I get out of breath easy these days does this happen to any one ells?

smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have been getting winded easily lately. This never happened to me before. I had my third Chemo last Tues. ( Herceptin, carboplatin, taxotere.) Is this a side affect of chemo? My Dr is going to do a Muga test for my heart a week before chemo next time. Going into this She told me I was in excellent shape. everything was perfect. I am worried that it is starting to affect my heart. I have not had any pain tightness or anything like that. has any one had this and it wasn't the heart? Why would I get out of breath just taking the dog out. I happens most when I go out side in the heat. I don't have any trouble catching my breath when I come in. Maybe I am being paranoid. Thanks for listening sorry so long. Kay


  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    Same thing
    The same thing would happen to me during both chemo and radiation, I have asthma though and I think both treatments affected my lungs because of that. It has gotten better and docs are all keeping an eye on it. Also, I could not stand the heat -- still don't do well in it.
    When your heart turns out to be fine (and it will) ask about lungs or if it could just be the heat, particularly if you're someplace humid. I'm in Colorado so fortunately I didn't have to deal with much of that.
    Let us know how things are going.

  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    Not paranoid
    A nurse once told me that going through cancer treatment is a lot like being pregnant. It takes about the same amount of time and you get a brand new life afterward. Also like being pregnant is that you have to check everything with your doctor. You aren't being paranoid to immediately call the doctor to report breathing problems. They need to carefully evaluate your heart just in case and catch things early if there are any problems. It could be just the heat and you should just stay inside, but I'm glad you aren't taking any chances. That's being smart, not being paranoid! Meanwhile, see what you can do to avoid the heat.
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    It happens to me

    it makes you wonder. I had the same chemo as you and yes I find myself out of breath
    quiete frequently. But I was attributing to my recent mastectomy, since I catch myself
    breathing really shallow, deep breaths feel uncomfortable.

    I did have a little chest pain one time... maybe I will ask my doctor to check my heart
    and compare it to the baseline muga scan they took. I don't believe when doctors tell
    me I am just fine, I believe in what my body tells me.

    Thanks for posting this.

  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    aysemari said:

    It happens to me

    it makes you wonder. I had the same chemo as you and yes I find myself out of breath
    quiete frequently. But I was attributing to my recent mastectomy, since I catch myself
    breathing really shallow, deep breaths feel uncomfortable.

    I did have a little chest pain one time... maybe I will ask my doctor to check my heart
    and compare it to the baseline muga scan they took. I don't believe when doctors tell
    me I am just fine, I believe in what my body tells me.

    Thanks for posting this.


    Side effect
    It started happening to me when I went on the herceptin. I did 4 A/C and 1 taxol before the herceptin. I have to have echocardiograms every 4 months while on herceptin (3 more to go out of 17). So far all is good with my heart. It's always better to check with your doctor when something "new" pops up.

    Hope you feel better soon.
  • Chickadee1955
    Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member
    Sher43009 said:

    Side effect
    It started happening to me when I went on the herceptin. I did 4 A/C and 1 taxol before the herceptin. I have to have echocardiograms every 4 months while on herceptin (3 more to go out of 17). So far all is good with my heart. It's always better to check with your doctor when something "new" pops up.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    I, too, had the shortness of
    I, too, had the shortness of breath with very moderate activity. My onc ran blood work to make certain my blood counts were appropriate. It slacked off within a few days. It recurs occasionally, but hasn't been problematic. I contacted my cancer center immediately when it happened. My chemo cocktail is taxotere/cytocin.
  • lillith
    lillith Member Posts: 29
    colorado too
    I think it is a chemo side effect. I noticed that i would be breathing really shallowly and would have to take a deep breath or 2 or 3 to get to normal.
    Yoga helps you to breath more fully, and is given as a class at this cancer center.
    P.T. exercises also have a deep breathing exercise.
    After chemo, it seems this problem went away and hopefully it will go away for you too.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    lillith said:

    colorado too
    I think it is a chemo side effect. I noticed that i would be breathing really shallowly and would have to take a deep breath or 2 or 3 to get to normal.
    Yoga helps you to breath more fully, and is given as a class at this cancer center.
    P.T. exercises also have a deep breathing exercise.
    After chemo, it seems this problem went away and hopefully it will go away for you too.

    I had this with chemo
    I had this with chemo particularly after walking up stairs. it went away when chemo was done. I think it just drained me and everything became an effort. But I hear aboout it from many people so it could be a direct link to the meds. we got so many.
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    carkris said:

    I had this with chemo
    I had this with chemo particularly after walking up stairs. it went away when chemo was done. I think it just drained me and everything became an effort. But I hear aboout it from many people so it could be a direct link to the meds. we got so many.

    Oh Yeah--
    I had this with chemo and rads. I'm 2 weeks post-rads and I still get winded more easily than normal. It's good to check with your doc, but as the others have said, I think usually it goes with the territory--especially if you are not having any cardiac symptoms. Our bodies have been through so much--it's bound to take its toll.

