For the Marine husband. How many TNBC survivors here?

webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I thought the husband, in the Marine Corp., with a wife with TNBC might feel a little better if we who have survived TNBC raised our hands". God bless us all!


  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Moopy here!
    What a wonderful idea, Alison!

    I was diagnosed stage IIIa TNBC in November 2008, age 48. Left radical mastectomy 11/08, 6 rounds TAC chemo (finished 05/09), 35 rounds of hyperthermic radiation (finished 09/09). 20+ months out and doing just fine!

    Next, please?
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Moopy here!
    What a wonderful idea, Alison!

    I was diagnosed stage IIIa TNBC in November 2008, age 48. Left radical mastectomy 11/08, 6 rounds TAC chemo (finished 05/09), 35 rounds of hyperthermic radiation (finished 09/09). 20+ months out and doing just fine!

    Next, please?

    Skeezie here!
    I was dx 7/09 with stage 2A TNBC. Had single, simple mastectomy and four rounds of C/T. Did not have to do rads because no cancer cells found in remaining breast tissue after mastectomy. Finished chemo 12-11-09.

    Hair growing back, eyebrows still thin.

    Next, please? :-)
  • missgogo
    missgogo Member Posts: 58
    Skeezie said:

    Skeezie here!
    I was dx 7/09 with stage 2A TNBC. Had single, simple mastectomy and four rounds of C/T. Did not have to do rads because no cancer cells found in remaining breast tissue after mastectomy. Finished chemo 12-11-09.

    Hair growing back, eyebrows still thin.

    Next, please? :-)

    I was told in Dec 2008 and went through A/C Chemo follow by Taxol for 12 weeks finish in May 2009 went to Radiation and finish in July 2009. Then it recured in the Scar in Nov 2009 went through Surgery again. So far all the report have been real good. And I am 7 months free so far. Told in Feb 2010 that I was a TNBC patient and the DR that they sent me to for second opion did not give me much hope. So far she is very wrong.
  • jamiegww
    jamiegww Member Posts: 384
    missgogo said:

    I was told in Dec 2008 and went through A/C Chemo follow by Taxol for 12 weeks finish in May 2009 went to Radiation and finish in July 2009. Then it recured in the Scar in Nov 2009 went through Surgery again. So far all the report have been real good. And I am 7 months free so far. Told in Feb 2010 that I was a TNBC patient and the DR that they sent me to for second opion did not give me much hope. So far she is very wrong.

    Not worried
    I was diagnosed in Nov 2009, had mastectomy in Dec 2009 with 5 nodes positive which made me Stage IIIA triple negative. I had four doses of A/C and four doses of Taxol followed by 30 rad treatments. I feel lucky that I don't have to take pills to block hormones and I don't intend to worry about something that may or may not happen in the future. I could have a fatal car crash, a heart attack, be attacked by killer bees while mowing the yard....... (oops, I am actually worried about that but so far I don't wear a bee suit while mowing the yard).
  • Chrispea
    Chrispea Member Posts: 123 Member
    I had TNBC. At first it was
    I had TNBC. At first it was diagnosed stage 2 I think, but my lump grew bigger while on chemo (7cm), so the chemo didn't work... it was very aggressive. After chemo ended in March, April 1st I had a radical mastectomy. They took 15 nodes, 8 were positive. Then in May I started to take Xeloda pills - a chemo pill. I finished taking that July 24... next week I start radiation.

    Anyway, I'm still here! And plan on being around for a very, very long time!!
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    TNBS stage 3
    Diagnosed Oct 2009. Dr. stated that death was not an option. 8 rounds of chemo, double mastectomy and now doing 10 rounds of chemo.
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    I have went through two surgerys.First a lumpectomy.Then when they found Cancer they did more surgery to make sure they got all the Cancer.Then Chemo and Radiaction.I am now a Cancer Surviver.Thank God.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Me, too!
    Moopy and I were actually diagnosed on the exact same day in November 2008. I was staged at 2a -- 2.6 cm. lump, negative nodes. I had a lumpectomy a week later; finished 6 doses of TAC in April 2009 and 33 radiation treatments in June 2009. I am in great health and doing very well. My doctor had me take out my port as soon as I finished chemo b/c she is convinced I won't need it in the future. I know TN survivors that are a decade or more out of treatment.

  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    mimivac said:

    Me, too!
    Moopy and I were actually diagnosed on the exact same day in November 2008. I was staged at 2a -- 2.6 cm. lump, negative nodes. I had a lumpectomy a week later; finished 6 doses of TAC in April 2009 and 33 radiation treatments in June 2009. I am in great health and doing very well. My doctor had me take out my port as soon as I finished chemo b/c she is convinced I won't need it in the future. I know TN survivors that are a decade or more out of treatment.


    thank you everyone for responding,
    I feel better about my own survival!
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967

    thank you everyone for responding,
    I feel better about my own survival!

    As well you should!
    It's all too easy to let a diagnosis of TNBC get one down even farther than normal. Moopy and I (and, I'm sure, everyone else on this thread) can vouch for that. There's so much inaccurate and downright lying cr@p out there on the Internets. And even the name sucks... "triple negative" has always sounded like "three strikes" to me.

    The fact is that Moopy is alive and well and making spontaneous ear-splitting noises and buying stuff and ordering me around as if I were her flunky (yes, ladies, I know that I *am* her flunky) and generally driving me nuts. The way she did before. The way I prayed to God that she would begin to do again. The way she will continue to do for many more years.

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    TRIPLE - here too
    DX in April, 2009.....triple - stage II due to the size, 2.2cm.....lumpectomy, clean, clear margins, no lymphy node involvement......Chemo Taxotere/Cytoxan, June -Aug.....33 radiation treatments...It is now 16 months.....since it all began.......Alive, kicking and feel'en good!

    Hugs and Peace be with us all....
  • marines911
    marines911 Member Posts: 68
    MAJW said:

    TRIPLE - here too
    DX in April, 2009.....triple - stage II due to the size, 2.2cm.....lumpectomy, clean, clear margins, no lymphy node involvement......Chemo Taxotere/Cytoxan, June -Aug.....33 radiation treatments...It is now 16 months.....since it all began.......Alive, kicking and feel'en good!

    Hugs and Peace be with us all....

    Thanks to all
    that responded to this thread. I really appreciate it and I will continue to support my wife with encouragement, lots of love and plenty of prayers.


  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member

    Thanks to all
    that responded to this thread. I really appreciate it and I will continue to support my wife with encouragement, lots of love and plenty of prayers.



    I was diagnosed with Stage IIA TNBC in November, 2009. I had an axillary dissection which showed 2 of 22 lymph nodes were cancerous. No cancer cells were ever found in my actual breast tissue - only in those 2 lonely lymph nodes. Through immunohistochemistry it was discovered that breast cancer HAD to have been the primary source. This is known as CUP (cancer with an unknown primary)and happens to less than 5% of cancer patients. I had a right mastectomy and followed up with 4 rounds of A/C and 12 rounds of Taxotere. My last round of Taxotere was last Wednesday! No further treatment is anticipated. Of course, there will be plenty of follow up bloodwork, exams, scans, etc. I am SO looking forward to feeling betting I helping my daughter move in to her first college dorm next month.