What's in your name?



  • Grandma X 6
    Grandma X 6 Member Posts: 135
    Grandma X 3
    Not very creative, yes I have wonderful Grandchildren.Logan is 30 months,Kaylin is 20 months, and

    Conner is 6 months. When I felt like I could not handle the Chemo anymore I would just think of their little smiling faces and knew I wanted to see the grow up. They got me through it all. I also have 3 Children who were great and of course my Husband who was a great support. Cancer SUCKS. Yesterday was one year since I was diagnosed I am in remission with one more Hreceptin to go. I love this site you all have me so much. God Bless all of us .My prays and love to all. My name is Cynthia (Cindy) is there anyone else in Connecticut?
  • Kgy
    Kgy Member Posts: 30
    Great question!
    My is Kgy because I tend to be that way, hard to figure out, hard to catch, hard to take down, and always ready to fight!

    Love all of your stories about how you all got you screen names next time I will work harder to come up with a better one
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    My screen name
    is a combination of my hubby's and my initials and the year we were married. My real name is Charlene but my sisters call me Char and I consider all of you my sisters :-) Oooops, except the guys, of course! lol
  • winsomebulldog
    winsomebulldog Member Posts: 117 Member
    Love this!
    Well, several years ago I was trying to come up with something a little more original than my name plus some numbers and I got to thinking about my Bulldog, Katie. (She's my profile pic in one form or another pretty much all over the web.) Her full name is Katie-Bar-the-Door because it was obvious from the start that she was a spitfire. She is the smartest dog I have ever known - and I'm not just bragging! LOL

    Anyway, winsome means "charming; winning; engaging" and she is all those in abundance! I now have a second Bully boy named Briscoe, but winsomebulldog is my homage to Katie, my baby girl. I use it everywhere. My real name is Jennifer, usually Jenn.
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    My name is Alison, Webb is my married name, I had been married 2 months before I got my dx. and I had just turned 50. I'm a San Diego native who transplanted myself along with my two daughters, then is the 8th grade, in Eastern Washington about 5 years ago. This was fun!!
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Aortus said:

    Moopy and Aortus
    Moopy is a derivative of the nickname "Moovis," which my beloved Lisa (a name I call her only when I'm mad at her - that is, almost never) gave herself one evening while we were playing Putt-Putt golf. We played a lot of Putt-Putt golf when we were dating, and liked to make up silly names for ourselves. This one stuck! I really do think it suits her perfectly, but then I'm extremely biased. The "23" is in honor of her favorite tall bald guy on this earth... Michael Jordan.

    As for me, I always liked the sound of the word "aorta." All those vowels, and stuff. Since I have all my life made up silly names for myself as a consequence of being named Joe, I'm always trying them out on Moopy. For years, I used to go with "Bullvester" until I asked her to call me "Aorta." She pointed out that "Aorta" sounded girly, which is fine if you're a girl, which I am not. So I made a counteroffer of "Aortus." She wasn't too thrilled about that, either. But she had to admit it was better than "Aorta."

    And so you have the story of our goofy names!

    So I've waited over a year...
    ...to find out the origins of Moopy and Aortus' "mysterious" screen names.

    I was certain that "Aortus" was like the Roman god of cardiology or something, and that Joe would have a great explanation about how his heart belongs to Moopy...

    ...but instead I get, "all those vowels and stuff"?

    So the bottom-line explanation is that you are both just a couple of silly goofballs.

    I feel let down, somehow...

    :-) Traci
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988

    My name is Alison, Webb is my married name, I had been married 2 months before I got my dx. and I had just turned 50. I'm a San Diego native who transplanted myself along with my two daughters, then is the 8th grade, in Eastern Washington about 5 years ago. This was fun!!

    Screen Name
    Well, my story goes back a llooott of years (the late 1970's). My husband bought me a cream colored Thunderbird for my birthday. I had a long commute to and from work (about 35 miles), and he was afraid for me to be on the road without communication (before the days of cell phones), so he had a CB radio installed in case of emergency. I listened to the CB on my way to and from for several months, but never actually used it myself. One afternoon, a girl who was always on the CB (she called herself "Foxy Lady") passed by me on the freeway, and noticed the antanea for my CB. She called me "the girl in the cream colored T-Bird"...ccme back. I didn't know who she was talking about, and then notied she was next to me just waving and talking on her CB. She dubbed me "Creampuff". I then got brave enough to talk back to her and before you knew it, it was a fun trip back and forth to work. That was 30 something years ago, and the nickname has stuck with me all of these hears. (The T-Bird is long gone.) Funny how some stranger can add something to your life that you never expected, just like on these Boards. This is a fun thread, and good to find the meaning behind all of the names. Hugs, Judy
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    TraciInLA said:

    So I've waited over a year...
    ...to find out the origins of Moopy and Aortus' "mysterious" screen names.