    Hugs, Renee
  • new2me
    new2me Member Posts: 177 Member
    Hey smalldoggroomer
    I am on the same cocktail as you and I will have my 4th treatment this coming Friday. I am easily winded also. I just had my echo today and my heart is in excellant condition. (I use to be a powerwalker and work out alot before cancer) I was told I am winded because my red blood cells are down. I was told to eat alot of iron rich food and I also take an iron suppliment. I'm not an expert but don't worry too much about being winded especially if your heart is in good shape.
    I am the same age as you (50) and was wondering how you are handling everything? does your dr. give you steriods and have you gain weight? I have gained a total of 10 lbs since my 1st treatment.

    Good talking to you :)

    Hanging in there..

  • lillith
    lillith Member Posts: 29
    new2me said:

    Hey smalldoggroomer
    I am on the same cocktail as you and I will have my 4th treatment this coming Friday. I am easily winded also. I just had my echo today and my heart is in excellant condition. (I use to be a powerwalker and work out alot before cancer) I was told I am winded because my red blood cells are down. I was told to eat alot of iron rich food and I also take an iron suppliment. I'm not an expert but don't worry too much about being winded especially if your heart is in good shape.
    I am the same age as you (50) and was wondering how you are handling everything? does your dr. give you steriods and have you gain weight? I have gained a total of 10 lbs since my 1st treatment.

    Good talking to you :)

    Hanging in there..


    yes, walking is really good (i think i'll go for a walk right now).
    before cancer, i primarily ate vegetarianly (is that a word?) but with chemo i became anemic so.....i remembered a recipe that my mother cooked from childhood: calf's liver.
    i got so i could cook it really well, and it was delicious.
    someone on here suggested venison as being very high in iron. good suggestion.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    lillith said:

    yes, walking is really good (i think i'll go for a walk right now).
    before cancer, i primarily ate vegetarianly (is that a word?) but with chemo i became anemic so.....i remembered a recipe that my mother cooked from childhood: calf's liver.
    i got so i could cook it really well, and it was delicious.
    someone on here suggested venison as being very high in iron. good suggestion.

    that makes sense, I know my
    that makes sense, I know my hematocrit was low I think my hemoglobin was ok. It was such a crazy time I forget some things.
  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Yep, All the time. After I
    Yep, All the time. After I retire I am going to try to start walking again in the morning when it is cool. Take me a stick in case the dogs come after me.


  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    Yep, All the time. After I
    Yep, All the time. After I retire I am going to try to start walking again in the morning when it is cool. Take me a stick in case the dogs come after me.



    Yes I get winded easily now
    and don't know why. Just watering my flowers or walking up and down cellar to do laundry. Some days it's better so I haven't mentioned it yet. There are so many things to mention that sometimes I feel like a hypocondriac! (I'm sure I spelled that wrong)
    Bless us all,
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    new2me said:

    Hey smalldoggroomer
    I am on the same cocktail as you and I will have my 4th treatment this coming Friday. I am easily winded also. I just had my echo today and my heart is in excellant condition. (I use to be a powerwalker and work out alot before cancer) I was told I am winded because my red blood cells are down. I was told to eat alot of iron rich food and I also take an iron suppliment. I'm not an expert but don't worry too much about being winded especially if your heart is in good shape.
    I am the same age as you (50) and was wondering how you are handling everything? does your dr. give you steriods and have you gain weight? I have gained a total of 10 lbs since my 1st treatment.

    Good talking to you :)

    Hanging in there..


    Hi Kelly
    I'm not in the shape I use to be. I use to run 8 miles a day. Ride horses. six pack abs. I always had good cardio. You would never know it now. I quite running because of a deformity to my ankles. Then I had a hysterectomy back in 90 and its been down hill from there. I really want to get back into shape after all this is over. I just want to feel good again. I also have started taking Iron hope it helps. I am going to get some biotin too. Yes I do take steroids a few days around chemo. I don't like them they keep me awake and put weight on. I get bloated the week of chemo but it goes away. So far I have not gained any weight. I sure don't need that. Thanks for your response. Take care Kay
  • lillith
    lillith Member Posts: 29

    Hi Kelly
    I'm not in the shape I use to be. I use to run 8 miles a day. Ride horses. six pack abs. I always had good cardio. You would never know it now. I quite running because of a deformity to my ankles. Then I had a hysterectomy back in 90 and its been down hill from there. I really want to get back into shape after all this is over. I just want to feel good again. I also have started taking Iron hope it helps. I am going to get some biotin too. Yes I do take steroids a few days around chemo. I don't like them they keep me awake and put weight on. I get bloated the week of chemo but it goes away. So far I have not gained any weight. I sure don't need that. Thanks for your response. Take care Kay

    just a thought
    I heard somewhere that people over 50 shouldn't take iron supplements because it can cause heart arhythmias? Most multivitamins for "over 50" say "no iron" on the label. Dietary iron is different, i think.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003

    Yes I get winded easily now
    and don't know why. Just watering my flowers or walking up and down cellar to do laundry. Some days it's better so I haven't mentioned it yet. There are so many things to mention that sometimes I feel like a hypocondriac! (I'm sure I spelled that wrong)
    Bless us all,

    I have the same problem, i
    I have the same problem, i am on taxol and herceptin. I have mentioned this to my onc and he can find nothing wrong with me, my muga scan is normal so no heart problems. Sometimes, it just feels like a big "sigh".