first Zometa infusion

laurissa Member Posts: 773
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
It went well. I was expecting more side effects like flu symptoms, but nothing. It was strange going back to the chemo recliner again and having my port used. Its been 6 months and I never had it flushed-I know, I got yelled at! But it worked fine. I hope it knocks the H out of my bone met. Another pet scan in 6 months. Anyone else starting Zometa or been on it? How are you doing with it?


  • owly
    owly Member Posts: 10
    I got a high fever the day
    I got a high fever the day after my first Zometa. Other than that a little achey, but fine.

    I hope you kick your met's ****.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I have been on it since
    I have been on it since April 2009. So far so good!
  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member
    Next Friday will be my 6th infusion of Zometa. The first week wasn't great. About 5 hours after treatment my knees started aching, then overnight for two nights my temperature got up to 101. I was pretty achy for a few days and my bones hurt some. The thing is, I had Z along with Taxol and Herceptin,who knows,maybe it was the combination that caused everything! My onc told me ahead of time what to expect. My subsequent treatments have been much better.

    Wishing you well! MM
  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399

    Next Friday will be my 6th infusion of Zometa. The first week wasn't great. About 5 hours after treatment my knees started aching, then overnight for two nights my temperature got up to 101. I was pretty achy for a few days and my bones hurt some. The thing is, I had Z along with Taxol and Herceptin,who knows,maybe it was the combination that caused everything! My onc told me ahead of time what to expect. My subsequent treatments have been much better.

    Wishing you well! MM

    Drink lots of water...LOTS of Water!
    The day of my first Zometa treatment, I left the infusion center and drove to my daughter's. I was thinking "this is nothing, I feel great".

    The next day I awoke feeling achy, but well enough to drive the 60 miles to my home. However, by the time I arrived home I was in bad shape. I had fever, chills, pain everywhere, and was sick to my stomach. Even my hair hurt...really! I could not even climb the stairs to our living space. Fortunately, we have a guest area with a bathroom on the first floor. I holed up in there for the next 3 days, able only to take water and juice. Hubbydearest waited on me hand and foot.

    Had I known then that I should have started drinking lots of water the day before the treatment, all day the day of, and continued the next few days, I probably would not have suffered so much. That was last September. So far, I've been fine with the monthly treatments. But I'm careful to drink lots of water (helps guard the kidneys too), and get plenty of rest before and after the treatment.

    Laurissa, I hope you do well with your treatments. Remember...drink WATER. Other liquids are good too, but remember that other kinds of fluids do make your system work harder than water does. God Bless you. Gracie
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003

    Drink lots of water...LOTS of Water!
    The day of my first Zometa treatment, I left the infusion center and drove to my daughter's. I was thinking "this is nothing, I feel great".

    The next day I awoke feeling achy, but well enough to drive the 60 miles to my home. However, by the time I arrived home I was in bad shape. I had fever, chills, pain everywhere, and was sick to my stomach. Even my hair hurt...really! I could not even climb the stairs to our living space. Fortunately, we have a guest area with a bathroom on the first floor. I holed up in there for the next 3 days, able only to take water and juice. Hubbydearest waited on me hand and foot.

    Had I known then that I should have started drinking lots of water the day before the treatment, all day the day of, and continued the next few days, I probably would not have suffered so much. That was last September. So far, I've been fine with the monthly treatments. But I'm careful to drink lots of water (helps guard the kidneys too), and get plenty of rest before and after the treatment.

    Laurissa, I hope you do well with your treatments. Remember...drink WATER. Other liquids are good too, but remember that other kinds of fluids do make your system work harder than water does. God Bless you. Gracie

    I have been on Zometa for 2
    I have been on Zometa for 2 years and have not had any problems. I do get a little achy for a couple days, usually my legs. I do drink a lot of water.
  • positivethoughts
    positivethoughts Member Posts: 7
    Just had #6
    I also got sick with my first treatment. However, the rest have been nothing. I was diagnosed with the bone met at the same time as the original breast cancer. I am still waiting for the surgery and radiation. The Zometa is so easy, I have to remind myself that I really do have a serious illness.
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    owly said:

    I got a high fever the day
    I got a high fever the day after my first Zometa. Other than that a little achey, but fine.

    I hope you kick your met's ****.

    Just wishing you good luck
    Just wishing you good luck Laurissa on Zometa!

    ♥ Noel
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I feel fine too but....
    I have been getting monthly infusions since May 2009. Just like you, I have noticed nothing. No side effects. My BUN and creatinine (kidney function tests) are creeping up (not good--you want those numbers low). So do listen about drinking a lot of water. Since I've been exercising and hydrating more, my numbers are a tad lower. I am determined to not have to stop treatment.
  • wendybia
    wendybia Member Posts: 73
    great timing
    I have my first infusion next friday....thanks for the water advice.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    wendybia said:

    great timing
    I have my first infusion next friday....thanks for the water advice.

    thats good to know because
    thats good to know because my first infusion wasnt great. I get it twice a year so am hoping the next one will be better!
  • iowasignterp
    iowasignterp Member Posts: 55
    i had a high fever too
    i had a high fever after my first zometa treatment. went into the e.r. because i was in the 103 range, extremely sleepy, and i had just started my xeloda chemo pills a couple of days prior. they gave me an antibiotic. my next treatment is this friday and we will see how that goes. i will try to drink lots of water, though.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    wishing you well on the Zometa infusions. I hope side effects are minimal. The day I had my first chemo a woman sitting in the next cubicle was getting her monthly Zometa. She has been getting it since 2006.
    {[hugs}} Char
  • ohilly
    ohilly Member Posts: 441
    I don't want to scare you, but after being on Zometa for 2 years, I developed Osteonecrosis of the Jaw with no warning. I was aware of this side effect, and was very careful not to have any dental procedures, yet I still developed ONJ.

    Be very aware of your mouth or any unusual soreness, etc.

    Good luck,
