Surgery done.

lolad Member Posts: 670
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Got Surgery done on Thursday morning. They started at 730 and i didnt get up to my room and out of recovery until 700 thursday night. Im having pain, but it gets better every day. Im doing things on my own and helping myself with doing what i can instead of asking the nurses when i was there and not asking anyone here at home. I got out of the hospital this afternoon and im glad i made it today because Megan goes back to school tomorrow and she is so excited that ill be here for her. They think that i have sleep apnea now. At first they thought it was just while i was still under anestethia, but it continued after that wore off. But, whats wierd is that my oxygen kept dropping and my breathing too even when i was awake. So, who knows. They also did blood cultures, chest xrays and urine cultures because i had a fever that wouldnt break. Today, it was gone, but its back again. So, when i go back to surgeon Tuesday ill find that out i guess. Im doing better than i thought i would and as far as i can tell right now she did a good job at fixing the left breast with all the scarring that was on it. Im so glad its finally done with. Im not going to let the other things like the fever bother me. Could be because i had that bad kidney infection a week before the surgery or something like that. Couldnt have been that bad because they let me leave. Now i am finally able to start making my goals and making them to get my life and my kids lives back on track and living an awesome life for us. I am so happy that i finally can see the light and finally can actually tell myself that i can start the rest of my lif
today. Its so awesome to feel this way. Im so glad that you all have been here for me. I will continue to give my support and ask for help when i need it. Take care



  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    So happy your surgery is now behind and start feeling better........

    Hugs and happiness to you!
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    Laura thats awesome! Get the rest you need first...dont over do it or try going to fast just yet. But it sounds like your on the right track. Take care of yourself and keep us posted.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Laura so glad the
    surgery is over. I was dx with sleep apnea 6 years ago because I gained a lot of weight going through menopause. I had my CPAP machine with me but I stayed in recovery because they couldn't stabilize my oxygen. Sooooo, someone from respiratory hooked my CPAP up to the oxygen and I was able to go to a regular hospital room.

    Remember to take it easy and let yourself heal. Sending gentle {{hugs}}, Char