newly diagnosed and full of anxiety

anaumann Member Posts: 60 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Last week the results of my biopsy showed cancer in my right breast. I already had an appointment scheduled with a surgeon to discuss a steriotactic biopsy for calsifcations on my left breast. I will have that today. Im becoming increasingly anxious because Im told that if cancer is found in more than one the reccomendation is for masectomies. It is all so new and I know I need more info and guidance, but I am sleeping less each night and don't know where to start.


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  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    This is a good place to
    This is a good place to start. The survivors here are wonderful. You will get all the support and understanding that you need. The waiting and not knowing is harder than anything.

    I only had a single tumor 1.5 cm, ER+/PR+ Her2+,in my left breast. I had a lumpecotmy in Sep 09. I have heard of ladies that had lumpectomies in both breasts. Depends on the size of the tumors and the stage of the cancer. Ask your surgeon for his recommendation and then do the research. Always check with your doctor. Everyone is different and we can only comment on our own circumstances and what we have heard and read from other's posts. I had chemo, 6 rounds, finished on 26 Feb. I had rads, 33 treatments, finished on 2 Jul. I am currently taking Herceptin every 3 weeks for a year and will finish that in Dec. Femara for 5 years.

    Welcome to the boards just wish it was under different circumstances.


  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Welcome to our little community
    Donna is right -- this is a good place to start.

    Things are so overwhelming when you're just starting on this journey -- all the decisions, all the new terminology. I promise, it WILL get easier.

    I had tumors in both breasts -- they were so tiny (4 total, none larger than 2 millimeters), that my doctors and I decided on bilateral lumpectomies. So I think it's unusual to have lumpectomies when you have tumors in both breasts, but it does happen.

    Another good place for information and guidance is the American Cancer Society's 24-hour toll-free hotline -- they'll send you tons of really helpful books, brochures, and other materials, all written in easy-to-understand plain English, and all free of charge. And their representatives are really compassionate and caring. Definitely call them.

    In the meantime, please come here often with all your questions, and we'll help you through this however we can.

  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Welcome!You will find comfort and support here!
    Sorry about your diagnosis-it is a scary time,especially when you have just heard and things are still new.
    Try to take things one step at a time-for me,that was one of the things that helped me face it and be able to have any control over what is happening . If you look at the big picture too much it is even more scary and overwhelming!
    I hope you will be able to take comfort by reading these posts and hopefully realizing that we have all been there or are going through it-you are not alone and the ones who have been through it will hopefully show you that you can too!
    It is a tough road and not an easy one for sure,but you can do it!
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    This site is defintely a blessing. You can ask questions, vent your frustrations, cry on the others shoulders, or just sit back and read. I didn't find it until after my lumpectomy, mastectomy and start of chemo. Hang in there and remember we are all here for you. Hugs, Jean
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Welcome to this board,
    Welcome to this board, although I am sorry for the reason you are here. Each of our paths is individual, but we all share so much in common. Like it's been said, taking things one step at a time will help you not feel so overwhelmed. Have faith that the guidance you need will be there for you, no matter where your path takes you. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    We have all felt those same feelings
    so, this board will be very helpful to you. Everyone is different as far as treatments and recommendations depending on the diagnosis or Oncologist, but I have found that one thing is the same in reading all the posts, we all experience the same emotions at some point in going through all this.

    I'm sorry you had to meet us this way, but you are in the right place. I can't say this enough...these women are amazing and you will gain knowledge and comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

    I had cancer on my right breast and I personally opted to remove them both. As most of these women have experienced, I too have had Chemo and Radiation. I've since had reconstructive surgery and have been 4 1/2 years cancer free. I know how hard it was to just take in all the information and deal with the diagnosis but you'll get through all this. We're walking alongside you.

    Keeping you in prayer,

  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325
    Sorry Too
    Like everyone else, I'm sorry that you need to be here, but there is a wealth of information and support on these boards.

    There is a very quick learning curve that you need to go through. Hopefully you have some support at home, if not use this board. My wife was diagnosed April 1st with triple negative breast cancer, and the advice I would offer is:

    Take someone with you to all doctor's appointments; write everything down; if you have someone who can make the calls for you (doctor's office, insurance, hospitals...) let them; get a second opinion about the treatment; don't be afraid to ask questions; don't assume that appointments will be set up correctly and test results will arrive when they should, call again and again (have someone call).

