Ct scan results

fuzzytrouble Member Posts: 212
Well it's been awhile since I have posted but I thought I would share what I am going through now. I had a scan about 2 weeks ago and had my follow-up today with the Dr.. We were going to make a plan about what to do about the nodules in my lungs. Well my last Doxil treatment was in March so I have been on break since then. This latest scan has shown progression with the nodules and some new ones showing up. They are small enough now that they won't cause any problems yet, so the plan is quality of life. The Dr. told me that he thinks I could go another 3 months without treatment, so I said o.k., what the heck, I am feeling so good now why mess things up. LOL
I give Doxil a big hand at keeping the nodules at bay for a few months and I think that the side effects which were hell at times, were tolerant enough for me to do it again. I never had the Mugga test but they always checked the size of my heart at every scan. I did get blood clots but that's been taken care of now. I will be 60 years young this Sept. so I can't wait to celebrate this birthday.
There is not a day that goes by without thinking of what is going on in my body, but I am not that anxious about it any longer, it is what it is and I take it day by day. I am a lot calmer these days about things that happen and refuse to let minor stuff get in my way. I wish all my sisters on this site the best of what life brings to you. Walk on!


  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    (((Sharon))). Looks like we're walking this lap hand in hand.
    Glad to hear that you'll continue with the chemo break; my gyne-onc is a firm believer in taking a break whenever you safely can and when symptom-free. What a nice long break!! 8 months, right? 5 months was the longest break I've ever had from treatment so I know how wonderful this time must be for you. Looks like you and I are in a similar place in our journey, with considerable more LIVING ahead, but treatment decisions well-balanced with quality of life issues at the forefront. I too feel peace with my life and have learned not to give the little twinges inside much thought as they move around so much and are probably ALL unrelated to the cancer!

    And you make me hopeful with the Doxil that will be my next chemo line if next week's CT/PET shows any disease progression for me. I wish they'd call with a firm appointment so I can plan around it!!! I am giving a grantwriting workshop on the 20th and have a bunch of overnight company coming in that weekend to go to a Celtic festival with me. Life goes on, rich and joyous, cancer be damned.
  • Songflower
    Songflower Member Posts: 608

    (((Sharon))). Looks like we're walking this lap hand in hand.
    Glad to hear that you'll continue with the chemo break; my gyne-onc is a firm believer in taking a break whenever you safely can and when symptom-free. What a nice long break!! 8 months, right? 5 months was the longest break I've ever had from treatment so I know how wonderful this time must be for you. Looks like you and I are in a similar place in our journey, with considerable more LIVING ahead, but treatment decisions well-balanced with quality of life issues at the forefront. I too feel peace with my life and have learned not to give the little twinges inside much thought as they move around so much and are probably ALL unrelated to the cancer!

    And you make me hopeful with the Doxil that will be my next chemo line if next week's CT/PET shows any disease progression for me. I wish they'd call with a firm appointment so I can plan around it!!! I am giving a grantwriting workshop on the 20th and have a bunch of overnight company coming in that weekend to go to a Celtic festival with me. Life goes on, rich and joyous, cancer be damned.

    Good to hear from you
    Good to hear from you Sharon; your peace radiated across the waves into my lap. I too don't get rattled anymore. Someone asked me if I lose my hair with this chemo during Hipec and afterwards and I told them I don't know, I forgot to ask. The wigs are still in the closet. Hats too.

    Once you recur a peace does settle over you. Your greatest fear came and went. You found joy anyway!

    Linda, if you take doxil I hope it does well with you. It worked so well for me; also I took prozac with it. The research clinic that developed the liposomes for doxil found that prozac made it 1000 times more effective. You can do a google; they are apparently doing alot of good research on ovarian and uterine cancer in Israel.

    Thanks for sharing with all of us.

  • california_artist
    california_artist Member Posts: 816 Member

    Good to hear from you
    Good to hear from you Sharon; your peace radiated across the waves into my lap. I too don't get rattled anymore. Someone asked me if I lose my hair with this chemo during Hipec and afterwards and I told them I don't know, I forgot to ask. The wigs are still in the closet. Hats too.

    Once you recur a peace does settle over you. Your greatest fear came and went. You found joy anyway!

