Good and Bad days,

Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
We all have the Good and Bad day thing but I was wondering if there was something that helps you to have more of Good days then bad.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    LOL, just teasing....

    I don't have an answer for you, and you are definitely one of the veterans.

    I'm on a good feeling streak right now. But I also have periods of varying aches and pains mainly. I usually feel good, but with some sort of left over residual from the radiation mainly I believe.

    Best to you and the lady,
  • charles55
    charles55 Member Posts: 87
    the best days are yet to come.
    Boy, you are right; there are bad days. But they get better when I can lose myself in something that makes me think about things other than cancer. Grandchildren, motorcycle riding, kite flying, helping someone else.
  • johnlax38
    johnlax38 Member Posts: 136
    lol @ skiff
    Anything that

    lol @ skiff

    Anything that makes me feel normal, makes a better day. I'm still in recovery and can't do everything I want still. So on those days I can do something to feel normal, its a good day.
  • pascotty
    pascotty Member Posts: 174 Member
    I read a book called
    I read a book called Tuesdays with morrie. That change my way of thinking and I learned to channel away from negative thoughts. It was a great read. One thing I would love would for my tinnitus to stop for just one minute each day.
  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    The day before activities ?

    Good subject. I too have the good days and the bad days. Of course we have these days both physically and mentally. I am finding that many times, the physical part plays into the mental part. Today happens to be one of those days for me as my mind is running fast, due to the way I presently feel.

    Today I have a lot of aches in my neck, first thought is what is going on now? start of a mental downer period, then I start to think of what I did the day before or even 2 days prior. I then realize that I had over done myself with some physical activity that I may normally don't do. I have even given replies to others that have had asked questions about stiffness and aches around their necks. Sometimes, I forget to practice what I preach : ). So, today, I know that I will spend a good part of it stretching and massaging my neck and face to relieve the aches I feel today from what I did on Saturday.

    We really do have to adjust to a new normal, I forget that I'm 63 and not 36. My mind says I can do it, but my body reminds me that I can't, or at least not as fast. I still have a Red "S" on my T-shirt, it's just a bit faded now : )

    My Best to You and Everyone Here
  • rmkbrad
    rmkbrad Member Posts: 176
    MarineE5 said:

    The day before activities ?

    Good subject. I too have the good days and the bad days. Of course we have these days both physically and mentally. I am finding that many times, the physical part plays into the mental part. Today happens to be one of those days for me as my mind is running fast, due to the way I presently feel.

    Today I have a lot of aches in my neck, first thought is what is going on now? start of a mental downer period, then I start to think of what I did the day before or even 2 days prior. I then realize that I had over done myself with some physical activity that I may normally don't do. I have even given replies to others that have had asked questions about stiffness and aches around their necks. Sometimes, I forget to practice what I preach : ). So, today, I know that I will spend a good part of it stretching and massaging my neck and face to relieve the aches I feel today from what I did on Saturday.

    We really do have to adjust to a new normal, I forget that I'm 63 and not 36. My mind says I can do it, but my body reminds me that I can't, or at least not as fast. I still have a Red "S" on my T-shirt, it's just a bit faded now : )

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

    My mind wanders
    The other day after I got off the phone with the hospital making arangments for my next round of biopsies I really got into a funk, I walked around for a few hours scared to death. I talked to my wife about it and she seemed to thing that since I have been healing well and doing so much it was just a reminder that I am not in the clear. I must admit that I do hate the fact that I have to be disected once again, I only hope that the results come back negative again and I can contiune to heal and not prepair for a surgery. Anyway working in the yard or doing stuff with my kids seems to get my mind off some of the bad stuff.
  • JUDYV5
    JUDYV5 Member Posts: 392
    This site
    When I am feeling a little down - I go on this site and always find something that makes me feel better.
  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849
    JUDYV5 said:

    This site
    When I am feeling a little down - I go on this site and always find something that makes me feel better.


    Don't know if this could help anyone else, but if I have a couple days of being down in the dumps or feeling crappy physically I make myself laugh as much as possible. Whether it be an author I think is funny or a dumb comedy or one of my own dumb jokes. But for whatever reason it seems to get a bit better if I get a good laugh in. Who knows with the old saying -laughter being the best medicine but really does work for me.

    Positive thoughts to everyone!

