stage four



  • mjfromtx
    mjfromtx Member Posts: 49

    MJ, Char, and Wanda
    MJ, thinking of you and wondering how your appointment went on Thursday. Do you know yet what your treatment is going to be? Please let us know how things are going.

    Char and Wanda, I assume you were asking me about the scans. To answer your questions, after the mammogram, ultra sound, and two needle biopsies, they scheduled me for an MRI. When those results came in, it indicated "suspicious" areas in the liver. It was those findings that prompted my oncologist to order a Pet Scan that would give a much better view of the liver and the bones. Then after 2 1/2 months of chemo, I had another scan but this time a CT for the abdomen and pelvic area. Just one month ago I had another CT Scan.

    TO ALL, if my posts upset anyone, I'm terribly sorry. I read this site quite often but only post when I feel I have pertinant information to share. When I share my experience about such things as my scans, it's not to frighten but rather to give encouragement and hope. For a short time after watching the scan with my doctor on his computer I was upset because all I knew was that I had "numerous tumors" in my liver. When I saw the actual pictures I wondered how I had even survived. Then when you see and compare the most recent scan and how things are so much better, it fills you with optimism and hope. THAT'S the message I want to convey to others. If I can do this, so can you!

    God Bless Us All. MM

    an update
    Hi everyone. First thank you so much for all your support and good wishes and prayers!!! They mean so much to me right now. I am leaving tomorrow to go to MD Anderson for a second opinion with a medical breast oncologist who also has done research on triple negative breast cancer and recurrance. I think I am in very good hands with her. My onc appt on thursday was good. I really like my oncologist and she is willing to do whatever to support me and work with MD Anderson also. Her recommendation would be for Abaxane (sp)every three weeks one week off until the cancer is in remission. She is pleased it is caught so early too like my surgical oncologist said last Monday. I look forard to seeing what MD Anderson has to say. I leave tomorrow and am expected to be gone for about a week of testing and diagnostics. I will be open to whatever they say and see what they can do for me. I am doing well spiritwise and my husband is a gem and a solid rock for me. I have so many people praying and supporting me it is overwhelming!!! I hope to come home with options or a confirmation of what my oncologist here is recommending. Whatever it is I am open to it. Thank you all for your support. This is a new chapter in the cancer journey, not one that I would join voluntarily but it is here just the same. Please keep me and my husband Bill in your thoughts and prayers this week. As soon as I know I'll be sure to post. The last time I went through this I had such good support here and I hope to again. By the numbers of posts I am sure your support is there again for me. Peace and love to each of you while your travel your individual journeys with this awful disease. My church is doing an 'Annointing of the Sick' for me after Mass tonight. I know that will sustain me as well. People are coming from all over to attend. I am loved both by many people and by God and that is all that matters to me! I'll be back in touch soon! MJ
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    mjfromtx said:

    an update
    Hi everyone. First thank you so much for all your support and good wishes and prayers!!! They mean so much to me right now. I am leaving tomorrow to go to MD Anderson for a second opinion with a medical breast oncologist who also has done research on triple negative breast cancer and recurrance. I think I am in very good hands with her. My onc appt on thursday was good. I really like my oncologist and she is willing to do whatever to support me and work with MD Anderson also. Her recommendation would be for Abaxane (sp)every three weeks one week off until the cancer is in remission. She is pleased it is caught so early too like my surgical oncologist said last Monday. I look forard to seeing what MD Anderson has to say. I leave tomorrow and am expected to be gone for about a week of testing and diagnostics. I will be open to whatever they say and see what they can do for me. I am doing well spiritwise and my husband is a gem and a solid rock for me. I have so many people praying and supporting me it is overwhelming!!! I hope to come home with options or a confirmation of what my oncologist here is recommending. Whatever it is I am open to it. Thank you all for your support. This is a new chapter in the cancer journey, not one that I would join voluntarily but it is here just the same. Please keep me and my husband Bill in your thoughts and prayers this week. As soon as I know I'll be sure to post. The last time I went through this I had such good support here and I hope to again. By the numbers of posts I am sure your support is there again for me. Peace and love to each of you while your travel your individual journeys with this awful disease. My church is doing an 'Annointing of the Sick' for me after Mass tonight. I know that will sustain me as well. People are coming from all over to attend. I am loved both by many people and by God and that is all that matters to me! I'll be back in touch soon! MJ

    My Heart does out to all Stage IV sisters
    I wishing you to get the best available treatment and feel better soon. Please keep posted and ask for support. Your comments are always welcome. Sending a big hug
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    My Heart does out to all Stage IV sisters
    I wishing you to get the best available treatment and feel better soon. Please keep posted and ask for support. Your comments are always welcome. Sending a big hug

    I am so sorry for your DX. I
    I am so sorry for your DX. I am stage 2/3 on the border. Please continue to post. We are always here for you. Hugs