Another newbie

BJLaws Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Rare and Other Cancers #1
I am trying to make a decission, and need to know how much change will be in my life after treatment. I am still in shock and only got about half of what the doctor said yesterday. The first thing out of his mouth was transplant, before I realised it I had blurted out 'NO NOT AN OPTION, the doctors at home said so.' The next doctor said clinical trials, but only two available for gastrointestional carcanoid that moved to the liver, and it includes loosing the right side of the liver and putting radiation into the tumors in the left side with a probe, followed by the trials. This is considerable less likely to be a cure than the transplant but is the only other option. Has anyone here survived something like this?? I am trying to find out what changes may happen to my lifestyle after the treatment, I expect the treatment to be very unpleasant but what about after?? No one will tell me about possible changes I will need to make and that is extremely important in my decission. Can you help??? Or will you help????


  • Lily50
    Lily50 Member Posts: 209

    Welcome to this discussion board. I'm a survivor of gallbladder cancer stage IV (2005). Check out my profile page for the long boring details. There are lots of people on these forums that are willing to help you in whatever way that they can. I'm sure that right now your mind is just overwhelmed with your situation. It is always difficult to be diagnosed with such a terrible disease. This disease will change your life in more ways than just one. Some is for the better and some things that you once thought were important will no longer be important.

    I'm curious why you would say 'No, Not an Option" to someone that was giving you an option. Most doctor's won't even offer an option most of the time. You need to try an focus on what options are available to you and how you can proceed to get your life back. Right now you are in shock, so many questions, and too many different answers.

    Do you have family and friends that can support you in the hard decisions that you are facing?
    Can you tell us where you are located? What stage are you in? How old are you? Tell us a litle more about what decisions you are trying to make.
    You have been blindsided with such a terrible diagnosis,and your head is just spinning which is understandable. Everyone is different and handle things differently. Treatment will definately be unpleasant but you can beat this.

    I will help you and so will others. Talk to us.
    Take Care