Okay guys. Too Much Drama Time For Some Fum

BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
No the Sheriff isn't coming back.

This Annabell Ant.

What is the best joke someone has every played on you or you played on someone else?

We used to have a 135 pound rottie. We bought this dog a huge dog house. One so big that we could even crawl around in it. Cost us $150. The dog hated the house. You could throw a bone in there and she would go in and get it and come right back out. It rains a lot here the beginning of summer and of course the dog would not go in the house. She would lean against our shed under the eve. Well one of our busy body neighbors decided we were the meaniest people because we let the dog stay out there and wrote me a really nasty note and left it in the mailbox. When I saw that note I called my husband at work and told him how upset I was. About 10 miutes after I got off the phone with him the phone rang. It was a man on the phone and I did not recognise the voice and he was telling me that he was the one who had written the note and that I should be ashamed of myself. I was crying when I hung up the phone. I called my husband again and told him they had our phone number and they were calling the house. He tried to reassure me that it was okay and then said "Did it sound like Tom" a guy he works with. I hung up on him. I was so pissed at him I could have killed him. He tried calling me back but I would not answer the phone. I don't think I will ever let him forget that one. He is always trying to play jokes on me.




  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    i have one!!!!
    A long long time ago when the kids were young and we were terribly broke, our family joined many other families at a Super Bowl party. As you walked in, you were handed lottery tickets, the scratch off kind, as a party favor. Well, as happens, the menfolk gathered around the TV and the women hung out in the kitchen. I said, "Want to have some fun?" Of course, they did. I started screaming "I won, I won." Boy oh boy, did my husband come a'running. He had such an excited look on his face, I ended up feeling bad.

    That's the only one I can remember at the moment.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    aisling8 said:

    i have one!!!!
    A long long time ago when the kids were young and we were terribly broke, our family joined many other families at a Super Bowl party. As you walked in, you were handed lottery tickets, the scratch off kind, as a party favor. Well, as happens, the menfolk gathered around the TV and the women hung out in the kitchen. I said, "Want to have some fun?" Of course, they did. I started screaming "I won, I won." Boy oh boy, did my husband come a'running. He had such an excited look on his face, I ended up feeling bad.

    That's the only one I can remember at the moment.


    mean but funny hehe. dont
    mean but funny hehe. dont have one though.
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    I have one!
    When my kids were just coming into their teen years they decided to play a prank on me...they knew i hated snakes. It was in the middle of summer and we had lots of garder snakes. So they put one in a brown lunch sack and put it in the kitchen cubboard. Naturaully when i opened the cubboard door and seen the sack in there i would of been curious to see what it was. My kids are watching from around the corner as i opened this bag...now in freakout mode i scream and throw the sack...now we have a bigger problem ITS LOOSE IN THE KITCHEN and i jump onto the kitchen counter, like you see in the cartoons with the females and mice! Nobody could find this snake for a couple days. But at last there plan kinda backfired on them cuz it wasnt me that woke up screaming in the middle of the night cuz it crawled into bed with them...hehe!
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    carkris said:

    mean but funny hehe. dont
    mean but funny hehe. dont have one though.

    New Flower
  • teresa41
    teresa41 Member Posts: 471
    jo jo said:

    I have one!
    When my kids were just coming into their teen years they decided to play a prank on me...they knew i hated snakes. It was in the middle of summer and we had lots of garder snakes. So they put one in a brown lunch sack and put it in the kitchen cubboard. Naturaully when i opened the cubboard door and seen the sack in there i would of been curious to see what it was. My kids are watching from around the corner as i opened this bag...now in freakout mode i scream and throw the sack...now we have a bigger problem ITS LOOSE IN THE KITCHEN and i jump onto the kitchen counter, like you see in the cartoons with the females and mice! Nobody could find this snake for a couple days. But at last there plan kinda backfired on them cuz it wasnt me that woke up screaming in the middle of the night cuz it crawled into bed with them...hehe!

    when my brother and me were younger we went and got one of them woopee cushions, so when our mom was busy we slipped it in her chair so she came in sit down and the noise was loud and guess what? she blew it out lol. it was to funny.

  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    -i terrorized my younger brother....
    This is a meanie-there's this old spooky country road in our town called Primrose. Full of urban legends about devil worshipers, scary happenings, all kinds of ghosts, creatures - basically every person between the ages of 13 and 18 has some kinds of creepy story about when they drove through Primrose. Well, I was 16 at the time, and my younger brother was 12. He had a buddy stay the night one night & they were begging my friend (who just got her license) and I to drive them out there at midnight that night. So we said we would. BUT - during the day, we went out there, spray painted (more like vandalized shhh) the street sign with "warnings", and also some signs leading to Primrose Rd. There's also a giant boulder on the corner of Primrose that is called "Blood Rock" - from all the supposed devil worshiper sacrifices that happened there (keep in mind that i live in Indiana - home of country folk and cornfields & bored farmers' kids that have to come up with SOME way to entertain themselves). It's all graffitied on from all the years. After spray painting the signs during the day - my friend and I made a few gallons of a blood/gore concoction made of ketchup, mashed up hot dogs, corn syrup, and assorted goo. We also took some bigger size stuffed animals and headed to blood rock. You can imagine the look of carnage we left on "blood rock" with 2 gallons of blood and gore, and 2 "gutted" stuffed animals propped up. Of course when we took my brother and his friend, her car conveniently stalled right in front of the rock...my brother's friend was 13 yrs old and easily 6 ft 2 already, a football player, and he was literally crying and screaming...luckily when i laugh really hard i start crying & i had them fooled. It was SO funny. And SO Mean, I know, i know...we told my mom what we did the next day but I didn't tell my brotherr that it was fake until years later! In the words of the great Bugs Bunny "I sure is a stinker"
  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member

