If I Can Do it, You Can Do it - Yeah, I Did It!

Sunrae Member Posts: 808
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Just wanted to let everyone know I just finished my 12 weeks of chemo Wednesday. I had to crawl across the finish line but I did it. It's been rough and I have to admit it there were times I did think about quitting but I knew quitting was not really an option. I dreaded chemo from the time I was dxed almost a year ago in Sept. 09. Some of you know my history but I'll repeat it for all you new ones who are facing chemo and other treatments at this time. I was dxed with IDC, 3 tumors and lymph node involvment and put on Femara to reduce the tumors. Scheduled to have a masectomy in Feb. but I was found to have 2 severely blocked arteries and had to have rotoblation and balloon angioplasty in one artery, enough to get a good blood flow thru. Finally had my masectomy on April 15, had 17 lymph nodes removed, 11 with cancer, and started chemo the first week of May. I also have a lot of other health issues including diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, fibromyalgia, glaucoma and take a lot of medication. Because of the heart problems, my onc decided to give me a reduced dosage of Cytoxan and Taxotere, but I had to have weekly treatments which really didn't give me a chance to recover between treatments. Along the way I developed some serious side effects including a skin infection that caused my hands to burn and blister and peel. They looked like I had dipped them in acid and skin was hanging off everywhere. Was put on steriods 3 days a week and that has helped. Then I came down with a sinus infection that has went on for weeks and hasn't cleared up even with antibiotics. My white blood cells went down and had to have Neupogen shots and my red blood count has went down to the point I'm anemic (but thankfully blood transfusions are not needed). I'm weak, exhausted, still fighting the infections, had to increase my insulin injections because of high blood sugars. My onc says now that chemo is over, all these things should get better over the next several weeks and I'm really looking forward to getting my taste buds back. In a couple of weeks, I'll be starting my 30 radiation treatments, every day for 5 days, 6 weeks. Sorry that this is so lengthy and I'm kind of a mess at this point, but I wanted to assure all of you new ones that you can get thru this part of your treatment. Don't give up and just keep on taking one step at a time. Did I mention that on top of all my health issues I'm 71 years old, one of the older ones here. And along with celebrating my last chemo treatment, I'll be celebrating another birthday this Sunday, Aug. 8. Birthdays are wonderful and I hope to be celebrating many more healthy ones in the years to come, along with all of you. I want to thank all of you beautiful pink ladies and gentlemen who have encouraged me along the way, always there for me, listened to my complaints and just stayed the course with me. It's not always a piece of cake, but now I'll be eating cake, ice cream this weekend and enjoying it. My margherita will have to wait a little longer but I'm raising my glass anyway. Here's to all of us!


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  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Hooray Hooray for Sunrae!!!!!!!!!
    Hooray Hooray for Sunrae!!!!!!!!!


    Now you can put that major milestone behind you.

    Super duper hugs to you.

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    Hooray Hooray for Sunrae!!!!!!!!!
    Hooray Hooray for Sunrae!!!!!!!!!


    Now you can put that major milestone behind you.

    Super duper hugs to you.


    You did it, girl!
    Good for you Sunrae--you are one tough cookie. What an inspiration you are to me and to all who are on this board. My best wishes and prayers go on to you as you continue on in your warrior-like manner!

    Hugs, Renee
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    You just made my day!!
    Sunrae -

    I joined this board about the same time as you did, and have been inspired with your wonderful attitude despite some of the huge hurdles that were in your way to get to today.

    YOU MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm so happy for you I'm tearing up right here at work.

    You still have the rads, but those should be a cakewalk compared to what you went through to get your surgery and chemo accomplished.

    Enjoy that cake and ice cream - you HAVE earned it!

  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    So happy to hear you've finished chemo. Happy Happy Happy Birthday. Eat all the cake and all the ice cream.

    You're truly an inspiration.

  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Thanks for the update. You are one tough cookie! You look wonderful in your picture. No way I would have guessed you were anywhere near 71! YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!! Hang in there. After all you have been through, you deserve the best. Sending thoughts & prayers to you. Hugs, Jean
  • jackiejhm
    jackiejhm Member Posts: 169
    Congratulations! I am so very happy for you. Your victory is your sisters' victory!
  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    Thank you for sharing ... which encourages all of us to continue forward. If you could crawl across the finish line...well, I will too! (I know I will not be skipping across it). I am so happy for you that you have finished this step in the journey...enjoy the weekend and celebrate! I am thinking of you and being encouraged by your story.
  • Snowkitty
    Snowkitty Member Posts: 295
    Wow you sure had the cards stacked against you. Job well done. Bet you can't wait till all the side effects go away.

