Goodbye Lefty- Righty gets to stay...nipple news

SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi All!

Well, it stands to reason with my personality that one nipple would stand at perfect attention is ready for its tattoo on 9/11 and that the other would fall flat like a pancake.

That's right, Lefty absolutely just deflated and flattened out.

It took weeks and weeks for her to heal and after all was said and done even though the ps said give it time Lefty fell over and flattened.

Righty however looks perky, pointy and great.

I've been trying to keep my chins up but I'll be honest. I'm blue.

I even saw Eat,Pray,Love on Tuesday and found myself unable to feel sorry for the main charactar.

I mean, really, the charactar's life is falling apart because of her divorce.

I get that divorce is a nightmare but really, really? Breast cancer would be way worse news. And SHE WANTED the divorce. Rarely are woman portrayed as in control in movies regarding divorce. It's always a cheating man with a younger woman-not this movie.

OK sorry, this was about nipples.

So on 9/11 Righty will have her tattoo and I'll post her up on my website.

I'll have a photo of Lefty McFlatty by this Sunday if you're curious.

Love you all!!!!!!!!!!



  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    You crack me up.
    So funny. What a great attitude you have. I love your comparison of the movie and breast cancer. I feel that way so many times when I hear people complain. I wanna say, "let's trade for a day, then see how you feel!"
    Good luck on your "nip and tuck"! Hope it all goes well. I have No nipple on my leftie and it's no big deal. You learn to LIVE with it!
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    I'm sorry
    Dear Samurai,

    I pulled up your last thread and commented on there on Tuesday. I am four weeks out of my exchange for silicone implants and had my follow-up with my PS. We talked about nips. He said that because my skin is so thin there is a possibility that they wouldn't take, turn black and snuff off, flatten out. When he was describing what could happen, I thought of you. Do you have thin skin on top? I'm so sorry this has happened to you.

    Have you looked at pictures of 3-d tats? They look awesome!! Because they're done by a tattoo artist, I'm thinking that we'd have to pay out of pocket ... I have no idea what they cost but that would definitely be something that I would look into.

    Will only righty get a tattoo? Or will lefty get one too?

    Going through what we've gone thru ... so much seems so trivial. I know I don't have much patience with trivial things anymore.

    Hang in there. Good luck & congratulations on getting your tats.
  • krispatmad
    krispatmad Member Posts: 10
    Just got a nipple
    I just got a new nipple on Monday. So far it is healing so I am curious to see what she looks like under all this dressing. I did not know it has a chance of going flat. Yikes. How long have you had it?

    As far as the movie..I have had both cancer and my husband left me for another woman two weeks after my last radiation treatment. It's been a rough two years and I have learned tremendous lessons along the way. It's all been a blessing and nothing to complain about. Both cancer and my husband leaving me have been the best things that have happened to me.

    I am turning 40 in a couple of weeks and I am embracing the idea of feeling fabulous!
  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295

    I'm sorry
    Dear Samurai,

    I pulled up your last thread and commented on there on Tuesday. I am four weeks out of my exchange for silicone implants and had my follow-up with my PS. We talked about nips. He said that because my skin is so thin there is a possibility that they wouldn't take, turn black and snuff off, flatten out. When he was describing what could happen, I thought of you. Do you have thin skin on top? I'm so sorry this has happened to you.

    Have you looked at pictures of 3-d tats? They look awesome!! Because they're done by a tattoo artist, I'm thinking that we'd have to pay out of pocket ... I have no idea what they cost but that would definitely be something that I would look into.

    Will only righty get a tattoo? Or will lefty get one too?

    Going through what we've gone thru ... so much seems so trivial. I know I don't have much patience with trivial things anymore.

    Hang in there. Good luck & congratulations on getting your tats.

    Hi Dawne!
    Oh I know...I'm almost embarrassed to complain about the nips with all the much more severe and serious stuff going on out there.

    I've researched the 3d tattoos and they look amazing!

