I'm New



  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    So happy to meet you!
    And congrats on your first anniversary!

    It is really unfortunate on how many people are being afflicted by cancer, and so young too. I just wish they would find out, aside from genetics why so many people are getting it?

    Aside from finding a cure, they need to find the cause.

    I personally think it's so hard to pinpoint "depression" during a cancer experience. I mean, if you think about it, the FEAR of cancer and it's return can bum you out, not to mention the medication (for me, it was Arimidex) it gave me such a forboding feeling...total doom of gloom. Once I got off, I felt better. It's a physical loss (for most of us) losing your breasts and even a lumectomy changes your appearance and then we have to learn how to live a "new" life. A life of a cancer survivor. All this is NOT easy.

    Check the medication your on and see if that's a side effect. I would talk to my doctor about it. Maybe join a support group or Church study. Just do whatever it takes to get to a more peaceful place. And just know cancer is a slow heal and everyone grieves differently.

    I'm glad you're here. I can tell you this board is very theraputic and you will feel much love, care and support here.

    Sending you a big "welcome" cyber hug!
  • SDickerson
    SDickerson Member Posts: 44
    I'm new too
    Hi Morgan:

    I was dx on my 47th birthday this April. I started with chemo, AC, went back for my second round and the doctors said the tumor had grown. They changed my chemo to carbo and the tumor shrunk within one week, but my blood count was 0, I was hospitalized and due to the antibiotics (they think) I went into kidny failure. My onc sent me to my surgeon and I had a lumpectomie, 22 lymphnode removed, 8 were cancer. Surgery went well, clear margins. Just finished radiation. Now my onc is recommending a trail study, PARP inhabitor cistplatin because I am triple negative and he fears the carbo will do kidney damage again.

    For the past 4 months I have felt like a different person, don't know what to do with myself. My hair is beginning to grow back, but not sure if I will loose it again if I start the trail. I feel depressed and will begin to see someone for therapy. I have enjoyed reading everyone's post on this site, as it has been very encouraging to me.

    Most of all my faith in God has grown stronger and closer as have my relationship with my husband and mother.

    I will pray for you Morgan...

  • jackiejhm
    jackiejhm Member Posts: 169
    Hello Morgan!
    I am Jackie. I am a bit behind you on this not so magical journey! I was diagnosed last Nov. After a mastectomy, I had a similar course of treatment, and just got my N.E.D. report a few weeks ago. This sight has helped me through so much. These Ladies, and Gents are so amazing. Always there for all of us. I am glad we had a chance to meet- sorry it's under THESE circumstances! xoxo, Jackie
  • kathyrcady
    kathyrcady Member Posts: 27
    new too
    Hi Morgan, I too am about to ba a one year survivor, I was diagnosed with lobular infiltration left breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy last oct 17th 2009. I did the onchotype test ,and as I was a stage 1 and node neg. Iwas told I did not need chemo. They did want me to do radiation, But I decided not to. Trust me that was not by any way shape or form an easy decision. Cancer treatment is such a personal and individual thing and I dont share this information with everyone. I am a 30 year registered nurse and question every thing concerning my body and what happens to it. I hope you dont think I am critisizing in any way any coarse of action that anyone else takes, Im just sharing my story.I wanted to comment on your concern about depression. I to,,off and on think about the cancer coming back and freak out. Maybe the next time I will need more extensive surgery, or chemo. I try to think of this cancer thing as any other chronic disease that need to be followed up on.I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in the whole "scary" feeling. Your fellow survivor friend,Kathy PS I am a terrible speller!!
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    Hi Morgan
    Just chimed in and

    Hi Morgan
    Just chimed in and wanted to welcome you to the boards, although nobody likes the reason we are here but its a great place to! Glad you found us!
    Congrads on your first year...thats awsome...Whoo hooo!
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Kat11 said:

    Hi Morgan
    Just want to welcome you. There is so many of us, you would think this is like a flu right. This board and group is like the best ever. Honestly, I don't know what I would have done with out them. I am almost done with treatment, I only have one more Herceptin treatment and port comes out and I am then finished. That, I also found is stressful. Glad you found us, and again welcome.

    Hi Morgan! I just want to
    Hi Morgan! I just want to say hi and welcome you also. You will love this group of great survivors!