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Oh Sunrae! How happy you
    Oh Sunrae! How happy you have made me! Your journey has not been an easy one; quite the contrary and I couldn't be happier for you than I am at this very moment! Bless your heart~ you did it! (((((hugs))))) and all good things to you! Yippppeeeeee!

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    chenheart said:

    Oh Sunrae! How happy you
    Oh Sunrae! How happy you have made me! Your journey has not been an easy one; quite the contrary and I couldn't be happier for you than I am at this very moment! Bless your heart~ you did it! (((((hugs))))) and all good things to you! Yippppeeeeee!


    Sunrae .. What an accomplishment for you ... Long
    and bumpy road .. but you made it thru! I don't care that you crawled your way across the finish line, I did the same back on 12/18/09 .. that fact is that we MADE IT!

    Now don't be lieing to me .. 72 this week-end ?? I DON'T THINK SO .. MISSY!!!!! You look marvelous!~

    Vicki Sam
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Congrats on finishing chemo
    Sunrae :-) Like you I have other obstacles in the way of side effects from chemo. I hope rads goes much better. Think of it as being half way to the finish line! Yah! BTW - have a great birthday and celebrate. (I agree you don't look 71 but I'm 61 and don't look it either.)
  • bjmom1
    bjmom1 Member Posts: 152
    Happy for u
    I am happy for you. Happy Happy Birthday. You look marvelous you go girl.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    bjmom1 said:

    Happy for u
    I am happy for you. Happy Happy Birthday. You look marvelous you go girl.


    Oh Sunrae so excited for you
    Oh Sunrae so excited for you and thank you so much for posting. You are just like your name a Ray of Sunshine and you have battled all your health problems with strength and grace.
    I too crawled acrossed that proverbial finish line, but I want you to know at first it feels like you are recovering slowly then suddenly your body takes a big breath and you get better in more leaps and bounds. It really feels better to be done with chemo EVERY DAY. Your body has been beat to heck but you will recover. hoping the rads is easy for you, for me it was nothing compared to chemo. This is truely great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    It's been a longggggggg
    It's been a longggggggg year, hasn't it? Thanks so much for letting us know that you've made it through with strength and wisdom intact! You are an inspiration to many of us. Happiest of birthdays to you, Sunrae (and many more!). xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • jamiegww
    jamiegww Member Posts: 384 Member
    You are such an inspiration.
    After everything you have gone through, thank you for taking the time to put it all into words for us. Given all those obstacles, I'm not sure I would have continued but you obviously know how to roll with the punches. Congratulations on making it across that finish line. Have a terrific birthday!
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    jamiegww said:

    You are such an inspiration.
    After everything you have gone through, thank you for taking the time to put it all into words for us. Given all those obstacles, I'm not sure I would have continued but you obviously know how to roll with the punches. Congratulations on making it across that finish line. Have a terrific birthday!

    So glad
    To hear you are finished. Now you can breath a little easier. Take care.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    You do NOT look 71!
    You look wonderful! I'm so glad Chemo is over. It's certainly no picnic in the park! I'm so sorry you had so many trials to endure but you sound like a strong woman.

    Happy Birthday and celebrate, celebrate, celebrate!!

    Blessings and hugs,

  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    missrenee said:

    You did it, girl!
    Good for you Sunrae--you are one tough cookie. What an inspiration you are to me and to all who are on this board. My best wishes and prayers go on to you as you continue on in your warrior-like manner!

    Hugs, Renee

    Congrats Sunrae! You did
    Congrats Sunrae! You did it!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    sea60 said:

    You do NOT look 71!
    You look wonderful! I'm so glad Chemo is over. It's certainly no picnic in the park! I'm so sorry you had so many trials to endure but you sound like a strong woman.

    Happy Birthday and celebrate, celebrate, celebrate!!

    Blessings and hugs,


    you did it!!!


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