 150 years, Native men from the Tribe traversed the waters to the Island that their ancestors called home over 10,000 years previously! This journey has now been made every September since...and I have been honored to welcome the paddlers to the Island. It is by no means a re-enactment of past events in the life of the Tribe, rather, it is a ceremonial homecoming each year. Between Thursday and Saturday AM about 200 family members and friends take a Park Service boat to the Island and set up camp. I went on Thursday, set up my tent, and re-connectcted with many of my friends from the Chumash Nation I only see once a year. Many come from hundreds of miles for this emotional, spiritual homecoming and reunion. It is beyond description...

The waters on he way to the island are generally filled with of thousands(!!!!) of dolphins surfing in the swell of the boat and mosre importantly, swimming alongside and underneath the Tomol as it crosses the ocean. The paddlers leave the harbor at 3AM, and take turns, 4 at a time, paddling for 10 hours until they reach the shore. The dolphins are their constant companions, and play a big part in the lore of the Tribe...they have a survival story of being related to the dolphins, so they feel it is a good omen.

On Thursday morning, there were almost NO dolphins in the waters. Suddenly, the captain of the boat turned and showed us why...there was a family of Killer Whales in the ocean, swimming alongside us! A HUGE papa whale, as big and majestic as Shamu, 2 females, and a baby jumped in and out of the waves for over 20 minutes !!! I have never seen an orca up close and personal in the wild~ to say I was astonished would be an understatement. What a blessing to see such magnificent creatures in their home territory!

On Saturday morning, after a long paddle ( the men paddle on their knees and just paddle and paddle...the canoe is 22' long and the paddles are 11' in length) we welcomed them ashore with Native songs. Later that evening there was a wedding held at the camp~ one of the Chumash women is a judge in Los Angeles, and performed the ceremony with all of us in attendance! Later that night, Reggie and the group he sings with performed for the couple and the Tribal members..so beautiful.

On Sunday morning, at 6AM, I walked the 1/4 mile to the beach for the sunrise service. I was part of a circle, and as each person enters the circle, they are first cleansed with burning sage, and given a pinch of tobacco to ofer into the firepit or into the ocean. Counter-Clockwise, each steps forward to the firepit and offers a thanks or a prayer or a song. The prayers or thanks can be given silently...nothing is expected of anyone. I was 4th in the circle. The 30th person startled and shocked me. Her husband is a paddler with mine and she announced to the group that she wanted to acknowledge her inspriation...ME! (whaaaat???) She said that I was fighting a battle and handling it with grace, dignity and beauty~ and that she aspired to live her life the way I live mine. Now, I know I can write, but in person, I am a quiet, non assuming person. To be singled out was almost overwhelming! Especially at 6 in the morning! She left the circle, came over to me and asked if she had my permission to hug me. Well yeah~ by then I was a melted pile of weepy emotions!

We had breakfast with our extended family, tore down our campsite, and headed to the dock to catch the Park Service boat back to the mainland. The Tomol will be towed back next week.

I know I haven't done the weekend justice. But by being away I missed welcoming new ones to the BC family, missed congratulating birthday celebrants, good dr visits, and a host of other things happening here on the boards!

I am still tired ( imagine that!) but getting back into the swing of things.

I love you all...


  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Sounds AMAZING!
    Wow. I can only imagine what your weekend was like! Just reading your post I felt like I was watching a movie or reading a novel! Sounds like an amazing time:) Thanks for sharing. :)

  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member
    sal314 said:

    Sounds AMAZING!
    Wow. I can only imagine what your weekend was like! Just reading your post I felt like I was watching a movie or reading a novel! Sounds like an amazing time:) Thanks for sharing. :)


    Having worked on my own geneaology for about 3 years, I am very proud because my family has been on this soil since at least 1630, but WOW, 10,000 years! One thing we have lost over these 380 years, is TRADITION. I'm not sure though that anyone ever had as much tradition as the Indians. They possessed a healthy respect for life, animals, and all of nature. Certainly this lead to many of their practices - an amazing people!