  • delnative
    delnative Member Posts: 450 Member
    Greg53 said:


    Don't know if this could help anyone else, but if I have a couple days of being down in the dumps or feeling crappy physically I make myself laugh as much as possible. Whether it be an author I think is funny or a dumb comedy or one of my own dumb jokes. But for whatever reason it seems to get a bit better if I get a good laugh in. Who knows with the old saying -laughter being the best medicine but really does work for me.

    Positive thoughts to everyone!


    All Things Great and Small
    When I was at Johns Hopkins undergoing rads and chemo, by the time I'd gotten out of each day's treatment and returned to our rented condo, another episode of "All Things Great and Small" would be airing on Maryland Public Television. I'd never read the books or seen any of the shows before, and it never failed to make me feel better.
    Once we got home, my loving wife bought me a DVD collection of the entire show.

    --Jim in Delaware
  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    delnative said:

    All Things Great and Small
    When I was at Johns Hopkins undergoing rads and chemo, by the time I'd gotten out of each day's treatment and returned to our rented condo, another episode of "All Things Great and Small" would be airing on Maryland Public Television. I'd never read the books or seen any of the shows before, and it never failed to make me feel better.
    Once we got home, my loving wife bought me a DVD collection of the entire show.

    --Jim in Delaware

    The Good and the Bad
    Not having to go to work typically makes it a good day. Still struggle with my voice, so when I'm having a good vocal day- that kinda picks me up. Then again, all I have to do is remember where I've been, then realize where I am, now- and that is very cool.


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    I find it hard sometimes to get up and other times I can’t wait for my alarm clock to go off so I can go to work. Sometimes I want to sit all day long on the sofa and do nothing and other time it is hard for my Wife to keep up with me working around the house. I guess what motivates this is a little thing I have on the inside that says how do you feel today.

    Thanks again everyone for your input.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Hondo said:


    I find it hard sometimes to get up and other times I can’t wait for my alarm clock to go off so I can go to work. Sometimes I want to sit all day long on the sofa and do nothing and other time it is hard for my Wife to keep up with me working around the house. I guess what motivates this is a little thing I have on the inside that says how do you feel today.

    Thanks again everyone for your input.

    Getting Up - a State of Mind
    I always seem to have problems getting up and being motivated Monday - Friday. But come Saturday morning I'm up an hour or two before daylight and on my way fishing...LOL.

    So I know it's definitely a state of mind.

  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    All Days
    All days are wonderful.... just different degree's of wonderful.

    To me there are and were two options live and ______. We are here for a reason and just go out and help those who need help.
  • RushFan
    RushFan Member Posts: 224 Member
    fisrpotpe said:

    All Days
    All days are wonderful.... just different degree's of wonderful.

    To me there are and were two options live and ______. We are here for a reason and just go out and help those who need help.

    For me, my wife and kids help me a lot when I'm down, as do our friends and neighbors. I'm thankful for good listeners and this network. It's good to talk about it and not keep feelings and thoughts bottled up.

    Best to all,
  • D-Byrd
    D-Byrd Member Posts: 25
    Good and Bad Days
    Hello everyone, I am D-Byrds son and we have not got a pic up running yet, but I just want to say that he takes 2 steps fowards and 3 steps back. He had a radical left neck disection with an unknown primary. 23 nodes taken out and 3 were positive. He also had his left shoulder trapezoid and jugular removed. He sits on the couch all the time unless he needs to use the restroom and he is 5 weeks out from his last radiation treatment. He has a great attitude though and I think that is what gets the better days for him and not to leave out the most important factor "GOD"!!! I pray for all of you to get better and I wish I cold take this away for my father. I do have a question for you guysu though and that is about the pain medicine. He says the pain is almost gone but it helps him deal with his situation. How long did you guys stay on the meds???
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    D-Byrd said:

    Good and Bad Days
    Hello everyone, I am D-Byrds son and we have not got a pic up running yet, but I just want to say that he takes 2 steps fowards and 3 steps back. He had a radical left neck disection with an unknown primary. 23 nodes taken out and 3 were positive. He also had his left shoulder trapezoid and jugular removed. He sits on the couch all the time unless he needs to use the restroom and he is 5 weeks out from his last radiation treatment. He has a great attitude though and I think that is what gets the better days for him and not to leave out the most important factor "GOD"!!! I pray for all of you to get better and I wish I cold take this away for my father. I do have a question for you guysu though and that is about the pain medicine. He says the pain is almost gone but it helps him deal with his situation. How long did you guys stay on the meds???