    -i terrorized my younger brother....
    This is a meanie-there's this old spooky country road in our town called Primrose. Full of urban legends about devil worshipers, scary happenings, all kinds of ghosts, creatures - basically every person between the ages of 13 and 18 has some kinds of creepy story about when they drove through Primrose. Well, I was 16 at the time, and my younger brother was 12. He had a buddy stay the night one night & they were begging my friend (who just got her license) and I to drive them out there at midnight that night. So we said we would. BUT - during the day, we went out there, spray painted (more like vandalized shhh) the street sign with "warnings", and also some signs leading to Primrose Rd. There's also a giant boulder on the corner of Primrose that is called "Blood Rock" - from all the supposed devil worshiper sacrifices that happened there (keep in mind that i live in Indiana - home of country folk and cornfields & bored farmers' kids that have to come up with SOME way to entertain themselves). It's all graffitied on from all the years. After spray painting the signs during the day - my friend and I made a few gallons of a blood/gore concoction made of ketchup, mashed up hot dogs, corn syrup, and assorted goo. We also took some bigger size stuffed animals and headed to blood rock. You can imagine the look of carnage we left on "blood rock" with 2 gallons of blood and gore, and 2 "gutted" stuffed animals propped up. Of course when we took my brother and his friend, her car conveniently stalled right in front of the rock...my brother's friend was 13 yrs old and easily 6 ft 2 already, a football player, and he was literally crying and screaming...luckily when i laugh really hard i start crying & i had them fooled. It was SO funny. And SO Mean, I know, i know...we told my mom what we did the next day but I didn't tell my brotherr that it was fake until years later! In the words of the great Bugs Bunny "I sure is a stinker"

    Once again, another good topic! Very funny! Laughter truly is the "BEST MEDICINE".
    Keep those stories coming.

  • Curlz
    Curlz Member Posts: 42
    I guess I started it...
    Suffice it to say that I have an excellent sense of humor. Thankfully, my radiation onc does as well, as did my techs (a WONDERFUL group of people).

    I won't make the assumption that every hospital has gone digital, but mine has. Part of the process is that they take a digital photo of each patient and it gets posted along with digital charts. Prior to my daily radiation treatments, I was shown my photo on the screen and asked by the techs "Is this you?" It seems sort of silly, but think about it--what if someone was filling in and they gave one patient another's treatment? So it's a QA check.

    When the doc marked me up for my boost treatments, he also took digital pics of the markings and said he needed a photo of me to 'end' the series of pics on the camera so they'd be sure they were matching the markings to the right patient. Because I'm silly at every opportunity, I stuck my tongue out as he took the picture. Two days later, I'm asked "Is this you?" and I look at the monitor, and there was the (VERY unattractive) picture of me sticking my tongue out at the camera! I loved it, the techs loved it, and I loved it all the more when I heard my doc was in on the posting. They left it up for about a week before changing it back to my original (good) headshot.

    Gotta laugh through this, because cancer itself isn't so funny, right?!?
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
    Curlz said:

    I guess I started it...
    Suffice it to say that I have an excellent sense of humor. Thankfully, my radiation onc does as well, as did my techs (a WONDERFUL group of people).

    I won't make the assumption that every hospital has gone digital, but mine has. Part of the process is that they take a digital photo of each patient and it gets posted along with digital charts. Prior to my daily radiation treatments, I was shown my photo on the screen and asked by the techs "Is this you?" It seems sort of silly, but think about it--what if someone was filling in and they gave one patient another's treatment? So it's a QA check.

    When the doc marked me up for my boost treatments, he also took digital pics of the markings and said he needed a photo of me to 'end' the series of pics on the camera so they'd be sure they were matching the markings to the right patient. Because I'm silly at every opportunity, I stuck my tongue out as he took the picture. Two days later, I'm asked "Is this you?" and I look at the monitor, and there was the (VERY unattractive) picture of me sticking my tongue out at the camera! I loved it, the techs loved it, and I loved it all the more when I heard my doc was in on the posting. They left it up for about a week before changing it back to my original (good) headshot.

    Gotta laugh through this, because cancer itself isn't so funny, right?!?

    I just
    did this last night. heeheehee...:-)
    I have one child left here at home. He's 14. He has been on a schedule all summer of staying up as late as he can & then sleep all day, along with numerous friends spending the night.(Thankfully they are back to school so now it's just on the weekends) I'm not able to sleep peacefully knowing they are up and doing God knows what..so of course I feel the need to check on them pretty often. Well, at times they have made me mad because when I finally do get back to sleep, they wake me up again with the sound of something being broke, them running through the house, laughing, rough housing, just being boys. What could I do to get even??? Well, I have found it utterly hilarious to creep up on them, hide behind a door (namely the fridge door)& jump out at them & scare the "ykw" out of them! The looks on their faces!!!LMAO Priceless!!
    Another good one, Hubby has a twisted sense of humor, but he likes to take the plastic floor mats that have the prongs on the underneath and flip it over in front of a doorway and then call one of the kids into another room & watch their reaction when they step on the mat. The reaction is funny, but having it done to me..well it can hurt!
    Thanks for the Laughter Ladies!
    ♥ Cat