Not sure what's wrong with me...

winsomebulldog Member Posts: 117 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Okay, I have been feeling ill since Thursday night. Started w/a little bit of a sore throat - which may well have been caused by nothing more than typical chemo dry mouth. I woke up Friday w/a stuffy nose & a little worse sore throat. I have allergies, so a stuffy nose, slight cough, or even a low grade fever are not so odd for me. I had a fever of a degree on Friday morning, but it has never gotten any higher. I thought, at first, that I had either picked up a bug, or that it was nothing more than typical allergy issues. The problem is, my chest aches, like it does when it's congested, but I don't think that's what's wrong. I'm not wheezing or even coughing. Still, my chest aches when I breathe. I just don't know how to describe it propery. It's not "heart" pain. It feels more like my lungs, though even that doesn't really cover it. I get pain along my collarbone with deep breaths and sometimes with just movement. Could there be some kind of issue with my port? It looks fine but how would I know if something is arwy inside? Has anyone else had anything similar?


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Call your doc
    There is a long differential for causes of dyspnea (painful breathing) and some of them can be life-threatening, so you really need to be checked. Anxiety can cause this, but with your other symptoms, I would fear a lung infection. To be safe, please be checked.
    See some causes at:
  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    Hi Bulldog
    I had the very same thing happen to me and I did end up going to the emergency room about it. It hurt like heck to breathe when I laid down, like an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. They did a chest x-ray. a blood test, one of those EKG and a CT scan, they found nothing wrong at all. They sent me home and on my way, it went away within 3 to 4 days. It only happened on the first chemo and never after the other 3.
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Call Your Doctor
    I wouldn't try to "guess" what is going on and neither should you. It's probably nothing, but could be something. When my dad was going through chemo he was having problems breathing and just didn't "feel" right. He went to the doctor who ran tests and found out he had blood clots in each lung!! They put him on blood thinner and he's ok, but it could have been deadly.

    Don't mean to scare you, but you never know what can happen when you're on chemo. Be smart about it and see the doctor. Better safe than sorry. That's my two cents!:)

  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    I felt weird symptoms after the Chemo treatments
    About the 3rd day after each treatment, I'd have all kinds of funky, weird feelings. I used to dub them these phrases like "broken back" feeling or "helium filled" feeling because that's what it felt like.

    Yes, Chemo erradicates tumors but it does mess with your whole system. As everyone here mentioned, report it to your doctor so they can make sure you're okay and nothing major is going on other that the side effects of Chemo.

    Keeping you in prayer and hoping you feel better,

  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    sea60 said:

    I felt weird symptoms after the Chemo treatments
    About the 3rd day after each treatment, I'd have all kinds of funky, weird feelings. I used to dub them these phrases like "broken back" feeling or "helium filled" feeling because that's what it felt like.

    Yes, Chemo erradicates tumors but it does mess with your whole system. As everyone here mentioned, report it to your doctor so they can make sure you're okay and nothing major is going on other that the side effects of Chemo.

    Keeping you in prayer and hoping you feel better,


    Please get this checked. I
    Please get this checked. I don't know what you are feeling but after my port was put in I had a neumothorasix (spelled wrong) and it was a hole in my lung from the port insertion. I don't think that's your issue though because I felt it right after I woke up. I had troulbe breathing so they took an xray and put me on oxygen for 2 hours. It healed itself but I couldn't lift or strain or take an airplane ride for 3 months.

    Please get this checked out and keep us posted.
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    Call your doc immediately
    Call your doc immediately everytime you dont feel well. When you are going thru chemo, your body has no defense to fight even the smallest of colds. Never wait and see. When I had something similar, where my chest hurted like hell and could not breath deeply I called the doc nurse who had me come in the same day, doc put me on antibiotecs and steroids for upper respiratory infection. Hope you get relief soon.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Pinkpower said:

    Call your doc immediately
    Call your doc immediately everytime you dont feel well. When you are going thru chemo, your body has no defense to fight even the smallest of colds. Never wait and see. When I had something similar, where my chest hurted like hell and could not breath deeply I called the doc nurse who had me come in the same day, doc put me on antibiotecs and steroids for upper respiratory infection. Hope you get relief soon.


    I get a little tight but its
    I get a little tight but its been allergies and reflux. Not to alarm you but chest pain could also be a clot. get it checked out. it prob will be fine, but on chemo especially our bodies just dont act like you would think.