Good Comeback lines

carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
On the 'I want to slap someone" discussion, we were talking about the stupid things people say. I never can come up with anything at the moment and think later"I should have said this" does anyone have any good comeback lines to some of the stupid things people say?


  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    It's not worth it really...
    I have a cousin who just blurts out whatever he feels. Well, I hadn't seen him in awhile and during my chemo I had my wig on. Well, when he saw me he didn't hesitate to start making fun of my hair. I just told him it was my wig. He just responded "Oh". Not an "I'm sorry" or anything of that nature. And he's in his 40's!

    I was taken aback for a while but then I thought to myself "Why should I let people like that get to me?". Really, it's so totally NOT worth it.

    So my come back line is just a smile and kindness and a hope that at some point, they realize how insensitive they were.

    That's just me.


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    When I finally quit wearing
    When I finally quit wearing a wig and went into work, a friend said "that's a radical haircut." I replied, "yeah, it's the chemo special." Poor thing really didn't know (good wig, I guess) and fell over herself apologizing.
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    sea60 said:

    It's not worth it really...
    I have a cousin who just blurts out whatever he feels. Well, I hadn't seen him in awhile and during my chemo I had my wig on. Well, when he saw me he didn't hesitate to start making fun of my hair. I just told him it was my wig. He just responded "Oh". Not an "I'm sorry" or anything of that nature. And he's in his 40's!

    I was taken aback for a while but then I thought to myself "Why should I let people like that get to me?". Really, it's so totally NOT worth it.

    So my come back line is just a smile and kindness and a hope that at some point, they realize how insensitive they were.

    That's just me.



    Only happy endings
    While Sylvia is right, I think there's one response we can use in one kind of situation that is all about helping ourselves. This was posted here a couple of times last year while I was going through treatment -- I'm so sorry I don't remember who posted it, but, if it was you, please stand up and take credit, because it's great!

    When someone starts telling you about their neighbor or Aunt Martha or the cousin of a friend of their husband's co-worker who had breast cancer, hold up your hand and say, "Stop. If this story has a happy ending, then I want to hear it. If it doesn't, then please don't tell me about it, because I need to focus on the positive right now."

    I love this -- and I wish I'd read it BEFORE my co-worker told me all about his aunt who had breast cancer, and how beautiful her funeral was....

  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    TraciInLA said:

    Only happy endings
    While Sylvia is right, I think there's one response we can use in one kind of situation that is all about helping ourselves. This was posted here a couple of times last year while I was going through treatment -- I'm so sorry I don't remember who posted it, but, if it was you, please stand up and take credit, because it's great!

    When someone starts telling you about their neighbor or Aunt Martha or the cousin of a friend of their husband's co-worker who had breast cancer, hold up your hand and say, "Stop. If this story has a happy ending, then I want to hear it. If it doesn't, then please don't tell me about it, because I need to focus on the positive right now."

    I love this -- and I wish I'd read it BEFORE my co-worker told me all about his aunt who had breast cancer, and how beautiful her funeral was....


    Good answer Traci!
    I will definitely remember this one next time...
  • When I finally quit wearing
    When I finally quit wearing a wig and went into work, a friend said "that's a radical haircut." I replied, "yeah, it's the chemo special." Poor thing really didn't know (good wig, I guess) and fell over herself apologizing.

    One 7 year old...
    Years ago I worked with a woman and her daughter developed a rare pediatric cancer...long story short and keeping with Traci's theme...if it's not positive don't share it. The little girl's hair was coming back curly with beautiful blonde highlights when a woman admiring it wondered who'd done her hair, to which the child replied with a broad smile said, "All you have to do is get cancer and go through chemotherapy and you can have hair like mine."

