Fatigue after Rads and Chemo STILL here

JillyB Member Posts: 50
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello to everyone,
Hope you are having the best day you can. I was wondering to those who are through with Chemo and Rads: How long did the fatigue last for you? My last Radiation was on June 5th and I still can't make it past 2pm without basically falling asleep for the rest of the day. Usually on and off with a book, but more off than on, and trying to get up to do something is like a sideshow, since chemo brain really kicks in when I am fatigued. How long has this fatigue lasted for anyone else, and what is the severity of it? I'm getting quite annoyed with it, and so are my parents, whom I am living with, while I go through this, as I can't even drive yet, as that too, makes me fall asleep at any time of the day. And I won't even begin on the memory and loss of words!
Thanks for your time!


  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    My fatigue was not as severe
    My fatigue was not as severe as yours. I finished chemo in March (except for Herceptin, have till Oct) and finished rad in May. About a month ago I started to feel a little more energy, but still some days I feel like I just cant get moving. The afternoons are definately where it hits the hardest. Luckily for me (in a sense) I've just got laid off frm my job a wk ago, so now if I just feel to tired to get up, I dont have too.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Jilly.......I understand your frustration with the fatigue.....But it will take time to get over this.....you're just a little over two months out from your last radiation treatment..I had chemo then radiation, also....Chemo finished the end of August, 2009...I finished radiation Nov.1, 2009....I was told by my oncologist and radiation oncologist that the fatigue caused from radiation is worse when the patient has had chemo beforehand..Your body has been through quite a trauma.......surgery, chemo, radiation......It takes your body a good while to recover from all this.....I am 9 months out from finishing all treatment....I STILL have some issues with fatigue.......I was told it can take as long as one full year to get over all the side effects of treatment.......but everyone is different......I was never so tired that I couldn't drive.....now, not feeling like it is a different story.. I honestly felt and feel better when I am active......I found the fatigue was worse on days when I did nothing.....trust me, I wasn't and am not running marathons!!!! I just did what I wanted to do and felt like doing..I am very lucky, I don't work so I have been able to rest when I needed to...... Chemo affects your white blood cells, radiation the red blood cells...If you are fighting fatigue to the point you can't stay awake or drive, you might want to contact your oncologist.....perhaps some blood work is in order to determine your red blood counts.....

    I'm sorry your parents are getting annoyed, but you have to listen to your body.......if you need to rest, rest! Perhaps your oncologist could explain the reasons for your fatigue to your parents, so that they have a better understanding of what is going on.... You have to give yourself time to heal, physically and mentally from what you've been through......It has been traumatic, to say the least......

    Wishing you more energy!
    Peace be with you
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    MAJW said:

    Jilly.......I understand your frustration with the fatigue.....But it will take time to get over this.....you're just a little over two months out from your last radiation treatment..I had chemo then radiation, also....Chemo finished the end of August, 2009...I finished radiation Nov.1, 2009....I was told by my oncologist and radiation oncologist that the fatigue caused from radiation is worse when the patient has had chemo beforehand..Your body has been through quite a trauma.......surgery, chemo, radiation......It takes your body a good while to recover from all this.....I am 9 months out from finishing all treatment....I STILL have some issues with fatigue.......I was told it can take as long as one full year to get over all the side effects of treatment.......but everyone is different......I was never so tired that I couldn't drive.....now, not feeling like it is a different story.. I honestly felt and feel better when I am active......I found the fatigue was worse on days when I did nothing.....trust me, I wasn't and am not running marathons!!!! I just did what I wanted to do and felt like doing..I am very lucky, I don't work so I have been able to rest when I needed to...... Chemo affects your white blood cells, radiation the red blood cells...If you are fighting fatigue to the point you can't stay awake or drive, you might want to contact your oncologist.....perhaps some blood work is in order to determine your red blood counts.....

    I'm sorry your parents are getting annoyed, but you have to listen to your body.......if you need to rest, rest! Perhaps your oncologist could explain the reasons for your fatigue to your parents, so that they have a better understanding of what is going on.... You have to give yourself time to heal, physically and mentally from what you've been through......It has been traumatic, to say the least......