    Linda, if you take doxil I hope it does well with you. It worked so well for me; also I took prozac with it. The research clinic that developed the liposomes for doxil found that prozac made it 1000 times more effective. You can do a google; they are apparently doing alot of good research on ovarian and uterine cancer in Israel.

    Thanks for sharing with all of us.


    Boy, this is a hard little thread, eh?????
    Most of it's been said. love and very strong, very warm extended hugs to you all.

    Makes my little ups and downs seems so friggin' stupid. Think I too will try to find peace in every day things. what IS the point in stressing over every little thing???


  • fuzzytrouble
    fuzzytrouble Member Posts: 212

    Boy, this is a hard little thread, eh?????
    Most of it's been said. love and very strong, very warm extended hugs to you all.

    Makes my little ups and downs seems so friggin' stupid. Think I too will try to find peace in every day things. what IS the point in stressing over every little thing???



    Peace of mind
    Hi Claudia, good to hear from you again. Yes, I have come to the road right now that I will not get stressed over this any longer and enjoy each day stressing about cleaning the closets out instead. LOL I am doing good with that, got rid of a lot of magazine's I won't be using any longer and projects that I know I won't finish. That makes me feel like I am going green by cleaning. LOL I hope all is well with you and you are enjoying every day with a smile in your heart. Your ups and downs are important to us to, not stupid. Love ya and lots of hugs from Oregon
  • fuzzytrouble
    fuzzytrouble Member Posts: 212

    Good to hear from you
    Good to hear from you Sharon; your peace radiated across the waves into my lap. I too don't get rattled anymore. Someone asked me if I lose my hair with this chemo during Hipec and afterwards and I told them I don't know, I forgot to ask. The wigs are still in the closet. Hats too.

    Once you recur a peace does settle over you. Your greatest fear came and went. You found joy anyway!

    Linda, if you take doxil I hope it does well with you. It worked so well for me; also I took prozac with it. The research clinic that developed the liposomes for doxil found that prozac made it 1000 times more effective. You can do a google; they are apparently doing alot of good research on ovarian and uterine cancer in Israel.

    Thanks for sharing with all of us.


    You are so right
    The biggest fear has come and gone about 3 years ago with the first word Cancer. The next time it was mentioned I cried a lot because I didn't know what was ahead and I didn't know what I would look like with no hair. LOL Then when the next time came I just said "what are we going to do now?" and now we are waiting for the next shoe to fall. LOL It's been great, I was able to go back to Boston to celebrate the birth and first birthday of our granddaughter and I am still here, which I didn't think so 3 years ago. I don't go crazy about eating the right stuff, and I try to walk when I can because of the feet problems, so my stress level has come down quite a bit. I look at baby animal pictures and cute babies to make me feel good. LOL Hope this finds you having a great day. Hugs to you from Oregon
  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member

    You are so right
    The biggest fear has come and gone about 3 years ago with the first word Cancer. The next time it was mentioned I cried a lot because I didn't know what was ahead and I didn't know what I would look like with no hair. LOL Then when the next time came I just said "what are we going to do now?" and now we are waiting for the next shoe to fall. LOL It's been great, I was able to go back to Boston to celebrate the birth and first birthday of our granddaughter and I am still here, which I didn't think so 3 years ago. I don't go crazy about eating the right stuff, and I try to walk when I can because of the feet problems, so my stress level has come down quite a bit. I look at baby animal pictures and cute babies to make me feel good. LOL Hope this finds you having a great day. Hugs to you from Oregon

    Sharon I have been wondering how you have been doing
    I was so happy to see your post earlier. I wrote you a post back asking about the grandbaby, but I guess I forgot to post my comment. I hate it when I do that. Glad you have been able to celebrate your granddaughter's first birthday. Does that mean a new picture will be arriving? Glad you are at peace and able to enjoy life. Sorry your feet are still bothering you.

    I keep thinking about cleaning out those closets and book shelves, but have not got it done yet. I can understand how the pictures of baby animals and cute babies make you feel better. I have been visiting my great-nieces and nephews (since I have no grandchildren) and they make me smile. They are such fun to be around.

    Hope you continue to do well and enjoy each day. Enjoy your time in Boston. In peace and caring.