My first Hair cut .. I've waited 6 months since hair started to grow back ---



  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member

    two step forward one step back
    unfortunately gaining energy is a very slow process. Swimming is good, but still everyone please take it easy. You will get there just be gentle to yourself. Acupuncture really helped me with fatigue and insomnia. I am still cutting my hair very short.
    Have a nice weekend,
    New Flower

    Acupuncture huh? My ongologist is moving into a new cancer center - yesterday was my last appt at the old place, and the clinic he's associated with has merged with a cancer center in another town to form a "super cancer center" lol - they have nutritionists, therapists and physical therapists, and one of the non traditional therapies they will offer there is acupuncture. I'm definately looking into that one! I'm glad you posted that New Flower :)
  • acupuncture
    Acupuncture huh? My ongologist is moving into a new cancer center - yesterday was my last appt at the old place, and the clinic he's associated with has merged with a cancer center in another town to form a "super cancer center" lol - they have nutritionists, therapists and physical therapists, and one of the non traditional therapies they will offer there is acupuncture. I'm definately looking into that one! I'm glad you posted that New Flower :)

    Suffering from hair envy...
    Dear Dr. Freud,

    But all the other cancer ladies are getting new hairdos!

    I'm thrilled to hear how thrilled you have gotten over this formerly mundane task. I'm equally thrilled to hear that you ladies are getting all dolled up for next week's "Greater Southern California Breast Cancer Survivors Long Beach Luncheon and Invitational Miniature Golf Event" I mean, if George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington, and Chris Pine can take time out of their schedules to fund raise playing put-put golf...the least we can do is show up to watch their shapely hineys. I'm allowed a post-chemo dream, damnit...the Invitational Miniature Golf Event will need more time to come together, I suppose...maybe next year.

    What's next after hairdressing, brow shaping and bikini wax? It all has to wait for the hair to return.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Suffering from hair envy...
    Dear Dr. Freud,

    But all the other cancer ladies are getting new hairdos!

    I'm thrilled to hear how thrilled you have gotten over this formerly mundane task. I'm equally thrilled to hear that you ladies are getting all dolled up for next week's "Greater Southern California Breast Cancer Survivors Long Beach Luncheon and Invitational Miniature Golf Event" I mean, if George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington, and Chris Pine can take time out of their schedules to fund raise playing put-put golf...the least we can do is show up to watch their shapely hineys. I'm allowed a post-chemo dream, damnit...the Invitational Miniature Golf Event will need more time to come together, I suppose...maybe next year.

    What's next after hairdressing, brow shaping and bikini wax? It all has to wait for the hair to return.

    I will admit that I have been shaping my brows for a
    while - not much there to shape, but I do try. I just don't know what to do about my
    new moustache .. never had such a nice growth above my lip!

    Vicki Sam
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    VickiSam said:

    I will admit that I have been shaping my brows for a
    while - not much there to shape, but I do try. I just don't know what to do about my
    new moustache .. never had such a nice growth above my lip!

    Vicki Sam

    Was it color or bleach that made your highlite. My hairdresser also told me I could not have this yet. I soooo miss my blondeish hair ( Not gray ). I dyed it a brown, seems it was the only color that would cover the gray.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Was it color or bleach that made your highlite. My hairdresser also told me I could not have this yet. I soooo miss my blondeish hair ( Not gray ). I dyed it a brown, seems it was the only color that would cover the gray.

    me too! we'll post in a year with our blonde highlights, the trip to California would be one "expensive" haircut.!!!!
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    carkris said:

    me too! we'll post in a year with our blonde highlights, the trip to California would be one "expensive" haircut.!!!!

    Yea for that first haircut!
    Yea for that first haircut! I am so happy for you! I don't know what that must have felt like, but, it had to be such a wonderful thing for you!

    Sue :)
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    I'm still holding out for a trim. Its still too short. I have trimmed the wild fly aways and wispy ends. My style is: wet hands with water and dab of gel and rub through hair. Presto! So easy. It is starting to get some wave to it and I do color my hair the lightest blond there is. It takes a few times to gradually get it light from that ghastly gray, but it finally is my old color again. The texture is still very fine, but the gel stiffens it up. Now, when will my brows and lashes come back?
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    Acupuncture huh? My ongologist is moving into a new cancer center - yesterday was my last appt at the old place, and the clinic he's associated with has merged with a cancer center in another town to form a "super cancer center" lol - they have nutritionists, therapists and physical therapists, and one of the non traditional therapies they will offer there is acupuncture. I'm definately looking into that one! I'm glad you posted that New Flower :)

    yes, acupuncture helped me tremendously. Please be sure exclude your affected hand and arm from the treatment. Regardless what acupuncture specialist will tell you , protection of your hand and arm is critical. Radiated side shoulder also should be avoided too. You have enough sits to treat without critical areas.
    Good luck
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    natly15 said:

    I'm right behind you. This
    I'm right behind you. This short grey hair is starting to get unruly. so do I go short like it was a few months ago, or hope for a slight tweaking. My hubby is trying to convince me to stay grey, but now that it is getting longer I'm not so sure.

    Actually energy is probably first on my agenda, the energy I still dont have. I am walking and swimming but not every day. I read everywhere that exercise helps. How do we pace ourselves? All this is so new to me. I think I'm back to normal, then bam, fatigue hits, cant sleep, and my arthritis in my leg and knee starts up. Some of it has to be getting older and some of it, could be a year of surgeries, chemo, infections, rads and etc. If there is any etc.

    Today I did indulge in a not so little thing. I had 2 donuts for breakfast and now I'm ready for a nap but I am smiling as I lick some sugar off my lips.

    Natly - I love your hair
    That is such a pretty style on you!
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    carkris said:

    me too! we'll post in a year with our blonde highlights, the trip to California would be one "expensive" haircut.!!!!

    Ya, It would be the most expensive cut I ever had. So I am with you, post in a year.
  • reeseslover1234
    reeseslover1234 Member Posts: 87
    natly15 said:

    I'm right behind you. This
    I'm right behind you. This short grey hair is starting to get unruly. so do I go short like it was a few months ago, or hope for a slight tweaking. My hubby is trying to convince me to stay grey, but now that it is getting longer I'm not so sure.

    Actually energy is probably first on my agenda, the energy I still dont have. I am walking and swimming but not every day. I read everywhere that exercise helps. How do we pace ourselves? All this is so new to me. I think I'm back to normal, then bam, fatigue hits, cant sleep, and my arthritis in my leg and knee starts up. Some of it has to be getting older and some of it, could be a year of surgeries, chemo, infections, rads and etc. If there is any etc.

    Today I did indulge in a not so little thing. I had 2 donuts for breakfast and now I'm ready for a nap but I am smiling as I lick some sugar off my lips.

    In response to Natly
    I've never put any color in my hair at all, but I just might when and if it finally gets here. It's very dense, but some color might make me feel a little better about it. Before I lost it, it only had a grey hair here and there, but I think it's going to have a lot more now.

    The fatigue thing is bad with me also. It's almost like I've done too much the day before and I can barely make it just around the house doing things. My knees, ankles, and elbows are what bothers me the most. Hopefully this won't last very much longer. I'm ready to feel good least on most days.

    I really enjoy your posts, by the way.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    You waited so long
    I hope you like the new do???? Post a pic when you can. Congrats on being able to do something that feels like normal :-)

    Congratulations! It has
    Congratulations! It has been a long and hard road for you!

    Hugs, Debby