    Wishing you more energy!
    Peace be with you

    It does take some time. You
    It does take some time. You can't just jump back to the way you were before surgery, chemo and rads. I didn't take chemo, but, my rads oncologist said the effects of radiation can last a year. I just get lots of rest, bed early and naps during the day if I need to.

    You just take care of yourself. Noone else knows unless they have been in your shoes what it feels like. But, WE do!

    Sue :)
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    Ritzy said:

    It does take some time. You
    It does take some time. You can't just jump back to the way you were before surgery, chemo and rads. I didn't take chemo, but, my rads oncologist said the effects of radiation can last a year. I just get lots of rest, bed early and naps during the day if I need to.

    You just take care of yourself. Noone else knows unless they have been in your shoes what it feels like. But, WE do!

    Sue :)

    What you are describing sounds severe. I would talk with dr. and have him do blood test. I went thru chemo 10/2009-3/2010, surgery 4/2010, then rads 6/2010-7/2010. Chemo wiped me out, not as bad as what you're experiencing, and rads for about 2 weeks I dragged a little. Let us know what dr. says.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    What you are describing sounds severe. I would talk with dr. and have him do blood test. I went thru chemo 10/2009-3/2010, surgery 4/2010, then rads 6/2010-7/2010. Chemo wiped me out, not as bad as what you're experiencing, and rads for about 2 weeks I dragged a little. Let us know what dr. says.

    it took me 12 months
    to stay normal without afternoon nap. Yes, it was exactly around 2 when I have almost collapsed every day for 12 months. I had mastectomy 6 Chemo cycles and 40 radiation treatment + tamoxifen. It will get better. Just be gentle to yourself.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    it took me 12 months
    to stay normal without afternoon nap. Yes, it was exactly around 2 when I have almost collapsed every day for 12 months. I had mastectomy 6 Chemo cycles and 40 radiation treatment + tamoxifen. It will get better. Just be gentle to yourself.

    I finished rads May 13
    I finished rads May 13 noticed a huge difference between june and july and really better in august, it just seems to get better and faster. At first it was pretty slow and frustrating. Making dinner was a huge effort and I was crabby if someone didnt call to say they wouldnt be home, as I had gone to extraordinary efforts. (I felt) this heat an dhumidity really saps my energy and I get tired and achy in the eveing. It used to be by 2or 3 I was cooked. try to look back at the things you couldnt do before and can now. Its encouraging and gives you hope. Be gentle with yourself, this is tough. Your body has taken a beating.
  • filimu
    filimu Member Posts: 74
    carkris said:

    I finished rads May 13
    I finished rads May 13 noticed a huge difference between june and july and really better in august, it just seems to get better and faster. At first it was pretty slow and frustrating. Making dinner was a huge effort and I was crabby if someone didnt call to say they wouldnt be home, as I had gone to extraordinary efforts. (I felt) this heat an dhumidity really saps my energy and I get tired and achy in the eveing. It used to be by 2or 3 I was cooked. try to look back at the things you couldnt do before and can now. Its encouraging and gives you hope. Be gentle with yourself, this is tough. Your body has taken a beating.

    I didn't even have to have chemo or radiation, but I had three surgeries in less than a year, and went straight from full blown estrogen to dead stop Femara...It took me at least 8 months of that year to get to a point where I felt like I could get through a day without a nap, or could do much more in a day than make one trip out - maybe groceries, or the mall or lunch...and after a couple hours I was exhausted! Finally, now, I'm awake all day, and starting to feel like I've got more energy. I don't get exhausted from being out and around, even if we are out all day, and I'm back to walking again (or at least I will be when it isn't nearly 100 degrees outside!) So don't give up, it will get better, we promise!
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Hi Jilly, Your body has
    Hi Jilly, Your body has been through so much! It's only been two months since the end of rads for you. Like others have posted, it takes time to recover - for some it's a year or even more. Take good care of yourself, and you will be dancing like your avatar before you know it.

