Gratitude with my morning coffee

D Lewis
D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
I would like to offer a sincere thank you to everyone here who told me that I would get through this terrible experience, that I COULD do this. I had no idea what I was up against, and I didn't believe you at the time, but because of all of your encouragement, I gave it my best shot. And, you know what? It worked. I got through it. I am coming out the other side, just like you all told me, and finding my new normal. And now I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be just fine. In fact, better than fine. Actually, I prefer the new me; kinder, more willing to help others, more willing to stop and smell the roses. Life has more meaning now.

Thank you again, everyone. You all know who you are. You do the same thing for every new person that comes on this board.



  • johnlax38
    johnlax38 Member Posts: 136
    I'm glad you have found
    I'm glad you have found peace in your recovery. I just finished my last chemo yesterday and I have the same feeling. I enjoy the breeze more, its in the 70s today and I just laid in bed enjoying the fresh air and wind. Where typically I would be doing something else. The smallest things in life never appear to be as important until almost lost, this I have learned. I too enjoy roses and everything life has to bring.

    I'm waiting to enjoy my coffee but I will be there soon too!
  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    I'll join you
    Deb and John,

    I'll join both of you for a cup of coffee any day at the cyber coffee cafe : ). Yes, we change and hopefully for the better. A little phrase that I say to myself as I look into the mirror as I am shaving is this. " Can I be a better person then I was yestreday ".

    Doesn't always happen, but I sure give it a good try. We all have been through a lot, not only the cancer patients, but the caregivers and surrounding family, etc. We endure a good bit, as we go through our treatments.

    Then we recover and as Deb said, we try to find the "New Normal". I am glad that you can enjoy that cup of coffee. I know I sure enjoy mine.

    My Best to Everyone Here
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    MarineE5 said:

    I'll join you
    Deb and John,

    I'll join both of you for a cup of coffee any day at the cyber coffee cafe : ). Yes, we change and hopefully for the better. A little phrase that I say to myself as I look into the mirror as I am shaving is this. " Can I be a better person then I was yestreday ".

    Doesn't always happen, but I sure give it a good try. We all have been through a lot, not only the cancer patients, but the caregivers and surrounding family, etc. We endure a good bit, as we go through our treatments.

    Then we recover and as Deb said, we try to find the "New Normal". I am glad that you can enjoy that cup of coffee. I know I sure enjoy mine.

    My Best to Everyone Here

    Pour me a and strong...:)

  • Vivi C
    Vivi C Member Posts: 70
    Well as a recipient of your kindness and encouragement, I am happy to hear that you are in a good place and wish you nothing but the best in the future! Viv
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Decaf For Me
    Please. Of course you made it. Glad you like the new you - we like the new you, too. Course, we liked the old you, as well. Either you're fabu, or we're not picky.
  • pascotty
    pascotty Member Posts: 174 Member
    I will ditto that and I like the new skinnier me also, things have changed, one thing remains the same with slight improvement, love, more love than I ever imagined. xxxx
  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    I do not drink coffee but absolutly love to spend the time with you at the coffee table.

    Congrats and I so love your huge Positive Mental Attitude along with you daily walk with your life.

    God Bless!

  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
    I am happy to hear
    I am happy to hear that you are doing so well and have such a positive attitude. I think most of us come out of this experience as "new" people. Most people I know who have gone through treatment have said the same thing, cancer turns most of us into nicer people. I know I am much more patient now than I ever was and a lot kinder. If there is a positive side of having cancer it has to be how the survivors have a greater appreciation for everything in life.

    Stay well,
  • delnative
    delnative Member Posts: 450 Member
    Glenna M said:

    I am happy to hear
    I am happy to hear that you are doing so well and have such a positive attitude. I think most of us come out of this experience as "new" people. Most people I know who have gone through treatment have said the same thing, cancer turns most of us into nicer people. I know I am much more patient now than I ever was and a lot kinder. If there is a positive side of having cancer it has to be how the survivors have a greater appreciation for everything in life.

    Stay well,

    Dittos, Deb
    BC (Before Cancer) it was all about me.
    Since then I've done a 180-degree turnaround.
    And, when I retire next year, one of my main avocations will be to do what I can to help others with this crappy damn disease.
    Keep that positive attitude. It will get you through.

    --Jim in Delaware
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Deb

    Sometimes it takes getting hit hard to wake us up and see the beauty all around us, like you said stop and smell the roses. If having cancer did anything it made me a better person.

    All the best to you
  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849
    Hondo said:

    Hi Deb

    Sometimes it takes getting hit hard to wake us up and see the beauty all around us, like you said stop and smell the roses. If having cancer did anything it made me a better person.

    All the best to you

    What an Attitude!!

    You always inspire me with your awesome attitude and great sense of humor. Would love to join ya for a cup of coffee, even if it's only on this site.

    Positive thoughts to you and everyone here!

  • stevenl
    stevenl Member Posts: 587
    Greg53 said:

    What an Attitude!!

    You always inspire me with your awesome attitude and great sense of humor. Would love to join ya for a cup of coffee, even if it's only on this site.

    Positive thoughts to you and everyone here!


    What a simply wonderful person you are. (Is that spreading it thick enough?). You know what I think of you, here's to continued progress.