Lumpectomy on Thursday...what to expect?

PNinMN Member Posts: 28
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I finished chemo on August 12th and am scheduled to have my lumpectomy this coming Thursday. I am a little nervous since it is my first surgery. What should I expect pain wise? Is there anything that I should bring along with me or is there something that I should get to make the recovery a little easier for me?


  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    My first surgery
    was also my lumpectomy. It was not as bad as I expected. Once I was on the table and they put me out the worst was over. I do not remember much until later on in the day after I got home. I took hydrocodone for 2 days and then nothing else for the pain. I was able to get the prescription ahead of time so my husband was able to take me directly home. My surgery was at 10 am and I was released at 1:30 pm. Just wear something very loose and comfortable. I am sure you will do great.

  • GrandmaJ
    GrandmaJ Member Posts: 209
    I had my lumpectomy last Dec. I only needed to take one Percocet. A little discomfort, but no real pain. It was easier than chemo or radiation, in my opinion. Good luck. You'll do fine.

  • PNinMN
    PNinMN Member Posts: 28
    I am getting lymph nodes taken out as well...does that make it any more painful?
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    PNinMN said:

    I am getting lymph nodes taken out as well...does that make it any more painful?

    Lumpectomy is not very
    Lumpectomy is not very painful and recovery is pretty quick. When I had mine done back in Oct of 09 I was off work for the week of the surgery only, just in case I develope any fever or infection which is a risk with any surgery, but luckily didnt get any side effects. The lymph nodes, if your having the sentinal lymph nodes removed which is just a few nodes removed, you will have pain under your arm,arm and shoulder. Try to get from your doc or nurse some very small exercises you can do to move your arm as soon as possible. This is to try and avoid lymphedema in the arm which most of us got from having the nodes removed. Or go online to how to avoid lymphedema. The day of the surgery take a very lose, front bottons blouse or shirt, and have a few extra at home. This will help avoid lifting your arm. I found this was very helpful for me and easier to get dressed everyday.
    Good luck.

  • KayNYC
    KayNYC Member Posts: 495 Member
    lumpectomy with sentinal nodes
    I had a Lumpectomy with excision of six nodes (all negative) in March. After surgery, that was done in ambulatory surgery, I went home about six hours later. They made sure I was awake, medicated for pain and had consumed my lunch before I was allowed to leave with my daughter and husband. I took pain medication for the first night and one or two the next day. Overall, I was not in much pain, just tired for a few days. I returned to work the following week. I developed a seroma, an accumulation of fluid that was drained four or five times over the next three weeks. The seroma caused discomfort and tenderness but otherwise I felt fairly good. I was instructed to do the mild stretching to prevent lymphedema however I still developed mild lymphedema that is in good oontrol now.
    Bring a loose button-down blouse and sports bra to wear home. Have someone to escort you home and to help you with household chores. They will caution you not to lift, pull or strain the arm on the surgical side. I found that my breast was mostly numb for the first month or so. Under the arm seemed to be more tender.
    Wishing you all the best. Keep us posted. Sending you positive thoughts.
    Hugs, K
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    KayNYC said:

    lumpectomy with sentinal nodes
    I had a Lumpectomy with excision of six nodes (all negative) in March. After surgery, that was done in ambulatory surgery, I went home about six hours later. They made sure I was awake, medicated for pain and had consumed my lunch before I was allowed to leave with my daughter and husband. I took pain medication for the first night and one or two the next day. Overall, I was not in much pain, just tired for a few days. I returned to work the following week. I developed a seroma, an accumulation of fluid that was drained four or five times over the next three weeks. The seroma caused discomfort and tenderness but otherwise I felt fairly good. I was instructed to do the mild stretching to prevent lymphedema however I still developed mild lymphedema that is in good oontrol now.
    Bring a loose button-down blouse and sports bra to wear home. Have someone to escort you home and to help you with household chores. They will caution you not to lift, pull or strain the arm on the surgical side. I found that my breast was mostly numb for the first month or so. Under the arm seemed to be more tender.
    Wishing you all the best. Keep us posted. Sending you positive thoughts.
    Hugs, K