    One thought - Medications like Arimidex may make you sleepy so it helps to take them at night. xoxoxo Lynn
  • Betsy13
    Betsy13 Member Posts: 185
    May 28

    I finished radiation on May 28th and am still exhausted. I take a nap every day. I have never felt such incredible fatigue in my life. I do something for 15 minutes, sit down for an hour, do something else for 15 minutes, sit down for 2 hours. I have checked with my rad. onc. and she tells me this is normal. It can be this bad for up to 6 months...not good.

    I only had radiation, not chemo. They did a blood test to see if I was anemic and I'm not. I found my family thought that since I was done with radiation, I was "cured". Poisons have been put into your body, big time. It takes quite awhile to get them out. Sleeping is the best medicine. Be kind to yourself and sleep.

    My family now laughs at me when I'm in the middle of a sentence and fall asleep...yes, it's still that bad.

    Best wishes to you,
  • RTR22
    RTR22 Member Posts: 6
    Are you taking Tamoxifen?
    Tamoxifen is sucking every last bit of energy out of me......I survived a double mastectomy, chemo and radiation....after all that, it is the little white pill that is bringing me to my knees. Just wondering if this could be the same for you?
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    Hi Jilly, Your body has
    Hi Jilly, Your body has been through so much! It's only been two months since the end of rads for you. Like others have posted, it takes time to recover - for some it's a year or even more. Take good care of yourself, and you will be dancing like your avatar before you know it.

    One thought - Medications like Arimidex may make you sleepy so it helps to take them at night. xoxoxo Lynn

    I was really tired after
    I was really tired after rads, and, I still tried to get a nap in here and then.

    I also found that exercising made me feel better. Doesn't make sense, but, it worked.

    Good luck,

  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    Betsy13 said:

    May 28

    I finished radiation on May 28th and am still exhausted. I take a nap every day. I have never felt such incredible fatigue in my life. I do something for 15 minutes, sit down for an hour, do something else for 15 minutes, sit down for 2 hours. I have checked with my rad. onc. and she tells me this is normal. It can be this bad for up to 6 months...not good.

    I only had radiation, not chemo. They did a blood test to see if I was anemic and I'm not. I found my family thought that since I was done with radiation, I was "cured". Poisons have been put into your body, big time. It takes quite awhile to get them out. Sleeping is the best medicine. Be kind to yourself and sleep.

    My family now laughs at me when I'm in the middle of a sentence and fall asleep...yes, it's still that bad.

    Best wishes to you,

    No chemo for me, but, rads
    No chemo for me, but, rads made me tired. I still find that I tire out easily, so, I still get a lot of sleep. It can sometimes take a long time to get your strength back. Try to be patient.
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    RTR22 said:

    Are you taking Tamoxifen?
    Tamoxifen is sucking every last bit of energy out of me......I survived a double mastectomy, chemo and radiation....after all that, it is the little white pill that is bringing me to my knees. Just wondering if this could be the same for you?

    I am still very tired and
    I am still very tired and that 2 pm thing gets me as well. If I go past that time I am forcing myself to stay awake and can't wait to get home to relax on the couch. It's very frustrating to me because I was very active before. I finished chemo in Aug 09 and rads in Dec 09. I heard about the year marker too, hope it's true then I should feel better by Dec, but this Arimidex is bring me down now! Aches in hands and feet and I was trying to walk Hampton Beach this week, and had to go back to the hotel, because my legs felt like weights.
    Best of luck to you and I'm sure it will get better.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    filimu said:

    I didn't even have to have chemo or radiation, but I had three surgeries in less than a year, and went straight from full blown estrogen to dead stop Femara...It took me at least 8 months of that year to get to a point where I felt like I could get through a day without a nap, or could do much more in a day than make one trip out - maybe groceries, or the mall or lunch...and after a couple hours I was exhausted! Finally, now, I'm awake all day, and starting to feel like I've got more energy. I don't get exhausted from being out and around, even if we are out all day, and I'm back to walking again (or at least I will be when it isn't nearly 100 degrees outside!) So don't give up, it will get better, we promise!

    After all that we go through
    After all that we go through fighting bc, it is only normal that we are fatigued and exhausted. Just take it one day at a time. You will get your strength back. It just takes time.

    Good luck,
