From where or whom do you derive your strength?

BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi ladies and sweet, blessed caregivers:

In this whole journey through the process of shock, crisis, reality, treatment, and recovery, I wonder where everybody has found the strength to deal with all of the eventualities. As for me, I find strength in the support of dear friends, family, and my ever-loving and precious Jesus.

I look forward to hearing your responses.

Much love,


  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    I like your question, it is

    I like your question, it is an important one. For me, it is in being present, or rather in the presence of God, knowing that no matter what, it is all God's will and surrendering to that. Of course, family and very dear friends.

    I have also been practising equanimity and rather than reacting to any given situation, just noticing what I feel, honouring that and letting it go. Also not seeing cancer as a bad thing, but as a part of life, a card than I have been dealt and just dealing with it.

    This might be a question to post on 'spirituality, meditation and prayer' board. I am sure this would get quite a discussion going.
  • jackiejhm
    jackiejhm Member Posts: 169

    I like your question, it is

    I like your question, it is an important one. For me, it is in being present, or rather in the presence of God, knowing that no matter what, it is all God's will and surrendering to that. Of course, family and very dear friends.

    I have also been practising equanimity and rather than reacting to any given situation, just noticing what I feel, honouring that and letting it go. Also not seeing cancer as a bad thing, but as a part of life, a card than I have been dealt and just dealing with it.

    This might be a question to post on 'spirituality, meditation and prayer' board. I am sure this would get quite a discussion going.

    This is a great question.
    Well, I agree with you both. My faith in Jesus,my family, friends, wonderful Doctors and nurses, perfect strangers, BC sisters...I gravitate towards positive energy. The more I love- it just comes back ten-fold. My cup runneth over! Stay open, look, listen, feel, process. It all matters, doesn't it.
  • AMomNETN
    AMomNETN Member Posts: 242
    I like everyone else get my strength from Jesus and God. My husband has been amazing, family, friends, co-workers, students, Mm yC sisters here. I've learned to take what life has to offer and rely that God will work things out the way they are supposed to do. I also do the Serenity Prayer alot.

  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Jesus All the Way!
    Without Him, I would have checked out long ago. Not only have I been given the journey of being a BS survivor, but the parent of two special needs kids. And, my father was recently diagnosed with stage 4 Eesophageal cancer, which is considered terminal.

    I don't know how other get through the rough times without the Lord. But with Jesus, all things are possible!:)

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Interesting question
    My strength comes from family, especially my husband, my faith in God, my fantastic medical team, my friends at home and my CSN family.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    My strength comes first from
    My strength comes first from my wonderful husband, then my supportive family. Also, my cats and dogs always seem to snuggle up when I am feeling low. My job and co-workers help me to stay strong and focused off of myself. And my garden, when I am feeling well, is my go to place for peace.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613

    My strength comes first from
    My strength comes first from my wonderful husband, then my supportive family. Also, my cats and dogs always seem to snuggle up when I am feeling low. My job and co-workers help me to stay strong and focused off of myself. And my garden, when I am feeling well, is my go to place for peace.

    My strength comes from the Lord
    God, His word, family, friends, this website, my adorable, wonderful grandbaby and anything positive in my life.

    Thanks for asking.


  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
    sal314 said:

    Jesus All the Way!
    Without Him, I would have checked out long ago. Not only have I been given the journey of being a BS survivor, but the parent of two special needs kids. And, my father was recently diagnosed with stage 4 Eesophageal cancer, which is considered terminal.

    I don't know how other get through the rough times without the Lord. But with Jesus, all things are possible!:)


    You're an amazing person
    Sally, I can just tell that you are an amazing person. So many challenges in life - and so much support from our loving God. I agree that it doesn't seem possible to face these more difficult challenges without strength from above.
    Thanks for sharing your experiences!
    Much love,
  • rmisblessed
    rmisblessed Member Posts: 1
    newbee signing on
    I just found this site today. It's nice to know that the ones who replied to your question Loves the Lord too. I too Love the Lord and he had brought me through a lot with having had breast cancer. I was just looking for a Christian support group. How does this blogging site work for you?
  • jackiejhm
    jackiejhm Member Posts: 169

    newbee signing on
    I just found this site today. It's nice to know that the ones who replied to your question Loves the Lord too. I too Love the Lord and he had brought me through a lot with having had breast cancer. I was just looking for a Christian support group. How does this blogging site work for you?

    Welcome rmisblessed! So sorry to meet you under these circumstances. Trust this- you will not find a more loving and helpful websight. All along this journey, the alliances built here are so wonderful, helpful, comforting...Whatever I have been dealing with in the past 8 months, someone here has probably been through something similar! Please know you are in my heart and prayers! xoxoxoxo
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    BethInAz said:

    You're an amazing person
    Sally, I can just tell that you are an amazing person. So many challenges in life - and so much support from our loving God. I agree that it doesn't seem possible to face these more difficult challenges without strength from above.
    Thanks for sharing your experiences!
    Much love,

    Aww, Thanks
    Thank you Beth for your kind words! We all have our struggles. Just some get a bit more than others. But it's something that helps you grow in ways you would otherwise. (not that I don't have my bad days!:)) I always tell myself that there are those that have it much worse than I. I try to be thankful for what I do have and ask Jesus to help me with the rest! And believe me, he here's my voice all too often! LOL.

  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    jackiejhm said:

    Welcome rmisblessed! So sorry to meet you under these circumstances. Trust this- you will not find a more loving and helpful websight. All along this journey, the alliances built here are so wonderful, helpful, comforting...Whatever I have been dealing with in the past 8 months, someone here has probably been through something similar! Please know you are in my heart and prayers! xoxoxoxo

    Thanks for the Laugh Jackiejhm!!
    LOL. I was just scrolling the responses and saw that "Bla Bla" hand flying around! It made me laugh out loud! So funny:) How did you do that??? Love it!

  • jackiejhm
    jackiejhm Member Posts: 169
    sal314 said:

    Thanks for the Laugh Jackiejhm!!
    LOL. I was just scrolling the responses and saw that "Bla Bla" hand flying around! It made me laugh out loud! So funny:) How did you do that??? Love it!


    Thanks Sally
    Just google animated avatars. There are quite few sites!! :o)
  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member

    newbee signing on
    I just found this site today. It's nice to know that the ones who replied to your question Loves the Lord too. I too Love the Lord and he had brought me through a lot with having had breast cancer. I was just looking for a Christian support group. How does this blogging site work for you?

    Finding Christian friends
    Misblessed - I have found a number of good Christian friends on the boards - but I like doing the private messages and share my faith there. I've added you to my friends list... Hope we can talk further! Welcome to the site! You'll find lots of good advice and support from all of the gals here.
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    My husband is amazing, and
    My husband is amazing, and takes so much of the "every day" difficulties from me. My family and friends support me and pray for me, and God is always with me.