    I was certain that "Aortus" was like the Roman god of cardiology or something, and that Joe would have a great explanation about how his heart belongs to Moopy...

    ...but instead I get, "all those vowels and stuff"?

    So the bottom-line explanation is that you are both just a couple of silly goofballs.

    I feel let down, somehow...

    :-) Traci

    Sorry to let down a fellow goofball, Traci...
    Of course I tell Moopy that I not only love her with all my heart, but with my entire aorta. Besides, the Romans didn't need cardiologists because they always used Greeks for doctors.

    And since you're not just a fellow goofball but a fellow goofball in LA, I can tell you that the most important reason occurs in one of the greatest drinking songs of all time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLlacxEhlRA - just listen in at 3:30 when John and Exene start singing the names of various dives they've drunk in around the country and end up with "Aorta Bar - Detroit's Main Vein." Ghod, I love that song.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    Screen Name
    Well, my story goes back a llooott of years (the late 1970's). My husband bought me a cream colored Thunderbird for my birthday. I had a long commute to and from work (about 35 miles), and he was afraid for me to be on the road without communication (before the days of cell phones), so he had a CB radio installed in case of emergency. I listened to the CB on my way to and from for several months, but never actually used it myself. One afternoon, a girl who was always on the CB (she called herself "Foxy Lady") passed by me on the freeway, and noticed the antanea for my CB. She called me "the girl in the cream colored T-Bird"...ccme back. I didn't know who she was talking about, and then notied she was next to me just waving and talking on her CB. She dubbed me "Creampuff". I then got brave enough to talk back to her and before you knew it, it was a fun trip back and forth to work. That was 30 something years ago, and the nickname has stuck with me all of these hears. (The T-Bird is long gone.) Funny how some stranger can add something to your life that you never expected, just like on these Boards. This is a fun thread, and good to find the meaning behind all of the names. Hugs, Judy

    Years ago before I had
    Years ago before I had grandchildren, my best friend was about to become a grandma for the 1st time. Her daughter was best friends with my daughter and she is just like another daughter to me as is her brother. Chaundra and Linda were fine with me being called grandma but I felt that this was taking something away from Linda. We debated about first name, auntie, and others. Then I saw a commercial for faux diamonds and I came up with Fauxma. I am now fauxma to 6 children and I love it. It is unique and they all call me that. My Den is FauxPere because I couldn't keep a straight face with FauxPa. Whenever I see them they all come running up yelling Fauxma, Fauxma. It makes my heart happy.
  • j2twin
    j2twin Member Posts: 28
    J for my first name and 2
    J for my first name and 2 second born twin.
  • I choose Different Ballgame because when I had the recurrence 3 years later, it became a different ballgame in all aspects. First time around there is so much hope and people cheer you on for a successful treatment. Second time around it's different. People don't know what to say, probably they are afraid or just at a loss for words. The treatment for the recurrence was also different. First time, I ended up with contralateral mastectomy with no radiation and no chemo because I had 0 Stage DCIS. Recurrence was invasive carcinoma which required radiation and Arimidex but no chemo Hence, the recurrence was a different ballgame for treatment and a different ballgame for attitude from people.
  • roseyposey333
    roseyposey333 Member Posts: 68
    jd1224 said:

    screen name
    The jd stands for my first and last name. First name being Janice. The numbers are my birthday, which is Christmas Eve!

    love this topic
    After all sometimes its not about the CANCER. My name is Rosemarie but my brother used to call me RoseyPosey, he died 10 years ago of cancer so it reminds me of him and how he used to tease me as a kid. Of course, I miss him dearly.

    My picture is more about me. I used to teach yoga dance and that picture is how I felt when I taught my class. Of course the picture of the woman doesn't look at all like me since I am 57 years old and a bit chubby but hey, when I am feeling good I imagine looking like that.

    Gonna get back to my yoga dance as soon as me treatment allows.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Bumping up.

    Bumping up.