Double Mastectomy Anniversary coming up...

SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
9-9-09 has been so branded in my brain but somehow I looked down at my watch today and it dawned on my that it was this time a year ago when I was at my absolute lowest.

I've come so far from that day but remembering how I felt brings it all back and my pinks have turned into the blues.

Anyone feel this way on certain anniversary or cancer milestone dates?

Ho hum ho hum sniff snort sniff.



  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Yes, even after 23 years.
    Yes, even after 23 years. Sometimes, when I have a bad day (especially in February--my canniversary), I look down at the fake girls and think how much I miss my old girls. I think it is perfectly normal. We have been through so much. And you came to the right place because who else will understand as well as your Pink Sisters! Keep fighting SamuraiMom!
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    That's the little number on my brain - the date I had my masectomy and I was lower than low. I think it's perfectly normal we remember and I try not to dwell but look at how far I've come. So have a little pity party, shed a tear or two if need be and then CELEBRATE that you've been free of cancer for one year! And there are many many happy years to look forward to.

    Hugs, Sally
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    That's the little number on my brain - the date I had my masectomy and I was lower than low. I think it's perfectly normal we remember and I try not to dwell but look at how far I've come. So have a little pity party, shed a tear or two if need be and then CELEBRATE that you've been free of cancer for one year! And there are many many happy years to look forward to.

    Hugs, Sally

    Free of cancer anniversary
    i do remember that day. Pumping morphine or something similar I wanted this day to be over. I do not remember being sad, just wanted never hear about cancer again. I did not know that Chemo and radiation are to come.
    Please look at this day from positive prospective and celebrate life and your great accomplishments since that critical day!
  • Third_Generation
    Third_Generation Member Posts: 121
    Good Morning,Samurai,

    Good Morning,Samurai,
    Hope you are having a happy pink day now. I do not always remember all my important life dates but never forget the date my mom died of cancer or that she was buried on my birthday. I still miss her - she died In '91. I think there are days we need to "non- celebrate" - they are important to our lives and need to be recognized even though they make us sad. You deserve to have a blue day and even feel sorry for your self. I truly think that as long as those feelings do not overwhelm us or stay they are part of the healing process. ...and that process is life long.
    Good luck in all you do,
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Good Morning,Samurai,

    Good Morning,Samurai,
    Hope you are having a happy pink day now. I do not always remember all my important life dates but never forget the date my mom died of cancer or that she was buried on my birthday. I still miss her - she died In '91. I think there are days we need to "non- celebrate" - they are important to our lives and need to be recognized even though they make us sad. You deserve to have a blue day and even feel sorry for your self. I truly think that as long as those feelings do not overwhelm us or stay they are part of the healing process. ...and that process is life long.
    Good luck in all you do,

    There are 2 days that are burned into my brain ...
    August 14, 2009 ... the day I was told by my general surgeon that I had DCIS - stage 1 breast cancer, and I was also HER2 neu positive -- tumor size of a golf ball, cuz I couldn't get my mind around cm size .. my doctor described the cancer in rounded object .. actual cancer --- size as golf ball, she removed the size of an orange -- to get clear margins.

    January 17th, 2010 .. the day my breast cancer specialist, Dr. Harness give my husband Peter and myself, the news that I was dancing with NED .. nodes clean and no signs of cancer - left in my left breast - 18 weeks of consective chemo did the trick.... this was 1 week exactly after my bilateral mact-my.

    Good luck and happy celebrating .. dear SamuraiMom ..

    Vicki Sam
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    Milestones, I remember I just couldn't beleive they were going to cut off my breasts. I remember thinking, "I'm going to be an amputee". I know, a little dramatic.
    God is good and I'm so happy to be here, just livin life!
  • wendybia
    wendybia Member Posts: 73
    I'll say a little prayer

    for you.....I imagine it is tough. I've got sometime before my 1 year and it will be 12/21, not sure what that will mean for the holidays but I'm sure I'll pray for strength. So that's my prayer for you...God to give you peace and strength.

  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    You've come a long way
    Samurai Mom! Here's to a much better future!
    {{hugs}} Char
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    I'm Not There Yet
    But I have already been thinking about it. I had my bad news mammogram on December 29th of last year and have even debated whether I really wanted to be on vacation this year on the anniversary or whether I would rather be busy. I'm sure there are many of those anniversaries that will be etched in my brain for a while to come. But it is also a celebration of having gotten through it so I send my hugs for positive thoughts and my congratulations of getting past another milestone!

  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    It hasn't been a year yet for me.
    However, I'm sure I'll have the same blue days when they roll around. Hope you are feeling better today. Unfortunately, we have those down days, even if it isn't a anniversary date. Luckily for me, I have more up days. Hang in there. You are an inspiration to all of us. Hugs, Jean