    I do have the skin ones though. The ps took excess skin kind of gathered it up from the center and fashioned it into a point.

    Next step in the aereola tattoo on top of it.

    I supposed I can look at Righty as a preview to Lefty. :)

  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295

    Just got a nipple
    I just got a new nipple on Monday. So far it is healing so I am curious to see what she looks like under all this dressing. I did not know it has a chance of going flat. Yikes. How long have you had it?

    As far as the movie..I have had both cancer and my husband left me for another woman two weeks after my last radiation treatment. It's been a rough two years and I have learned tremendous lessons along the way. It's all been a blessing and nothing to complain about. Both cancer and my husband leaving me have been the best things that have happened to me.

    I am turning 40 in a couple of weeks and I am embracing the idea of feeling fabulous!

    you rock
    Hi Kirspatmad,

    Now we need to make a movie of your life! You are a true survivor!!!

    I'd buy tickets to that one!! :)

    My nips were done June 2010. I was very diligent about the dressings and keeping them protected but sometimes is just happens.

    You're right, cancer was an inadvertant blessing to me as well.

    Happy 40th!!!

  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member

    you rock
    Hi Kirspatmad,

    Now we need to make a movie of your life! You are a true survivor!!!

    I'd buy tickets to that one!! :)

    My nips were done June 2010. I was very diligent about the dressings and keeping them protected but sometimes is just happens.

    You're right, cancer was an inadvertant blessing to me as well.

    Happy 40th!!!


    nipple news
    So, I'm picturing the five o'clock news, the anchor people sitting there together doing that light banter, the next story's headline up in the right-hand corner. And now, Chet, nipple news. Or it's an ongoing feature like sports and weather.

    I'm laughing with you, not at you. I think your situation would take its toll on me emotionally.

    By the way, love your website and I voted for you!!!

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Mama G said:

    You crack me up.
    So funny. What a great attitude you have. I love your comparison of the movie and breast cancer. I feel that way so many times when I hear people complain. I wanna say, "let's trade for a day, then see how you feel!"
    Good luck on your "nip and tuck"! Hope it all goes well. I have No nipple on my leftie and it's no big deal. You learn to LIVE with it!

    Sorry Jojo that this
    Sorry Jojo that this happened. Good luck with your tattoo!
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    Awh Jo JO i understand how
    Awh Jo JO i understand how you feel left implant decided it didnt want to stand at attention anymore either and now looking more towards the floor. So are they going to redo lefty or what is the procedure for that?
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    jo jo said:

    Awh Jo JO i understand how
    Awh Jo JO i understand how you feel left implant decided it didnt want to stand at attention anymore either and now looking more towards the floor. So are they going to redo lefty or what is the procedure for that?

    Ok .. Nipple questions ...
    Left nipple did make it to tattooing .. what is the fix recommended by your PS? I am confused on how long do you wait and see, or will there be another surgery involved .. JoJo above .. mentioned same question .. as the Two of us, are pending our decisions on nipple reconstruction or not ...

    My question .. sorry for being so personal, what about our incision scar's .. do they fade in time, or do we back in to PS to have this 'sanded' and smooth down (?) -- lack of a better term ..

    My right breast is my trouble breast ..go figure, it's my non cancerouos breast ..

    Vicki Sam
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Ok .. Nipple questions ...
    Left nipple did make it to tattooing .. what is the fix recommended by your PS? I am confused on how long do you wait and see, or will there be another surgery involved .. JoJo above .. mentioned same question .. as the Two of us, are pending our decisions on nipple reconstruction or not ...

    My question .. sorry for being so personal, what about our incision scar's .. do they fade in time, or do we back in to PS to have this 'sanded' and smooth down (?) -- lack of a better term ..

    My right breast is my trouble breast ..go figure, it's my non cancerouos breast ..

    Vicki Sam

    Krispatmad .. I am in AWE of your strength and
    courage .. Best of luck to you!