    Today, that young woman is in her mid twenties, has finished culinary school and recently married.
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member

    One 7 year old...
    Years ago I worked with a woman and her daughter developed a rare pediatric cancer...long story short and keeping with Traci's theme...if it's not positive don't share it. The little girl's hair was coming back curly with beautiful blonde highlights when a woman admiring it wondered who'd done her hair, to which the child replied with a broad smile said, "All you have to do is get cancer and go through chemotherapy and you can have hair like mine."

    Today, that young woman is in her mid twenties, has finished culinary school and recently married.

    Got one
    A friend told me when her Aunt had cancer someone did the I know someone who died of cancer. Her Aunt reached out patted them on the arm and said, "Oh that is awful but arent you glad you can't die from stupid?"
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Got one
    A friend told me when her Aunt had cancer someone did the I know someone who died of cancer. Her Aunt reached out patted them on the arm and said, "Oh that is awful but arent you glad you can't die from stupid?"

    those are really good
    those are really good answers. funny!
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    I had a customer call me the
    I had a customer call me the other day and when he found out I had cancer he said I knew someone that had cancer it was bad they died. I just said well thank you for your concern. How much after your mouth starts moving does your brain kick in?? Maybe I'll call you when I am back to work.. MAYBE..I almost always have come backs. Unlike my customer I think before I talk. Take care all Kay
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988

    I had a customer call me the
    I had a customer call me the other day and when he found out I had cancer he said I knew someone that had cancer it was bad they died. I just said well thank you for your concern. How much after your mouth starts moving does your brain kick in?? Maybe I'll call you when I am back to work.. MAYBE..I almost always have come backs. Unlike my customer I think before I talk. Take care all Kay

    Like Traci, I can't remember who posted this, but this is the best comeback I have heard yet.

    This cancer survivor was standing in line at a coffee shop, and a man standing behind her in line commented on "the lesbian in front of him would never be a man, and a short haircut wouldn't make her a man". She continued to order, and passing by the man on her way out she stopped, opened her shirt, exposing her flat chest with mastectomy scars, and said, "I'm not a lesbian, I'm a cancer survivor, and proud of it". The observers in the coffee shop stood up and applauded her. This is a story I have repeated often, and was so proud of her...please forgive my chemo brain for not remembering who posted this. BRAVO! to a b/c survivor who stood up for herself....and for all of us. Cheers to all of us who have undergone comments that were hurtful and survived. Hugs, Judy
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988

    I had a customer call me the
    I had a customer call me the other day and when he found out I had cancer he said I knew someone that had cancer it was bad they died. I just said well thank you for your concern. How much after your mouth starts moving does your brain kick in?? Maybe I'll call you when I am back to work.. MAYBE..I almost always have come backs. Unlike my customer I think before I talk. Take care all Kay

    Sorry, double post.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Sorry, double post.

    I remember that one and
    I remember that one and chemo brain is not letting me remember. i told my husband about that one.
  • winsomebulldog
    winsomebulldog Member Posts: 117 Member

    Like Traci, I can't remember who posted this, but this is the best comeback I have heard yet.

    This cancer survivor was standing in line at a coffee shop, and a man standing behind her in line commented on "the lesbian in front of him would never be a man, and a short haircut wouldn't make her a man". She continued to order, and passing by the man on her way out she stopped, opened her shirt, exposing her flat chest with mastectomy scars, and said, "I'm not a lesbian, I'm a cancer survivor, and proud of it". The observers in the coffee shop stood up and applauded her. This is a story I have repeated often, and was so proud of her...please forgive my chemo brain for not remembering who posted this. BRAVO! to a b/c survivor who stood up for herself....and for all of us. Cheers to all of us who have undergone comments that were hurtful and survived. Hugs, Judy

    I hope I have those kinds of
    I hope I have those kinds of guts if/when I run into that kind of idiocy. Wow!
    (sudden smile) Of course, I haven't had a mastectomy, just a lumpectomy. Maybe the boob flashing wouldn't be the best route for me, but I love the guts behind it anyway. What a shame that any of us would have to endure that kind of ignorance.
    Blessings to everyone,
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    carkris said:

    I remember that one and
    I remember that one and chemo brain is not letting me remember. i told my husband about that one.