    As Long As He Needs Them
    I don't think that if he is in pain, and uses them as prescribed, there is little concern of abusing them.

    I don't really think anyone wants to use them longer than necessary. You want to be done with all of the meds, etc...and get back to as normal as you can given the situation.

    Just my thoughts,
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    D-Byrd said:

    Good and Bad Days
    Hello everyone, I am D-Byrds son and we have not got a pic up running yet, but I just want to say that he takes 2 steps fowards and 3 steps back. He had a radical left neck disection with an unknown primary. 23 nodes taken out and 3 were positive. He also had his left shoulder trapezoid and jugular removed. He sits on the couch all the time unless he needs to use the restroom and he is 5 weeks out from his last radiation treatment. He has a great attitude though and I think that is what gets the better days for him and not to leave out the most important factor "GOD"!!! I pray for all of you to get better and I wish I cold take this away for my father. I do have a question for you guysu though and that is about the pain medicine. He says the pain is almost gone but it helps him deal with his situation. How long did you guys stay on the meds???

    Hi D-Byrd

    Welcome and glad to have you here with us. I too am living on the Pain meds and fight with myself everyday on whether to take then or not. This is what I am now doing, if I feel bad I take one, if I don’t feel bad then I skip until I start to feel bad again. I find that I really enjoy my life living with little or no pain at all, so why not take them if they make me feel good. I believe everyone here will agree that living in pain sucks, and if that little pill can help bighting up my day that is what it is for.

    All the best to you and hope to plan to stay with us here on CSN
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Getting Up - a State of Mind
    I always seem to have problems getting up and being motivated Monday - Friday. But come Saturday morning I'm up an hour or two before daylight and on my way fishing...LOL.

    So I know it's definitely a state of mind.


    Hi John
    I think the problem is that you are catching all the fish and I am not. Great picture
  • PattyNC
    PattyNC Member Posts: 65
    Hondo said:

    Hi D-Byrd

    Welcome and glad to have you here with us. I too am living on the Pain meds and fight with myself everyday on whether to take then or not. This is what I am now doing, if I feel bad I take one, if I don’t feel bad then I skip until I start to feel bad again. I find that I really enjoy my life living with little or no pain at all, so why not take them if they make me feel good. I believe everyone here will agree that living in pain sucks, and if that little pill can help bighting up my day that is what it is for.

    All the best to you and hope to plan to stay with us here on CSN

    Counting my blessings
    Bad day yesterday & today.... so I released a little pent up venom in a safe way by posting! Day feels better & the burden feels lighter already for me ... but I'm concerned my negative vibes might infect others. Word to the wise, if you read me while I'm fighting for DSS & indigent care for my brother, click off me if I start to go BAD.

    Tomorrow I hope to be singing "Oh Happy Day" -- hope springs eternal.
  • charles55
    charles55 Member Posts: 87
    D-Byrd said:

    Good and Bad Days
    Hello everyone, I am D-Byrds son and we have not got a pic up running yet, but I just want to say that he takes 2 steps fowards and 3 steps back. He had a radical left neck disection with an unknown primary. 23 nodes taken out and 3 were positive. He also had his left shoulder trapezoid and jugular removed. He sits on the couch all the time unless he needs to use the restroom and he is 5 weeks out from his last radiation treatment. He has a great attitude though and I think that is what gets the better days for him and not to leave out the most important factor "GOD"!!! I pray for all of you to get better and I wish I cold take this away for my father. I do have a question for you guysu though and that is about the pain medicine. He says the pain is almost gone but it helps him deal with his situation. How long did you guys stay on the meds???

    pain meds over time
    You do have to be careful. As a nurse, I went to a pain conference a few years back. There was a very large study done on patients taking narcotic meds in both Great Britian and the US. The bottom line was that if you take narcotics for real pain, addiction was almost non-existant, even over long periods of time. But when you take narcotics for other reasons, like to help you deal with depression, or you enjoy the way they make you feel, addiction comes in pretty short order. There is a physiological reason for this, but that is another story.