
AMomNETN Member Posts: 242
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Ladies this is not about BC but chemo in general. A lady at work has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Here is the question Have any of you heard about a low dose of chemo that does not cause your hair to fall out? I was just wondering it seemed strange to me.



  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Not sure if I recall a chemo
    Not sure if I recall a chemo that does not cause your hair to fall out. I took 3 different kinds of chemo because I had so many issues with them. My hair fell out with the first TCH(C= carboplatin not cytoxin). The second was FEC 100 and that one does not require a nuelasta shot. I cannot recall the name of the third I only had to take one session of it but it was supposed to be low dose and you take it weekly. If I think of it I will post back.


  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Not all chemo regimens cause hair loss
    It's my understanding and experience that the chemo cocktails used for breast cancer nearly always cause hair loss, but those used for other forms of cancer (often completely different drugs than those used for breast cancer) may or may not.

    During radiation, I shared the waiting room with a woman undergoing chemo and radiation (at the same time!) for esophageal cancer. I don't know what specific drugs she was on, but she had to carry her chemo around with her 24/7 for 5 days every 3 or 4 weeks. She had had 2 5-day cycles by the time I stopped seeing her, and she had not had any hair loss at all.

  • jackiejhm
    jackiejhm Member Posts: 169
    TraciInLA said:

    Not all chemo regimens cause hair loss
    It's my understanding and experience that the chemo cocktails used for breast cancer nearly always cause hair loss, but those used for other forms of cancer (often completely different drugs than those used for breast cancer) may or may not.

    During radiation, I shared the waiting room with a woman undergoing chemo and radiation (at the same time!) for esophageal cancer. I don't know what specific drugs she was on, but she had to carry her chemo around with her 24/7 for 5 days every 3 or 4 weeks. She had had 2 5-day cycles by the time I stopped seeing her, and she had not had any hair loss at all.


    Traci, My Mom was right, someone ALWAYS is "worse off" than you. Bless her heart! xoxo, Jackie
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    Yes Janie, I was in chemo
    Yes Janie, I was in chemo with several people who had hair. They had different types of cancer. I think chemo cocktail for b/c does always cause hair loss.
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    jackiejhm said:

    Traci, My Mom was right, someone ALWAYS is "worse off" than you. Bless her heart! xoxo, Jackie

    Yes, rads was the first opportunity I had to talk with fellow patients with other types of cancer, and to come to my own personal feeling that, if I had to get cancer, I'm sort of grateful it was breast cancer, because treatment just isn't as brutal compared with what some other cancer patients go through.

    Linda, the woman with esophageal cancer I saw every day at rads, had only been diagnosed 2 weeks ago when I met her -- I just can't imagine, only 2 weeks after finding out you have cancer, to have a port installed, be carrying chemo around with you 24 hours a day, AND have daily radiation treatments. She had NO time to get her head around any of it. By about 5 or 6 weeks into it, the radiation was causing serious problems with her swallowing -- she was barely eating, and losing so much weight.

    On my last day of rads, I asked about her, and they told me she had been hospitalized. I was burned to a crisp at that point, using several different burn medications, and in so much pain I couldn't lift my arms over my head -- but at least I knew I would recover.

    I wonder all the time what happened to her.

  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    They were going to give me the low dose chemo
    Yes before my lumpectomy they were telling me about this and that i would probably have this chemo...i was so excited cuz i wasnt going to loose my hair thru it...then after cutting me open they changed their tune and i was getting the full treatment.
    I never did get so far as to what the chemo was called.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Yes Janie, I was in chemo
    Yes Janie, I was in chemo with several people who had hair. They had different types of cancer. I think chemo cocktail for b/c does always cause hair loss.

    I had cytoxan, methotrexate,
    I had cytoxan, methotrexate, and 5FU,(CMF) 16 years ago and did not lose my hair, it thinned, but I never needed a head covering of any kind. I also had thin fine hair at the time. They dont use this as much now, but I still hear about it rarely.
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hey Janie,
    Like with all side effects everyone is different. I started chemo (Taxotere & Cytoxan) on June 23, 2010. I have had 3 treatments and have 1 left to go. I actually still have hair. I got my hair cut really short when the strands started coming out. It has thinned out, especially on top. I still go out most of the times without a head covering. My oncologist was surprised to see the hair a couple weeks ago. She said that it could still fall out and I am prepared for that.
  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    i was told breast cancer chemo causes hair loss. . .
    the day i started my second course of chemo, when leaving the hospital i ran into two women at the elevator. she joked about this being her day at the spa. i told her it was my first day. she told me she had been doing chemo for a full year - she had long blonde hair and i was amazed. she had a tumor on her liver and another one somewhere else . . .said that her hair thinned considerably, but she did not lose it. she gave me a sad smile and asked
    "breast cancer?" she also heard that chemo for breast cancer always causes hair loss.
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    jackiejhm said:

    Traci, My Mom was right, someone ALWAYS is "worse off" than you. Bless her heart! xoxo, Jackie

    I'm not an oncologist, but,
    I'm not an oncologist, but, I think that all chemo for bc does make your hair fall out. For other cancers, sometimes, it doesn't.