
nana52 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am ER+ PR+ HER- My oncotype was 20 and my ONC rec no chemo just radiation and then estrogen blocker for 5 years. Anyone else have low-med onco score and not doing chemo? At first I was thrilled she rec no chemo but now I feel nervous about it.


  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Hi Nana52!
    If you feel the least bit uncertain about anything...get a 2nd or even 3rd opinion. That's your right to know what your options are.

    Take care and blessings to you,

  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I'm ER+, PR+ and HER2-
    and after bilateral mastectomy with no lymph node involvement my oncology surgeon didn't think I would need anything but Tamoxifen for 5 years. Well, my oncologist had a different opinion and based on the size of my tumor and family history I start chemo Tuesday.
  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    I'm ER+, PR+ and HER2-
    and after bilateral mastectomy with no lymph node involvement my oncology surgeon didn't think I would need anything but Tamoxifen for 5 years. Well, my oncologist had a different opinion and based on the size of my tumor and family history I start chemo Tuesday.

    A second opinion might be
    A second opinion might be good. All oncs are different in how they decide these things. My onc told me going in that anyone in her practice who has an onco score above 18 gets chemo. I came in at 22. She said I could find a new doctor if I wished, but she wanted me to have chemo. I was TERRIFIED!! But as has already been stated, we are all different. I am also ER+,PR+ and HER-.
  • teresa41
    teresa41 Member Posts: 471
    GayleMc said:

    A second opinion might be
    A second opinion might be good. All oncs are different in how they decide these things. My onc told me going in that anyone in her practice who has an onco score above 18 gets chemo. I came in at 22. She said I could find a new doctor if I wished, but she wanted me to have chemo. I was TERRIFIED!! But as has already been stated, we are all different. I am also ER+,PR+ and HER-.

    mine was 17
    mine was 17 i had 2 oncologist say chemo so i did it . i am also er+pr+ and her negative.
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Same boat,
    Onco score of 4, I opted out of chemo and my onc agreed. Scared about decision, but hopeful. IDC, 1 node pos, ER & PR pos HER neg. Lumpectomy and 33 rads. Arimidex for 5 years (only 47.5 more months to go!). I met NED and I'm holding on to him!

  • filimu
    filimu Member Posts: 74
    sbmly53 said:

    Same boat,
    Onco score of 4, I opted out of chemo and my onc agreed. Scared about decision, but hopeful. IDC, 1 node pos, ER & PR pos HER neg. Lumpectomy and 33 rads. Arimidex for 5 years (only 47.5 more months to go!). I met NED and I'm holding on to him!


    onco scores
    My score was 9 - my oncologist said at that score he didn't recommend chemo...and nobody said a word about radiation. I had a pretty big tumor, estrogen positive, but thankfully no lymph node involvement. I ended up opting to have the other breast removed proactively when I started reconstruction. Just doing 5 years of Femara, and that by itself was enough to knock me for a loop for about 6 months, when I'd been on estrogen for a long time. But for me, it could have been SO much worse, at least to this point.
  • GrandmaMir
    GrandmaMir Member Posts: 21 Member
    My oncotype score was 14. My
    My oncotype score was 14. My onc said it's my decision. I'm beginning chemotherapy on Wednesday. If I have much difficulty with it, I may stop at any time.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    My oncologist told me too
    My oncologist told me too that anyone with a score at 18 or above should take chemo. I wonder why yours said no to chemo. Have you questioned them about it?
  • Sally5
    Sally5 Member Posts: 87
    DianeBC said:

    My oncologist told me too
    My oncologist told me too that anyone with a score at 18 or above should take chemo. I wonder why yours said no to chemo. Have you questioned them about it?

    I was under the impression that the oncotype test does two things. It tests whether you need chemo as well as whether the chemo will work for you. It is about weighing the known side effects with the possible positive effects. I have an oncotype score of 4.

    I was told I did not need chemo. Although I was happy, I was also concerned whether or not I am doing enough..... (I am estro + progest + her 2 -) I did wait for my surgeon (who specializes in cancer) and my oncologist to agree with the results.

    It is helpful (at least to me) to talk about this.
    Thanks for the topic.

