Tamoxifen and weight gain.

ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi everyone.I had an appointment with my Cancer dr after her switching me to Tamoxifen.I was on Armidex but had to stop it because of severe joint pain.I had lost 40lbs while on it.Now taking Tamoxifen I have not lost weight.I ask Dr. about it.She said I would not loss weight on TRamoxifen.I still watch what I eat.But this is desuriging for me.AS anyone eles had this problem?I hope everyone is doing ok.I have not been on here for awhile.Love and Prayers.PPurdin.


  • teresa41
    teresa41 Member Posts: 471
    me me me!
    i have my hand raised way up lol. i started tamoxifen dec 2009 i am also not losing any weight .i get up at 5am and walk a hour and eat healthy and drink water. i talked about my struggle with weight loss to my oncoligist it went in one ear and out the other. no comment from him.one of the side affects is weight gain and i also am having joint pain and fatigue i think they are side affects from the tamoxifen.

  • mjjones453
    mjjones453 Member Posts: 155
    tamoxifen and weight gain
    I have been on Tamoxifen since the beginning of May, I have not lost weight, but neither have I gained any weight. I am happy about that. Mary
  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    You probably don't want to know this but. . .
    my surgeon informed me that there is a lot of black market use for tamoxifen by weight lifters that want to cut body fat. Yep, the same drug I would have loved to blame on weight gain is used to get rid of body fat by some serious body building idiots that have nothing better to do that lose weight via drugs most of us would rather avoid like the plague. So I finally started getting serious enough about weight loss to start writing down every bite in a composition notebook, looking up the calorie count in one of those calorie counter books (about 5 bucks at the bookstore) and I lost 16 pounds on tamoxifen. My doctor was worried about the weight loss until I explained it was deliberate. Then he was happy, my clothes fit, and I was happy. Be aware that your doctor might be thrilled if you lose no weight at all. My current docs would like me to maintain or gain. But my pants are getting tight again. We will see who wins or loses as the case may be this time!

    C. Abbott
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Almost Done...
    with 5 years of Tamoxifen. Didn't lose weight. Only gained during winter and holiday season! Which is usual for me anyway! (too many of Sant'as cookies!) But I did find I had to work a little harder to lose it this past spring. Not sure if it's because of the Tamoxifen it's self or the fact that I'm just getting older and it's just harder to lose weight. My onc. told me there is no evidence (i.e. studies) to say that Tamoxifen makes you gain weight.

    But gosh...you've already lost 40 pounds!! That's awesome! Maybe your body is happy where it's at and doesn't want to get any thinner. Ya know that whole theory about a body's "set point". I think there is something to that. As much as I try to lose more weight, seems I just keep between a certain weight no matter what!
