How much longer?

Kgy Member Posts: 30
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi Folks I know it takes awhile to come out of the effects of Chemo but I have not had any sense Feb. I still am so tired that I can not function right I am a bit better than during treatment but not even at 50%. How long did it take you folks to regain your energy?

Thanks you all are my inspirations to get through this! Oh and I have to wait until next week to see if there is a new spot in my troat now. Oh no biggy this to shall pass.

Thanks again.



  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    Hi Kim, I finished chemo in
    Hi Kim, I finished chemo in March (still on Herceptin and Tamoxifen) and I still feel tired most of the time. Some days more then others, but I make myself get up, take my kids to school and now that Im unemployed there is always something to do around the house. House chores are never ending. But I do take it easy and do small tasks at a time so I dont over do it, which Ive done in the past then I pay for it the next day when I cant get out of bed. I know everyone is diff, but I have heard from some that it takes anywhere from a year to 2 to feel some what normal and that's if we have no further problems. I know its frustrating, I also hate feeling tired all the time. Hang in there.
  • Kgy
    Kgy Member Posts: 30
    Pinkpower said:

    Hi Kim, I finished chemo in
    Hi Kim, I finished chemo in March (still on Herceptin and Tamoxifen) and I still feel tired most of the time. Some days more then others, but I make myself get up, take my kids to school and now that Im unemployed there is always something to do around the house. House chores are never ending. But I do take it easy and do small tasks at a time so I dont over do it, which Ive done in the past then I pay for it the next day when I cant get out of bed. I know everyone is diff, but I have heard from some that it takes anywhere from a year to 2 to feel some what normal and that's if we have no further problems. I know its frustrating, I also hate feeling tired all the time. Hang in there.

    Thank you

    Thanks I was just wondering I have been working thru all of this so it has been very exhausting as you know. I can't wait until I get this port out thou then I'll know for sure I am done! yeehaa Now if I could just keep up with my mind! Oh maybe I didn't keep up with my mind before hand!! That might be the problems right there!

    You go girl and hope all keeps getting better for you!

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Kgy said:

    Thank you

    Thanks I was just wondering I have been working thru all of this so it has been very exhausting as you know. I can't wait until I get this port out thou then I'll know for sure I am done! yeehaa Now if I could just keep up with my mind! Oh maybe I didn't keep up with my mind before hand!! That might be the problems right there!

    You go girl and hope all keeps getting better for you!


    Kim, It varies from Women to Women, treatment length -
    and level of energy before we started chemo and so on, from what I gather and my experience. I also had been assured by my Onc and his staff, chemo was a piece of cake .. Lies, all lies! Chemo was difficult for me, as was Herceptin - according to clinical trials and research data - my symptoms and side efforts were some my poor doctor and his staff never experience, rare at best .. off the 'Bell' data charts. Dr. M told me that it would take me at least 2 to 3 years to get back to 'normal' maybe sooner. No guarantee's!

    Some days I feel good and I go and do, then I get tired - so I come home and rest. I am doing sooooooooo much more than I had been this past 13 months. Please also note that I have had 5 major surgeries and 2 minor surgeries in 12 months .. minor -- port installation and removal ..

    Best of luck

    Vicki Sam
  • Betsy13
    Betsy13 Member Posts: 185
    I didn't have chemo, just radiation which I finished at the end of May. I am still exhausted. When I get depressed about how tired I am, I stop and think about where I was to where I am. I remember towards the end of my radiation, I was in bed and my feet were cold. I was too tired to get up and put socks on. I called for my daughter and she came and got my socks for me. Well, the next thing I remember is waking up in the morning to get ready for work and wonder of wonders, I had socks on! Had no clue how they got there! The next evening, I asked my daughter if she put them on and she said yes. Wow, pretty cool, huh? She's 17.

    The point I am trying to make is that even though I am still exhausted, it is definately not as bad as it was. I am getting better! Oh, don't worry about the "cancer fog"...I am able to stop and think now and get back whatever it was that I lost!

    All things pass with time. Hang in there!
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Hi Kim
    I'm 4 1/2 years out and probably gained back 75 - 80% of my energy. It is gradual. All in all, I feel good. Like many of us, you just learn how to accept pain and work with it the best way you can. That's the "new" way of life people mention here. I finally had to accept that I wasn't going to feel exactly the way I did before Cancer and that's okay now.

    Once you feel up to it, try and excercise like walking to build up stamina. Load up on fruits and veggies and protein. All this really is beneficial to recovery.

    Hope you start feeling better soon!


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Betsy13 said:

    I didn't have chemo, just radiation which I finished at the end of May. I am still exhausted. When I get depressed about how tired I am, I stop and think about where I was to where I am. I remember towards the end of my radiation, I was in bed and my feet were cold. I was too tired to get up and put socks on. I called for my daughter and she came and got my socks for me. Well, the next thing I remember is waking up in the morning to get ready for work and wonder of wonders, I had socks on! Had no clue how they got there! The next evening, I asked my daughter if she put them on and she said yes. Wow, pretty cool, huh? She's 17.

    The point I am trying to make is that even though I am still exhausted, it is definately not as bad as it was. I am getting better! Oh, don't worry about the "cancer fog"...I am able to stop and think now and get back whatever it was that I lost!

    All things pass with time. Hang in there!

    Hi girls
    I do not want to sound pessimistic, but it took me almost 12 moths to recover. I did not work through Chemo since I had radical mastectomy and my Chemo started 4 weeks after my third surgery. If you had radiation it brings more fatigue and luck of energy. If you have been taking Tamoxifen or other estrogen blocker it multiples your fatigue as well.
    It will be better, but it is very slow and gradual process. GIve yourself time and please do not push yourself and be gentle.
    New Flower