newbie diag with DCIS

drea Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello, i am a newbie diagnoised with DCIS last tues 8/30..i have made my mind up to have a mastectomy..however, i do not know if want reconstruction or the prosthetics. I am so confused,sad and scared.


  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Hi Drea
    I know you are drea. We have all been there, but, it does get better. It just takes some time for it to all sink in.

    I had a lumpectomy and radiation treatments. Many here have had a mastectomy and can reply better to you if you have questions about that.

    You have found a great group of sisters in pink that will support, help and encourage you with any treatment that you may have.

    Good luck,

  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
    almost newbie
    hi drea,i found out in may i had breast cancer had a mastectomy in june i was faced with the over whelming news I decided to wait until next year before reconstruction it's to much to deal with right now,i also had 8 positive lymph nodes i still stay on the internet learning things I had the type of mastectomy surgery that if i decided to have reconstruction i could theirs a name for it. pray about everything you decide to do God will lead you along with your team of dr.s
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    Bomarded at First
    Hi Drea!

    So sorry you are here but this board is a great place for comfort, support and info. I had a masectomy 2 1/2 years ago. I didn't do reconstruction - I just didn't want to deal with more doctors and surgeries at the time and I knew I could change my mind at a later date.
    There are lots of others who have made the decision for reconstruction and others who are like me. It's such a personal decision. My age probably had a lot to do with it - I was 58 and my husband and I have been married well over 30 years - if I had been younger and single - who knows. I seriously don't think anyone can tell which of my boobs is fake and which is real (as long as I'm dressed!!!).

    All I can tell you is try and get as much info as you can and then go with what feels right for YOU!

    There will be light at the end of the tunnel. Hugs, Sally
  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    I would suggest you have a
    I would suggest you have a consultation with a plastic surgeon to talk about reconstruction possibilities. The more information you have, the better decision you can make for yourself. When I was dx'd, I decided on a matectomy w/o reconstruction. However, I went for a consultation with plastic surgeon rec. by my surgeon. I was pleased to learn more...and also the ps suggested that I wait until I heal from the mastectomy and then I could have reconsruction if I decided I wanted it. Right now, I am not inclined to go that way. is a personal decision. You will decide what is right for you.
    I know it is all overwhelming now.......try to take one thing at a time.... the more information you get, you will be less scared. We are all here for you... sending you good vibes and hugs.........
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Welcome Drea
    I'm sorry for the reason you are here but I 'm glad you found us. I was Dx last May, I know how overwhelmed you are right now. It will level out. The more you learn the easier it will get. And the wealth of knowledge you will get here will help immensely. Read back post. I did and i can't tell you how much that helped me. I am having a mastectomy late this year after chemo, and then after surgery I have Radiation 6 weeks. I have decided not to have reconstruction. I am 52 years old and it just isn't that important to me. Plus I don't want to go through the extra surgery's. That is always a personal choice. Try and keep your spirits up it helps. You will get stronger every day. And we are all here what ever you need Information, advise, guidance, just to vent, A ear any time at all. You got us. Take care {{{HUGS}}} Kay
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Welcome Drea,
    Sorry you are here, however, I'm glad you found us. You will find all the information that you need here. The decision regarding reconstruction can only be made by you. Others here can tell you their experiences. I agree with Cavediver, you should make an appointment with a plastic surgeon to go over your options. I had a mastectomy in May with immediate reconstruction. I had my last chemo on August 25. I will have my exchange (tissue expanders removed & implants put in) probably sometime in October. Let me know if you have any specific questions. Hugs, Jean
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Hi Drea & welcome. I so
    Hi Drea & welcome. I so agree with the comment to consult a plastic surgeon to see what your reconstruction options are. I had a double mastectomy in July with immediate reconstrution & do not regret anything about my decision. Please feel free to contact me with any questions if you'd like :) We're here with you.
  • cejota
    cejota Member Posts: 24

    Hi Drea & welcome. I so
    Hi Drea & welcome. I so agree with the comment to consult a plastic surgeon to see what your reconstruction options are. I had a double mastectomy in July with immediate reconstrution & do not regret anything about my decision. Please feel free to contact me with any questions if you'd like :) We're here with you.