    Sounds as though you had a wonderful weekend, thanks for sharing.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Having worked on my own geneaology for about 3 years, I am very proud because my family has been on this soil since at least 1630, but WOW, 10,000 years! One thing we have lost over these 380 years, is TRADITION. I'm not sure though that anyone ever had as much tradition as the Indians. They possessed a healthy respect for life, animals, and all of nature. Certainly this lead to many of their practices - an amazing people!

    Sounds as though you had a wonderful weekend, thanks for sharing.


    you really make it come alive
    you really make it come alive in your writing. such a wonderful thing to be part of this and the history and heritage. I do not doubt you inspire many, you do not have to be loud and self promoting to be respected. Your quiet calm strenght helps so many
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    I think that she was right
    I think that she was right on target with her praise of you. I sent you a pm that said much of the same thing. What a coincidence or not. Perhaps the very words that she was saying travelled through the heavens and entered my head. I have always felt that kind words, deeds etc. can have a life of their own. In any case, I can think of no one that I would want to honor more at an event than you dear Chenheart. You are the spirit of kindness, the enbodiment of caring and truly a good person. Through our lives we all wish to leave a mark, to touch lives. You have done that to the max. I am so often awed by you and it is wonderful to see that you are in person every bit as lovely as you are on this board. My mother often said that we lead by example. You are a true leader. I salute you my dear friend.
  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431
    fauxma said:

    I think that she was right
    I think that she was right on target with her praise of you. I sent you a pm that said much of the same thing. What a coincidence or not. Perhaps the very words that she was saying travelled through the heavens and entered my head. I have always felt that kind words, deeds etc. can have a life of their own. In any case, I can think of no one that I would want to honor more at an event than you dear Chenheart. You are the spirit of kindness, the enbodiment of caring and truly a good person. Through our lives we all wish to leave a mark, to touch lives. You have done that to the max. I am so often awed by you and it is wonderful to see that you are in person every bit as lovely as you are on this board. My mother often said that we lead by example. You are a true leader. I salute you my dear friend.

    So Beautiful!
    I felt like I was there with you! How moving!And for the record, you have handled this with grace, dignity and beauty and are an inspiration to me and many on this board!

    God bless,

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    fauxma said:

    I think that she was right
    I think that she was right on target with her praise of you. I sent you a pm that said much of the same thing. What a coincidence or not. Perhaps the very words that she was saying travelled through the heavens and entered my head. I have always felt that kind words, deeds etc. can have a life of their own. In any case, I can think of no one that I would want to honor more at an event than you dear Chenheart. You are the spirit of kindness, the enbodiment of caring and truly a good person. Through our lives we all wish to leave a mark, to touch lives. You have done that to the max. I am so often awed by you and it is wonderful to see that you are in person every bit as lovely as you are on this board. My mother often said that we lead by example. You are a true leader. I salute you my dear friend.

    I did indeed get your

    I did indeed get your PM; I am still basking in it, if that makes sense. I was incredibly touched by your words, and am absolutely going to write you back! It is just that I am tired, and still don't have enough hours in the day to take care of the things I need/want to do.
    I hope that next week brings good news and a modicum of peace~ starting Monday I have a mammogram, labs, a chest xray and I see my oncologist. No wonder I am filling my days with too much activity!

    Thanks again, Stef. You are special.

  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    What a beautiful weekend!
    I can just imagine how wonderful it was. I'm glad that you were able to enjoy it. Yes, we definitely missed you while you were gone, but we understand and are glad that you are back. You are a beautiful woman inside & out and this site wouldn't be the same without you. Thanks for everything Chen. Hugs, Jean
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    chenheart said:

    I did indeed get your

    I did indeed get your PM; I am still basking in it, if that makes sense. I was incredibly touched by your words, and am absolutely going to write you back! It is just that I am tired, and still don't have enough hours in the day to take care of the things I need/want to do.
    I hope that next week brings good news and a modicum of peace~ starting Monday I have a mammogram, labs, a chest xray and I see my oncologist. No wonder I am filling my days with too much activity!