    I remember that post very well -- it was sweetvickid who got called a "lesbo," and "not a man" by an a** standing in line at a coffee bar, and yes, she is our hero for her courage and quick thinking.

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    I remember that post very well -- it was sweetvickid who got called a "lesbo," and "not a man" by an a** standing in line at a coffee bar, and yes, she is our hero for her courage and quick thinking.


    That was the best come back
    That was the best come back i have ever heard. Gave my husband and i a good laugh. Holding up you hand is a good way to handle it.
  • tally
    tally Member Posts: 48
    TraciInLA said:

    Only happy endings
    While Sylvia is right, I think there's one response we can use in one kind of situation that is all about helping ourselves. This was posted here a couple of times last year while I was going through treatment -- I'm so sorry I don't remember who posted it, but, if it was you, please stand up and take credit, because it's great!

    When someone starts telling you about their neighbor or Aunt Martha or the cousin of a friend of their husband's co-worker who had breast cancer, hold up your hand and say, "Stop. If this story has a happy ending, then I want to hear it. If it doesn't, then please don't tell me about it, because I need to focus on the positive right now."

    I love this -- and I wish I'd read it BEFORE my co-worker told me all about his aunt who had breast cancer, and how beautiful her funeral was....


    Thanks for the advice
    I work in a doctors office and this week was terrible. Alot of my patients had not seen me in a while because my white blood cells were very low and I had to stay home or if I could work, I had to stay in an area away from the patients. It seemed like just about everyone I saw had the same "I knew somebody with breast cancer" story. I was so glad to get home. I will be using this response from now on. Thanks a bunch.
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    Kat11 said:

    That was the best come back
    That was the best come back i have ever heard. Gave my husband and i a good laugh. Holding up you hand is a good way to handle it.

    Hi Traci

    I posted the stop story. I got it from a another survivor friend that came up with it. Sadly I've had to use it. I do wish people would think before they speak. I'm glad my fellow survivors find it helpful.

  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
    worst thing anyone ever said to me was...
    I had just told my male boss that I was diagnosed with breast cancer. He thought for a moment and said, "Well, death IS the best option. THEN you will be with God."

    I put my purse down and started to walk out the door. He asked me where I was going.

    I told him that it was close enough to quitting time I'm just going to get a jump start on this thing and go stand out in 5:00 traffic and get it over with.

    Needless to say, I've been looking for a new job ever since.

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Sher43009 said:

    Hi Traci

    I posted the stop story. I got it from a another survivor friend that came up with it. Sadly I've had to use it. I do wish people would think before they speak. I'm glad my fellow survivors find it helpful.


    Thank you, Sher!
    So glad you saw this, so we can thank you properly! Just a really great response to keep in our back pockets for when we need it

    (because there are just WAY too many people out there who want to tell us about Aunt Martha's funeral!)

  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member

    worst thing anyone ever said to me was...
    I had just told my male boss that I was diagnosed with breast cancer. He thought for a moment and said, "Well, death IS the best option. THEN you will be with God."

    I put my purse down and started to walk out the door. He asked me where I was going.

    I told him that it was close enough to quitting time I'm just going to get a jump start on this thing and go stand out in 5:00 traffic and get it over with.

    Needless to say, I've been looking for a new job ever since.


    can we say "INSENSITIVE"?
    Wow JoJo,

    How dare he!! If it is such a great option maybe someone can move things
    along so he can get there a little faster.. hihhi

    Good riddance for you.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    aysemari said:

    can we say "INSENSITIVE"?
    Wow JoJo,

    How dare he!! If it is such a great option maybe someone can move things
    along so he can get there a little faster.. hihhi

    Good riddance for you.


    I agree with Ayse hear hear
    I agree with Ayse here! Here!