    My lumpectomy was in March
    My lumpectomy was in March it was not my first surgery but was the easiest. I left the hospital about 4 hrs, after surgery.I took a pain pill at bedtime that night and 2 the next day. I had 3 nodes removed, all neg. I really had very little pain in breast or underarm. I was off for the week (Mon. surgery) My surgeon told me to wear a good support bra for a week or 2 after surgery even to sleep in. It did help to wear the bra and kinda keep the breast in place and supported. Best of luck with surgery. Let us know how you do, God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    My lumpectomy was in March
    My lumpectomy was in March it was not my first surgery but was the easiest. I left the hospital about 4 hrs, after surgery.I took a pain pill at bedtime that night and 2 the next day. I had 3 nodes removed, all neg. I really had very little pain in breast or underarm. I was off for the week (Mon. surgery) My surgeon told me to wear a good support bra for a week or 2 after surgery even to sleep in. It did help to wear the bra and kinda keep the breast in place and supported. Best of luck with surgery. Let us know how you do, God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    I had a lumpectomy April,
    I had a lumpectomy April, 09. I had 22 nodes remove. I was not all that sore where they took the tumor. The node removel under my arm was sore. Arm was burning. It's not a horrible pain, but it's there. A year later and I still have some pain. They have given me a nerve block and it has helped a lot. Good luck keep in touch. Hugs
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Not bad
    My lumpectomy wasn't bad at all. However, I didn't have lymph nodes removed until I had my mastectomy. Sending prayer your way on Thursday. Hope everything goes well. Hugs, Jean
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    My lumpectomy was 16 months ago....I had it at 1:00 PM, awakened by the nurse, in the recovery room at 2:30 and was home on my couch by 4:15! I had 3 sentinel nodes removed also......I have to say it wasn't bad at all the following treatment, chemo and radiation, the surgery was the easy part.....I actually couldn't wait to have it done.......I wanted that cancer out! I took 2 pain pills that night and 1 the next day....proactively, no pain but I am of the opinion I'd rather keep it from starting than try to control it once it starts. There is some soreness but even that was very manageable for me......I wore a soft bra that hooked in the front, starting about 3 days AFTER was actually a nursing bra I bought from Walmart....haha.....I was bandaged with an "ace" type of bandage with just some gauze underneath at the incision site, keep that on from Wednesday, day of surgery, until Friday morning, when I removed it and took a shower! I had no stitches, I was "super glued" which is wonderful,on the breast and node incision......honestly, later that little incision to remove the 3 nodes was more aggrivating than the incision on my breast.....due to the fact that the side of my bra hit right in the middle of the incision. I solved that by adding a piece of sterile gauze. I started as soon as I got home that day with raising my arm above my head, slowly! I have had no problem what so ever with lymphodema...The more nodes removed, the greater likelyhood of that possibility.

    I did eat lightly that evening due to the possibility of nausea from the anesthesia and pain meds but resumed my normal diet the following day and went to the grocery store on Saturday morning..BUT........don't lift anything!..I took very loose PJ's to the hospital that buttoned down the front and wore them home so that I wouldn't have to change once I got home. That helped so much....I was able to come home and just lay around without having to change my clothes again. Just plan to take it easy and know that you will tire easily for a few days or more. AND.....don't refuse any offer of help from family and friends......they need to feel like they're "doing something" to help you recover...I know the thoughts of ANY surgery is so scary,and that's NORMAL but I bet you'll do just fine......again, for me, it was the easiest part of this entire battle!

    Best wishes, keep us posted
    Peace be with you,
  • lauri67
    lauri67 Member Posts: 15
    how was your surgery?
    I'm having a lumpectomy Friday and I'm also wondering what to expect the following days. I'm having the sentinal lympH node biopsy as well. I'm assuming the rest of the day I'll be sleepy but I'm trying to make a game plan for the next few days. Do I need anyone to be with me or will I be okay by myself? I'm recently separated so don't have a husband to be with me. I hope your surgery went well and you are doing well.
  • mjjones453
    mjjones453 Member Posts: 155
    lauri67 said:

    how was your surgery?
    I'm having a lumpectomy Friday and I'm also wondering what to expect the following days. I'm having the sentinal lympH node biopsy as well. I'm assuming the rest of the day I'll be sleepy but I'm trying to make a game plan for the next few days. Do I need anyone to be with me or will I be okay by myself? I'm recently separated so don't have a husband to be with me. I hope your surgery went well and you are doing well.

    Lauri, yes you need someone with you, to take you to the hospital, and to drive home, but more for support. If you can get a close friend, or family member, someone to talk to. I had my lumpectomy in Feb of this year, with the sentinal node biopsy. I first went to the mammogram area, where they placed a wire marker in the tumor area, they numbed the area, and put a wire in. Then They will have someone from nuclear medicine inject a dye around the nipple, that will flow through your nodes. After that you will maybe have a scan to make sure they see the node. I wish I would have known that this would cause more pain than the lumpectomy itself. You will be sore. I had shooting pain in the breast area, but not continual pain. Now months after the surgery, it has taken time to regain strength in my arm. I work out with weights, and am careful to take it slow, I do not want lymphedema. This is my experience. Healing will take time! My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through this.
  • Brooklynchele
    Brooklynchele Member Posts: 123
    Obviously your treatment is different then mine - I had my surgery first. Still, I doubt that changes the surgery much. I had a lumpectomy in June of this year and the removal of my sentinel lymph node with a partial mastectomy in July. Neither surgery was what I would call painful at all. I will say that the second surgery that included the removal of the lymph node was a bit more awkward because of the location of the second incision (one for the mastectomy and one for the node). But I didn't even need to take tylenol for either surgery let alone the Vicodin that was prescribed. My stitches were self-absorbing and the scars did very well. The surgi-strips were removed about a week after the surgery. No special care needed.

    I hope your surgery goes well. Keep us posted!

    Big hug!