    Full circle.....
    Hi Drea,
    I was diagnosed at the end of October last year....I had a double mastectomy and chemo. Just after my mastectomy, I saw the plastic surgeon who my sister had gone to. (There are five of us gals in my family who have had diagnosis.)In June I had the expanders put in. I've had several fills since then and now I have the coolest silver short curly hair and will have my exchange on Thursday! Having seen the PS so early on really helped me to plan and prepare for the immediate future. Same as Heather, I have no regrets. (I'm ONLY 52!) I have to say, looking back on this year, I never thought I could have done this fight. But I did and I'm a stonger, better and more compationate person for it! You, too, will get to the end of your circle!
  • filimu
    filimu Member Posts: 74
    cejota said:

    Full circle.....
    Hi Drea,
    I was diagnosed at the end of October last year....I had a double mastectomy and chemo. Just after my mastectomy, I saw the plastic surgeon who my sister had gone to. (There are five of us gals in my family who have had diagnosis.)In June I had the expanders put in. I've had several fills since then and now I have the coolest silver short curly hair and will have my exchange on Thursday! Having seen the PS so early on really helped me to plan and prepare for the immediate future. Same as Heather, I have no regrets. (I'm ONLY 52!) I have to say, looking back on this year, I never thought I could have done this fight. But I did and I'm a stonger, better and more compationate person for it! You, too, will get to the end of your circle!

    Hi Drea
    I was diagnosed July 2009 (it took them 2 months to confirm it was cancer) and then they immediately scheduled a masectomy of that breast the next week, so I had no chance to think about reconstruction at the same time. After the surgery, and meeting with the oncologist, I learned that at my age, and with my demographics, there was a likelihood of the cancer recurring in my other breast spontaniously at some point in the future, so I contacted a plastic surgeon, discussed everything with her, and once I knew I didn't have to do chemo, I went in, had the other breast removed and began reconstruction at that time. The expanders were in from October 2009 to April 2010, when they were replaced with implants. I am happy with the results, and it's been a really long, hard year, but now all I have left to do is a final "touch-up" surgery at the end of this year, and I'll be all done. I don't regret the decision either.
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    I am sorry
    because of the reason you are here but you have come to a great place. I cannot help with your question since I only had a lumpectomy. I just wanted you to know that being sacred and confused is a "normal" reaction. You have a lot of sisters and support here for you.

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    ladyg said:

    I am sorry
    because of the reason you are here but you have come to a great place. I cannot help with your question since I only had a lumpectomy. I just wanted you to know that being sacred and confused is a "normal" reaction. You have a lot of sisters and support here for you.


    Welcome! You have been
    Welcome! You have been given good advice from those that have had a mastectomy. We are here to support you through your surgery and treatments. Please keep us updated and wishing you good luck!
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    I am glad you found this board, you will gets lots of really useful info here. Best of luck Prayers and God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Welcome Drea. you have found
    Welcome Drea. you have found a group who truly understands because we have either been thru it, or going thru it. We are all ages and all stages but we are sisters who are willing to share our ups and our downs. We are here 24/7 Welcome there is a wealth of knowledge on these boards.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Hi Drea and welcome
    to the bc network. Making decisions for so many of us have been difficult. I was dx with ILC in one breast and LCIS in the other in June. I'm the 5th in my family and decided on bilateral mastectomy. Had surgery in June and started chemo in Aug. I'm 61 and been married for 35+ years. I did meet with PS before surgery to go over my options. I decided to delay reconstruction and at this time don't plan on having more surgery. He did tell me that it's never too late so if I change my mind I can go ahead with more surgery. I opted for mastectomy bras and prostheses. It's a very personal decision.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • slynch
    slynch Member Posts: 82
    DCIS also
    I totally understand your fear and overwhelmed feeling. So many decisions. I was diagnosed with DCIS in right breast March 2010 but decided on double mastectomy due to 4 biopsies in right breast and higher risk of occurence in left. Also my mom had ovarian cancer which also elevated my risk. I did have immediate reconstruction and have one more fill session and hopefully exchange surgery soon. This has been a great place to get honest truthful answers. I will keep you in my prayers as you make your choices but in the end the decision has to be yours. As for being confused, sad and scared -- we have all been there. It does get better with time.