    Hugs, Angie
  • MNLynn
    MNLynn Member Posts: 224
    Hi, Morgan & welcome!
    I was just diagnosed with bc in Jan '10, so I am now a 7 month survivor. wow - I can't believe all that has happened in the last 7 months! I had a mastectomy (rt breast) and, in a separate surgery, an ALND. I did not receive chemo because of a low score on the Oncotype Dx test (otherwise was actually scheduled for that), but did receive rads (27) because the cancer was really close to my chest wall.

    I am feeling pretty good now, but I have definitely gone through extended periods of depression. I am so glad I have this board to come to - I don't really feel ok talking about all of this with family (although I do have friends who would understand where I'm at in all of this). It's not that my family wouldn't listen or doesn't care - but I think they feel that I'm getting back to a "normal" life - that I'm maybe able to put all of this behind me more that I really can. wow - now I'm really rambling . . .

    I'm glad to see that you've mentioned the chat room - I've thought about getting on there but haven't yet. And now, I'm working really, really long hours, so I usually get on here for just a short time and then I'm off getting ready for bed!

    I know that many of us have addressed the subject of depression - I think it's pretty common - I know many are on anti-depressants that help them. As much as I love my doctors, I think they just don't realize the extent to which depression affects cancer patients. I know that they are doing what they can to physically stop this terrible disease - and I obviously NEED to have them do that for me. I've definitely considered seeing a counselor . . . haven't done it yet, but I wouldn't hesitate to ask about that if the depression keeps coming back. This board, alone, has been such an unbelievable source of support for me . . . I am addicted!

    Sorry, again, for rambling . . . I think I'm half asleep . . . think I'll head to bed!

    Wishing all the best for you . . . please keep posting and let us know how you're doing.

    ♥ Lynn ♥
  • tjohnson2310
    tjohnson2310 Member Posts: 168 Member
    MNLynn said:

    Hi, Morgan & welcome!
    I was just diagnosed with bc in Jan '10, so I am now a 7 month survivor. wow - I can't believe all that has happened in the last 7 months! I had a mastectomy (rt breast) and, in a separate surgery, an ALND. I did not receive chemo because of a low score on the Oncotype Dx test (otherwise was actually scheduled for that), but did receive rads (27) because the cancer was really close to my chest wall.

    I am feeling pretty good now, but I have definitely gone through extended periods of depression. I am so glad I have this board to come to - I don't really feel ok talking about all of this with family (although I do have friends who would understand where I'm at in all of this). It's not that my family wouldn't listen or doesn't care - but I think they feel that I'm getting back to a "normal" life - that I'm maybe able to put all of this behind me more that I really can. wow - now I'm really rambling . . .

    I'm glad to see that you've mentioned the chat room - I've thought about getting on there but haven't yet. And now, I'm working really, really long hours, so I usually get on here for just a short time and then I'm off getting ready for bed!

    I know that many of us have addressed the subject of depression - I think it's pretty common - I know many are on anti-depressants that help them. As much as I love my doctors, I think they just don't realize the extent to which depression affects cancer patients. I know that they are doing what they can to physically stop this terrible disease - and I obviously NEED to have them do that for me. I've definitely considered seeing a counselor . . . haven't done it yet, but I wouldn't hesitate to ask about that if the depression keeps coming back. This board, alone, has been such an unbelievable source of support for me . . . I am addicted!

    Sorry, again, for rambling . . . I think I'm half asleep . . . think I'll head to bed!

    Wishing all the best for you . . . please keep posting and let us know how you're doing.

    ♥ Lynn ♥

    HI Morgan
    Welcome to CSN :)
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    Welcome to the boards.

    Welcome to the boards.

    You have found a great site. All the survivors here are encouraging and supportative and willing to discuss just about anything.

    Congratulations on reaching your one year anniversary.

    I too am taking Femara and you are right it is a pain in more ways than one. I finished chemo on Feb 26 and rads on July 2. I just scheduled my first mamo after dx for Sep 2.

    The depression kinda sneaks in there every once in awhile. The past year has been hard on me emotionally as well as physically. This board helps. I know I can post here and I will get the support I need without being judged. I am sure you will find lots of friends here.



    Hey Morgan! Sorry you are
    Hey Morgan! Sorry you are here, but, you will sure find a great group of survivors. I know they have helped me so much that I could never repay them.

    Good luck,