    Take care,
    Merry (Sally5)
  • JuJuBeez
    JuJuBeez Member Posts: 332
    Sally5 said:

    I was under the impression that the oncotype test does two things. It tests whether you need chemo as well as whether the chemo will work for you. It is about weighing the known side effects with the possible positive effects. I have an oncotype score of 4.

    I was told I did not need chemo. Although I was happy, I was also concerned whether or not I am doing enough..... (I am estro + progest + her 2 -) I did wait for my surgeon (who specializes in cancer) and my oncologist to agree with the results.

    It is helpful (at least to me) to talk about this.
    Thanks for the topic.

    Take care,
    Merry (Sally5)

    My score was 12
    My tumor was 1cm, no positive nodes, ER and PR positive. The onc said I have about an 8% chance of recurrence with lumpectomy, radiation, and Tamoxifen. I just started the Tamoxifen about a month ago. Doc said that chemo would take my chance of recurrence down to about 7%, and he wouldn't recommend it because that 1% wouldn't be worth the effects of chemo. The only factor that would make him even consider chemo at this point is my age (43). I told him that I'm happy with our decisions thus far, and if something comes back, I will be more aggressive at that time.
  • j2twin
    j2twin Member Posts: 28
    My score was 15. On arimidex
    My score was 15. On arimidex for 5 years ER+ PR-Her2_nodes negative. I was told I could do chemo but it would only drop it anywher between 1-3%. I choose not to do chemo and did radiation. Yes sometimes I feel nervous I'm not doing enough. But I'm sticking with my decision. If you feel nervous get a second oponion it never hurts. Good luck
  • TulsaMomof3
    TulsaMomof3 Member Posts: 105
    j2twin said:

    My score was 15. On arimidex
    My score was 15. On arimidex for 5 years ER+ PR-Her2_nodes negative. I was told I could do chemo but it would only drop it anywher between 1-3%. I choose not to do chemo and did radiation. Yes sometimes I feel nervous I'm not doing enough. But I'm sticking with my decision. If you feel nervous get a second oponion it never hurts. Good luck

    I scored a 12, My onco said he didn't think Chemo was neccesary but I just didn't feel good about it. I signed up for the Tailor X Trial and was randomly selected for Chemo + Tamoxifen. I just had my 3rd one today. Its not as bad as I thought however I do have side effects. I felt like with the clinical trial I would sorta have an outside vote. I feel very good about my decision to go forward with the Chemo. I am doing 4 treatments once every 3 weeks of T/C.

    I think the most important thing is that YOU feel good about your decision, peace of mine is priceless in this journey
  • Hope 2010
    Hope 2010 Member Posts: 62
    Mine is like jujubeez,
    Mine is like jujubeez, ER+/PR+/Her2-, score was 13 with the recurrance rate of 8%. Both my breast surgeon and oncologist said that chemo wouldn't change the percentage rate much, only about 1%. So for me, it was just a lumpectomy, radiation (currently during rads) and then estrogen blockers for 5 years.

    I keep hoping that I made the right decision, but if it does come back then I plan to go more aggressive. It's a tought decision and wishing you the best.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    Same boat,
    Onco score of 4, I opted out of chemo and my onc agreed. Scared about decision, but hopeful. IDC, 1 node pos, ER & PR pos HER neg. Lumpectomy and 33 rads. Arimidex for 5 years (only 47.5 more months to go!). I met NED and I'm holding on to him!


    I also thought that at 18 or
    I also thought that at 18 or over, your oncologist would recommend chemo. Ofcourse, some don't have the onco test, but, for other reasons, chemo is recommended.

    Good luck!
  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325

    18-31 is considered an intermediate score. The TailorX study is evaluating whether or not the mid range benefit from chemo will outway the risk.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    DebbyM said:

    I also thought that at 18 or
    I also thought that at 18 or over, your oncologist would recommend chemo. Ofcourse, some don't have the onco test, but, for other reasons, chemo is recommended.

    Good luck!

    Chemo wasn't going to
    Chemo wasn't going to improve my recurrence rate by more than 1%, so, I never considered it. Good luck!

    Hugs, Megan