Strange New Side Effect

Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1

Has anyone else experienced a peculiar sensation running up your spine? It is not really pain, but more like a throbbing sensation that starts at the base of the spine and runs up to my neck. This is a brand new 'side effect'. I don't know if its from the chemo, the Neulasta or the pharmacy full of other meds to counteract the side effects of the chemo and the Neulasta! What a ride!

I finished chemo a week and a half ago and this started just a few days ago. The throbbing (especailly the neck and base of spine) is uncomfortable and a little scary.




  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    Sounds Neulasta related to me
    Just a guess
  • Snowkitty
    Snowkitty Member Posts: 295
    I second that.

    I second that.

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    adverse effects
    Here are the common neulasta adverse effects listed by epocrates:
    bone pain
    musculoskeletal pain
    injection site rxn
    elevated alk phos
    elevated LDH
    abdominal pain
    flank pain
  • Chickadee1955
    Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member

    adverse effects
    Here are the common neulasta adverse effects listed by epocrates:
    bone pain
    musculoskeletal pain
    injection site rxn
    elevated alk phos
    elevated LDH
    abdominal pain
    flank pain

    You have no business


    You have no business looking so great at 60!! I'm hoping AFTER reconstruction I can post a photo that looks that good.

    I'm thinking this is Neulasta related, too. I'll look up the epocrates list, CypCyn, thanks for the info! (Love the hat!!)

  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Yes, I do.
    I used to call it my "broken back" feeling. I named all my weird funky symptoms. That one was particularly uncomfortable!

    Hang in there sweetie.

    Blessings and hugs to you,

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    You have no business


    You have no business looking so great at 60!! I'm hoping AFTER reconstruction I can post a photo that looks that good.

    I'm thinking this is Neulasta related, too. I'll look up the epocrates list, CypCyn, thanks for the info! (Love the hat!!)


    Hey, that is my lucky Saints
    Hey, that is my lucky Saints outfit and it worked tonight, but, whew, that was a fight!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    sea60 said:

    Yes, I do.
    I used to call it my "broken back" feeling. I named all my weird funky symptoms. That one was particularly uncomfortable!

    Hang in there sweetie.

    Blessings and hugs to you,


    people have said they take
    people have said they take claritin for neulasta side effects. I never did but they said it helped.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    carkris said:

    people have said they take
    people have said they take claritin for neulasta side effects. I never did but they said it helped.

    CC .. I also was checking out your hat .. late here and
    my eyes are crossing - then I recognized your Saint's shirt .. I go it .. the total outfit! Love it ...

    Mrs. Peyton Manning
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Not to scare you (just scared you uh? )
    I recieved Neaulasta shots. I would wake with what felt like spasms down and in my spine. Sometimes so severe my head would jerk backwards. Now when they drew labs, this was the next to the last chemo, my WBC's were 75,000. Norm is 4-5000 depending on ur lab. Advil helped mine. I have never refused anything they've thrown at me, but I did refuse the last shot. Think my WBC's were high enough to fight infection. lol Good luck, Katz
  • missingtexas
    missingtexas Member Posts: 146
    I agree
    I agree about the Neulasta...and the Claritin. I would get such horrible pains in my hips and lower back that I couldn't get out of bed. The docs and nurses in Pittsburgh swore by the Claritin. I had been taking narcotics for the pain and decided to try the Claritin. It actually helped the pain instead of just masking it like the narcotics did. Try it...worst case scenerio you'll breath better :) Hope you feel better!!
  • Chickadee1955
    Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member

    I agree
    I agree about the Neulasta...and the Claritin. I would get such horrible pains in my hips and lower back that I couldn't get out of bed. The docs and nurses in Pittsburgh swore by the Claritin. I had been taking narcotics for the pain and decided to try the Claritin. It actually helped the pain instead of just masking it like the narcotics did. Try it...worst case scenerio you'll breath better :) Hope you feel better!!

    As always, you Ladies are
    As always, you Ladies are there for me!

    I have recommended this board to so many folks because of the great support and knowledge base. Some of these side effects would send me screaming to the ER if I hadn't had all of you to turn to for reassurance. Thanks!!

    I'll try the Claritin.
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    A number of my friends (myself included) developed new aches and pains after finishing chemo that we hadn't had before. I went through a period where it felt like every tendon in my body was aching - almost like everything wa sgetting ready to cramp. Once we compared all the weird things we experienced after chemo, we started calling it chemo withdrawal. While I was getting rads, I asked my radiation oncologist about it and she said that a lot of women do continue to "cycle" with their side effects after chemo and do develop new ones. Sure enough, I could track on the calendar every three weeks my crazy symptoms would occur at the same times I had symptoms after chemo. It keeps getting less and less each time but silly me, I thought once the side effects started going away, they would stay away....