    There is a lot of information you need to know about your cancer; type, stage, grade, receptor status (ER, PR, HER2 positive or negative). You will get pathology from the biopsy, but it may change after they redo it after the actual tumor removal.

    The begining stage is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, but you can get through this. My wife didn't eat well for weeks after her diagnosis and lost about 20 pounds. She felt like everything she ate was poisoning her.

    Again, sorry you need to be here, hugs and prayers

  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    hi :)
    Hi and again welcome :) this site is the best resource you'll find - I started coming here in June, while I was waiting for my biopsy results from a lump in my right breast. My best advice for you is to read & research as much as you feel comfortable- it really helped me to feel more in control at a time when I felt like my entire life was spiraling out of control. Any time I have a question (which is often) - I know that I can count on the great ladies and men on here to help me out. I know how scary it is in the beginning with having to make surgery decisions, educate yourself, and if possible, meet with your oncologist and a plastic surgeon before you make any surgical decisions, I did that and I'm so glad I did. I was given the choice between a lumpectomy + chemo + radiation or mastectomy + chemo. It's a very personal decision, but there are so many different factors with each different procedure, and I found talking with the other doctors beforehand really helped to better inform me and help reach my decision.
    If you have any questions please ask away! You can private message me on here also if you'd like.
    *big hugs*
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    Welcome to our little community
    Donna is right -- this is a good place to start.

    Things are so overwhelming when you're just starting on this journey -- all the decisions, all the new terminology. I promise, it WILL get easier.

    I had tumors in both breasts -- they were so tiny (4 total, none larger than 2 millimeters), that my doctors and I decided on bilateral lumpectomies. So I think it's unusual to have lumpectomies when you have tumors in both breasts, but it does happen.

    Another good place for information and guidance is the American Cancer Society's 24-hour toll-free hotline -- they'll send you tons of really helpful books, brochures, and other materials, all written in easy-to-understand plain English, and all free of charge. And their representatives are really compassionate and caring. Definitely call them.

    In the meantime, please come here often with all your questions, and we'll help you through this however we can.


    I want to welcome you first!
    I want to welcome you first! Try to breathe and just take it one day, one step at a time. You have us here to help you.

    Hugs, Leeza
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member

    hi :)
    Hi and again welcome :) this site is the best resource you'll find - I started coming here in June, while I was waiting for my biopsy results from a lump in my right breast. My best advice for you is to read & research as much as you feel comfortable- it really helped me to feel more in control at a time when I felt like my entire life was spiraling out of control. Any time I have a question (which is often) - I know that I can count on the great ladies and men on here to help me out. I know how scary it is in the beginning with having to make surgery decisions, educate yourself, and if possible, meet with your oncologist and a plastic surgeon before you make any surgical decisions, I did that and I'm so glad I did. I was given the choice between a lumpectomy + chemo + radiation or mastectomy + chemo. It's a very personal decision, but there are so many different factors with each different procedure, and I found talking with the other doctors beforehand really helped to better inform me and help reach my decision.
    If you have any questions please ask away! You can private message me on here also if you'd like.
    *big hugs*

    Don't have much to add that hasn't been well stated already by my Pink Sisters. I just wanted to add my own welcome to you, although, of course, sorry that you had to find us.

    We'll help you get through it all,

  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    aisling8 said:

    Don't have much to add that hasn't been well stated already by my Pink Sisters. I just wanted to add my own welcome to you, although, of course, sorry that you had to find us.

    We'll help you get through it all,


    Hugs to you

    As everyone has said, this is a great place to be even tho none of us ever thought we'd be here - or ever wanted to be in this place. I think we can all understand all the fear and anxiety you are feeling. The advice to take it one day at a time is excellent as well as deep breaths. Once you get your path report and any other testing, you can plan your attack with your doctors. We will all be here as well to answer any questions as best we can in relation to our individual experiences. I'm two and a half years out from my dx and there are lots of others even longer from dx - there is plenty of hope.

    Take care. Sally
  • Yamil_me
    Yamil_me Member Posts: 2
    Trust in yourself.........

    This is a though ride but hold on my dear. Believe, you will be all right after all. Everyone experience cancer somewhat differently but anxiety is OOOOKKKK. Ativan will help so as ambian for sleep. Talk to your each one of you team members (doctors, nurses, dietician), ask lots of questions. You will learn much on how to beat up this horrible disease. Keep a positive mind, It can be difficult. Ask your doctor what stage your breast cancer is and fight with everything you are. If I beat stage 2b/3a you can as well. This is my first day here. Eat well, walk and drink plenty and follow closely with your doctors.