  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    VickiSam said:

    Ok .. Nipple questions ...
    Left nipple did make it to tattooing .. what is the fix recommended by your PS? I am confused on how long do you wait and see, or will there be another surgery involved .. JoJo above .. mentioned same question .. as the Two of us, are pending our decisions on nipple reconstruction or not ...

    My question .. sorry for being so personal, what about our incision scar's .. do they fade in time, or do we back in to PS to have this 'sanded' and smooth down (?) -- lack of a better term ..

    My right breast is my trouble breast ..go figure, it's my non cancerouos breast ..

    Vicki Sam

    Oooowh Vicki ....sanded and
    Oooowh Vicki ....sanded and smoothed down ...ouchy! I hope thats not what they do or anything close to that! Dont feel bad Vicki my left droopy one is also supose to be the good boob:)
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    jo jo said:

    Oooowh Vicki ....sanded and
    Oooowh Vicki ....sanded and smoothed down ...ouchy! I hope thats not what they do or anything close to that! Dont feel bad Vicki my left droopy one is also supose to be the good boob:)

    Jo Jo .. are your incision scar's .. smooth as a
    baby's bottom .. after your exchange? Mine are NOT, and I am a little worried .. What happens to the scars ... buffed and puffed, or sanded down into submission .. I am going to ask at my next PS appointment, 8/27 ... I need to write this down, and staple it to my purse straps, otherwise I may forget between tonight and next Friday ...

    Vicki Sam
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    VickiSam said:

    Jo Jo .. are your incision scar's .. smooth as a
    baby's bottom .. after your exchange? Mine are NOT, and I am a little worried .. What happens to the scars ... buffed and puffed, or sanded down into submission .. I am going to ask at my next PS appointment, 8/27 ... I need to write this down, and staple it to my purse straps, otherwise I may forget between tonight and next Friday ...

    Vicki Sam

    Vicki so far mine are pretty
    Vicki so far mine are pretty smooth except in a couple small places cuz it hasnt totally healed yet and where the stitches keep popping up. But over all its healing pretty good and it looks ALOT better than it did when i got the expanders in. My PS cut away all that old scarring and made a fresh new incision. I dont know how they smooth them out or if they do? It would be interesting to know though.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Krispatmad .. I am in AWE of your strength and
    courage .. Best of luck to you!


    So sorry about lefty not
    So sorry about lefty not being like righty jojo. But, you are one brave woman!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Thanks for sharing
    Your website is great. Sorry to hear about Lefty. Hope everything turns out okay.
  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
    VickiSam said:

    Jo Jo .. are your incision scar's .. smooth as a
    baby's bottom .. after your exchange? Mine are NOT, and I am a little worried .. What happens to the scars ... buffed and puffed, or sanded down into submission .. I am going to ask at my next PS appointment, 8/27 ... I need to write this down, and staple it to my purse straps, otherwise I may forget between tonight and next Friday ...

    Vicki Sam

    Lefty McFlatty
    Hi VS!

    No the scars are definitely not smooth as a baby's bottom.(I wish they were) I'm told though that the tattoo covers a lot of it but truly I'm just going to wait and see what the scar does over time. (you can see my pictures on my website if you like)

    My scars do look better and better though every month...lighter and less prominent.

    The ps nurse says something called Kelokote is the magic trick for scar healing and repair once we're out of the procedure phase.

    I elected to have the nips done in the ps office as an outpatient procedure totally awake. (I've had enough of the going under situation for a lifetime like everyone here!)

    A couple shots of lidocaine and he got to work. No big deal at all.

    I'm just going to have to redo Lefty and hope she heals better this time.

  • jackiejhm
    jackiejhm Member Posts: 169
    are, by far, one of the coolest, funnest, awesom-est ladies around! xoxo
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    So sorry
    that once again you're having a problem with the nips. Flat as a pancake, eh? I bought my first set of silicone prostheses yesterday and they even have a tiny nip. lol