Weirdly Depressing Week on This Board



  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    I think if and when this
    I think if and when this board gets hard to read, maybe you should just take a lil break. It might help some. There always has been depressing and difficult posts on here and there always will be. I just hope I can always help in some way, even if I am not on everyday like some are. Good luck!


    Your right and I remember that time. I had just come on the boards. There has only been 2 people that I can think of that really took us in. Most of us, it's real and honest, but be aware.
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Your right and I remember that time. I had just come on the boards. There has only been 2 people that I can think of that really took us in. Most of us, it's real and honest, but be aware.

    Flashback to April 2009
    Wow, Judy -- I just spent half an hour back in this board's posts from April 2009, reading your descriptions of what happened back then, and how cruel and difficult that hoax was for so many of you.

    What struck me most was how many of you (understandably) said -- I can't handle this, I've got enough to deal with, this isn't worth it, I'm leaving this board....I'm so glad to see that ALL of you who said that (at least publicly) are still here (Chen, I think you only made it 5 days?).

    ALL of us here now are so grateful that you stayed, and share with us your strength, trust in each other, and wisdom.

  • Betsy13
    Betsy13 Member Posts: 185
    Bob and everyone else,

    This board is where I get my strength and support from. I have come here and vented, been depressed, scared, worried, and hope I have supported others.

    If not for this board, I would have no support at all. My husband and 2 teenagers have been very good. However, everyone else went MIA and the closest support group is a 45 minute drive.

    I don't know where I would be without the support from this board.

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    Bob, your post really hits
    Bob, your post really hits the nail on the head when you state that "things" that are posted on this Board really can put us into a depression. It is awful that any of us have to go through this disease, but we girls often forget that the significant other is just as affected by our illness as we are. My husband has virtually been there for everything I have been through (missing only one rad treatment, and he still kicks himself for doing that). Our partners are definitely our strength, but on the other hand, I think they are also affected in other ways other than the physical. It is hard to watch someone we love being poked on, operated on, filled with poison, put through physical theraphy, stuffed with pills that make them feel totally unlike themselves, etc. Our treatment involves all who are around us, especially our partner in life. your statement that there were three things that affected you these past few weeks - the "kids" who are joining the group, and the "Laura" thing being two of them. Some of us on this Board remember about a year ago when we had a poster who literally took us all down a lane regarding her being a college student, no family to lean on, only friends in school to support her, and the eventual outcome resulted in her "death".....posted by one of her "friends" the next day. Turns out it was a hoax. This was such a horrible experience for a lot of us, some reacted much worse than most when we found out the whole thing was made up. I do hope Laura is okay, and I do hope that she is truly being honest with us, and has found help. Another one of those "false reportings" would be devastating. I pray for Laura, and for all of us who are battling the beast, both the affected and the caregivers. Hugs Judy

    I think a lot of us remember
    I think a lot of us remember and know Laura from this board, so, I am sure she is being honest. This is serious with her and should be taken seriously, and, not with suspicion.
  • jackiejhm
    jackiejhm Member Posts: 169
    Betsy13 said:

    Bob and everyone else,

    This board is where I get my strength and support from. I have come here and vented, been depressed, scared, worried, and hope I have supported others.

    If not for this board, I would have no support at all. My husband and 2 teenagers have been very good. However, everyone else went MIA and the closest support group is a 45 minute drive.

    I don't know where I would be without the support from this board.


    How on earth
    would I have made it to this point without the unconditional love and support of all of you here? These alliances are just so important. You understand-period. I am trying to live up to the example set by all of you here and well, try, to pay it forward. This is such a safe zone. God Bless you all. xo, Jackie
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    jackiejhm said:

    How on earth
    would I have made it to this point without the unconditional love and support of all of you here? These alliances are just so important. You understand-period. I am trying to live up to the example set by all of you here and well, try, to pay it forward. This is such a safe zone. God Bless you all. xo, Jackie

    Did I miss the post? Greta was able to
    get in contact with Laura? I didn't see that post, what did she say?

    I don't think it's a hoax because she has 609 posts since 6-2009...we may never know if she is alright. If she is ok she may be too embarrassed to post again. But she has no reason to be and hopefully we will at least hear if she is ok and in treatment etc.

  • iowasignterp
    iowasignterp Member Posts: 55
    Skeezie said:

    Did I miss the post? Greta was able to
    get in contact with Laura? I didn't see that post, what did she say?

    I don't think it's a hoax because she has 609 posts since 6-2009...we may never know if she is alright. If she is ok she may be too embarrassed to post again. But she has no reason to be and hopefully we will at least hear if she is ok and in treatment etc.


    greta did contact her
    this is the response that i recieved after sending a note that I was concerned about Laura.


    Thanks for your email and concern. We took appropriate action. I'm unable to elaborate for privacy reasons.

    Be well,

    Your CSN Staff
    American Cancer Society Cancer Survivors Network®"
  • John_32
    John_32 Member Posts: 71

    greta did contact her
    this is the response that i recieved after sending a note that I was concerned about Laura.


    Thanks for your email and concern. We took appropriate action. I'm unable to elaborate for privacy reasons.

    Be well,

    Your CSN Staff
    American Cancer Society Cancer Survivors Network®"

    What an odd email. I don't
    What an odd email. I don't think anyone has spelled it out yet, but what we are talking about is someone who basically intimated they were going to commit suicide, and others are naturally concerned if she is in fact still alive. If CSN successfully contacted her--which is impossible to discern from this email--they should at least say so, as anyone on this cancer board already has a world of anxiety as it is. I don't see how that would compromise privacy. But.. "We took appropriate action. I'm unable to elaborate for privacy reasons" ... that is so corporate-speak and evasive, noncommunication veiled as communication.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    John_32 said:

    What an odd email. I don't
    What an odd email. I don't think anyone has spelled it out yet, but what we are talking about is someone who basically intimated they were going to commit suicide, and others are naturally concerned if she is in fact still alive. If CSN successfully contacted her--which is impossible to discern from this email--they should at least say so, as anyone on this cancer board already has a world of anxiety as it is. I don't see how that would compromise privacy. But.. "We took appropriate action. I'm unable to elaborate for privacy reasons" ... that is so corporate-speak and evasive, noncommunication veiled as communication.

    I agree John. If they did
    I agree John. If they did actually reach here, or, at least find out she is ok, they could just say she is ok and not invade her privacy. I wish they would, so, we could all know something.

    Still praying for her


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