    Keep faith and stay gentle to your own self
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    So glad you are here. Sorry about the reason though. You have found the best board to be on. We have all been were you are and we understand how you feel. We will all help you as you go through this journey. Take it slow read old post it help me greatly. I have learned so much here. You will too. It is very frustrating in the beginning. It will get easier. The more you learn the more you will clam down. Best of luck to you and best wishes. You can ask anything here Anything. We will all do our best to help. Welcome to the family Kay,
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Hi anauman
    I know exactly how you feel and I can't tell you what an amazing step
    you have already taken by finding your way to this site. The women on
    this page have been my saving grace.

    You're going to have so so much thrown at you in the upcoming days
    and it is VERY important that you try and stay calm. I know mastectomy
    sounds like a terribly scary thing but it is bearable, I personally find the
    expanders ( they put those in if you decide to have reconstruction done)
    more annoying.

    You are going to go through a lot of emotions and that is what you really
    want to keep in check. So be it that you are afraid, uncertain, pissed off -
    just whatever come here and let us help you. I really don't know where
    I would have been without the lovely ladies on this board, I owe them
    so much.

  • MomMichelle
    MomMichelle Member Posts: 93
    We've been there
    Just wanted to let you know that you have found a great resource coming to these boards. The waiting is probably the hardest part and the nice thing is...we've all been there so we know how you are feeling. It is a very scary time but you will get through it. Keep close contact with your doctors get second opinions (or even thirds) if you are unsure. We are here for you. Feel free to contact me!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I too welcome
    you to this wonderful collection of bc sisters and some hubbies too :-) I'm sorry for the reason though. I came to this site just before my bilateral mastectomy. My tumor was too large in one breast to save anything. I already had LCIS in other breast and I'm the 5th in my family with bc hence the mastectomy. You've been given a lot of suggestions here that are invaluable. Please do speak to a plastic surgeon before any surgery so you know your options. Once you know exactly what type of bc you have you'll be able to make better decisions that are right for you. Ask questions! I continue to make a list and my drs so far have been more than accomodating in answering them. Keep us posted and read any posts that you think may help you. We're here for support just as you are.
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    cahjah75 said:

    I too welcome
    you to this wonderful collection of bc sisters and some hubbies too :-) I'm sorry for the reason though. I came to this site just before my bilateral mastectomy. My tumor was too large in one breast to save anything. I already had LCIS in other breast and I'm the 5th in my family with bc hence the mastectomy. You've been given a lot of suggestions here that are invaluable. Please do speak to a plastic surgeon before any surgery so you know your options. Once you know exactly what type of bc you have you'll be able to make better decisions that are right for you. Ask questions! I continue to make a list and my drs so far have been more than accomodating in answering them. Keep us posted and read any posts that you think may help you. We're here for support just as you are.

    I also would like to welcome you here. I am sorry for why but as everyone has said you have found a great place. I cannot add much to what has been said. Just wanted to welcome you. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member

    I also would like to welcome you here. I am sorry for why but as everyone has said you have found a great place. I cannot add much to what has been said. Just wanted to welcome you. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    Another welcome. As has
    Another welcome. As has been said, this is a wonderful site for all your questions no matter how small. As someone already said, take a deep breath and know you are not alone. Best of Thoughts to you.
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    GayleMc said:

    Another welcome. As has
    Another welcome. As has been said, this is a wonderful site for all your questions no matter how small. As someone already said, take a deep breath and know you are not alone. Best of Thoughts to you.

    Welcome, this site is
    Welcome, this site is wonderful and we are all here to help. Remember that no question is too much for anyone here and everyone will help you as much as we can.
    God Bless and hang in there. You can do it.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Welcome, this site is
    Welcome, this site is wonderful and we are all here to help. Remember that no question is too much for anyone here and everyone will help you as much as we can.
    God Bless and hang in there. You can do it.

    sorry you are here but glad
    sorry you are here but glad you foound us. this site has been a life saver for me and a wealth of knowledge. If you have questions, there is always someone who knows the answer or knows how to find out. If you have a weird side effect someone here has probably had it too or heard about it. People here care, laugh, cry, and dont judge your feelings. they will nudge you along, be honest with you and support you through this journey.


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