    Thanks again, Stef. You are special.


    You take your time

    You take your time and don't even worry about a reply to the pm. I only mentioned it because it struck me how I sent it with words so similar to your tribute on the island. I will keep you securely in my prayers that the tests all have the most positive outcome. Filling the days with "other" activities is a great way to keep from thinking about all of these tests and visits, so fill away. A facial, a mani/pedi, a massage, dinner out, visiting with friends, riding with the killer whales, whatever helps to fill your time with happiness is golden.
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Jean 0609 said:

    What a beautiful weekend!
    I can just imagine how wonderful it was. I'm glad that you were able to enjoy it. Yes, we definitely missed you while you were gone, but we understand and are glad that you are back. You are a beautiful woman inside & out and this site wouldn't be the same without you. Thanks for everything Chen. Hugs, Jean

    Chen-I loved reading your post today.
    Your weekend sounded so spiritual and meaningful. How wonderful to be a part of something so profound.

    Your description was so beautiful--I felt like I was there. Thank you for sharing with us.

    Hugs, Renee
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    Thank you so much
    Thank you so much, not only for taking us with you, but for so beautifully describing this truly wonderful ceremony. Your descriptions were wonderful. I could actually see the whales swimming next to the boats. The fact that you were honored during the ceremony, I don't think, surprises any of us. Your grace and dignity (as well as great sense of humor) has helped so many of us here.

    Thank you again.

  • cookie97
    cookie97 Member Posts: 200
    Thank you
    Thank you so much for taking us all with you. What a fabulous picture you have painted for us all, I feel as if I have been there.
    Get some much deserved rest and good luck with all your tests.

    Peace and Love,
  • survives
    survives Member Posts: 254 Member
    cookie97 said:

    Thank you
    Thank you so much for taking us all with you. What a fabulous picture you have painted for us all, I feel as if I have been there.
    Get some much deserved rest and good luck with all your tests.

    Peace and Love,

    What a wonderful experience!
    And you brought it to life! What an honor for you to be embraced by that woman like that. Take her words to heart. I haven't been here very long, but you are truly one of grace, Chenheart!

    Relax and rest, then enjoy your next adventure.........whatever it is!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    in reading your post I kept thinking about how wonderful an experience you were part of. The traditions of old are very special indeed! I'm in awe and especially loved hearing about the orca whales. When visiting my sister who lives on Widbey Island, WA this past April I read many a sign about the orcas. I also read about and took pictures of the Maiden of the Sea (a totem pole). They were all about nature, land, water and animals. This will definitely be an event you will not forget. Thanks for sharing :-)
    {{hugs}} Char
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    in reading your post I kept thinking about how wonderful an experience you were part of. The traditions of old are very special indeed! I'm in awe and especially loved hearing about the orca whales. When visiting my sister who lives on Widbey Island, WA this past April I read many a sign about the orcas. I also read about and took pictures of the Maiden of the Sea (a totem pole). They were all about nature, land, water and animals. This will definitely be an event you will not forget. Thanks for sharing :-)
    {{hugs}} Char

    Warrior - Sister ChenHeart -- How wonderful to read and
    experience this VERY special journey with you .. Your written words captured me .. pulled into a world I do not know. How absolutely surreal ... As I read - I invisioned lovely Daniel Day Lewis type of men (last of the Mohican's) paying tribute to their culture and way of life. What beautiful surroundings with folliage, friends, tribal council members who adore and love you. And imagine that, another women who found you soooooo inspirational.

    Being pulled in the blessed circle and given 'sage' .. the healing power, ever so great was bestoled on you, our dear ChenHeart - cumliation spirits.

    Vicki Sam