Oncologist Needed??

survives Member Posts: 254 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
So, I have a question for you guys. I got a notice from my insurance company yesterday stating that starting Sept.1, my oncologist will no longer be accepting my insurance. Great. Just wonderful. Thank goodness I'm not in active treatment!! What would happen then? Anyway, I do know that my pcp will write my prescription for Femara, as this will affect any presciptions that my present onc. writes.

We had a talk this last visit, and she told me that after June, I will stop taking Femara, and will be seeing her only once a year after that since I will turn the corner on the 5th year in July. As it turns out, won't be seeing her at all!

So, I assume I search for an oncologist that is in my network. Not really an easy task. For some reason, there aren't that many oncs. that like my insurance. And, not to mention, I am picky....I would like a female onc. One who is a little more sympathetic to my fears. Makes the search harder.

What to do? Do I look for one, or since I am healthy (I think) do I just stick like glue to my pcp? Is there anyone here that is several years out that is NOT being treated by an onc?




  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    I was 16 years out and still
    I was 16 years out and still seeing my onc. dont know how helpful it was as I got BC on their watch.(not early) I think it would have to be a pretty knowlegable PCP who kept up on the newest research. I will be interested to know what others think, an interesting delemma sorry you have to change.
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    carkris said:

    I was 16 years out and still
    I was 16 years out and still seeing my onc. dont know how helpful it was as I got BC on their watch.(not early) I think it would have to be a pretty knowlegable PCP who kept up on the newest research. I will be interested to know what others think, an interesting delemma sorry you have to change.

    I will be seeing my onc for the rest of my life and that's
    how I want it as well. I love my internist, but he is not an onc. My husband still sees his onc and will forever as well. His prostate cancer was in 2003.

    I can't imagine how hard it would be to find a new one after 5 years of building a trusting relationship...if you only see her annually next year you could always self pay her visit. Or you could bite the bullet and find a new one. Is there also a chance you would have different ins at some point?

    It's a touch decision and I don't envy you, but I definitely would contiue to see an onc. even if it was someone new.

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • survives
    survives Member Posts: 254 Member
    Skeezie said:

    I will be seeing my onc for the rest of my life and that's
    how I want it as well. I love my internist, but he is not an onc. My husband still sees his onc and will forever as well. His prostate cancer was in 2003.

    I can't imagine how hard it would be to find a new one after 5 years of building a trusting relationship...if you only see her annually next year you could always self pay her visit. Or you could bite the bullet and find a new one. Is there also a chance you would have different ins at some point?

    It's a touch decision and I don't envy you, but I definitely would contiue to see an onc. even if it was someone new.

    Hugs, Judy :-)

    Trust issues
    Well, I lost my trust with her with some comments that she made last time I was there....well meant, I'm sure, but still, even dh raised an eyebrow. I haven't been with her the full five years, and what I liked was the fact that she is a survivor, but either plays in De-nile, or is just closed minded. Her attitude was, and her comments were, that "breast cancer is not that bad", that "we are living with it", and "most alternative meds are as useful as Kool-ade". I asked her about aspirin, and she told me that "that is for stroke, not bc." Well, not exactly. I asked her about fish oil...she said most not regulated, and only for cholesterol. NO, wrong again.

    So, either she doesn't read her reports, or she is just that set in her ways. I asked her what the regement would be after 5 years. She said no AI (which I knew), and I said that all I needed was a yearly visit from her. Kinda goes against from what I've read here, and on another board. What I got from her is that I had "cancer-lite", stop worrying, old woman." It's all mute now anyway. So trust with her.........? Maybe not so much trust, just attitude. And, dh said she bristled when I starting questioning her, which she did. What, don't talk about what's down the pike??? Don't think ahead?

    Anyway, I'll be talking with my pcp, and see what drs. she can recommend that our under our network. Haven't gotten a new book on contracted doctors from my insurance yet.

    All is good. It will all work out...things mostly do!! Just wanted an opinion, and I got a couple!! Thanks so much ladies!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    survives said:

    Trust issues
    Well, I lost my trust with her with some comments that she made last time I was there....well meant, I'm sure, but still, even dh raised an eyebrow. I haven't been with her the full five years, and what I liked was the fact that she is a survivor, but either plays in De-nile, or is just closed minded. Her attitude was, and her comments were, that "breast cancer is not that bad", that "we are living with it", and "most alternative meds are as useful as Kool-ade". I asked her about aspirin, and she told me that "that is for stroke, not bc." Well, not exactly. I asked her about fish oil...she said most not regulated, and only for cholesterol. NO, wrong again.

    So, either she doesn't read her reports, or she is just that set in her ways. I asked her what the regement would be after 5 years. She said no AI (which I knew), and I said that all I needed was a yearly visit from her. Kinda goes against from what I've read here, and on another board. What I got from her is that I had "cancer-lite", stop worrying, old woman." It's all mute now anyway. So trust with her.........? Maybe not so much trust, just attitude. And, dh said she bristled when I starting questioning her, which she did. What, don't talk about what's down the pike??? Don't think ahead?

    Anyway, I'll be talking with my pcp, and see what drs. she can recommend that our under our network. Haven't gotten a new book on contracted doctors from my insurance yet.

    All is good. It will all work out...things mostly do!! Just wanted an opinion, and I got a couple!! Thanks so much ladies!

    When you get a few names .. go on line and
    do a little research, see what organizations are they afflilated with .. Breast, Bone cancers. See if they Teach new techniques - all on the internet what a wonderful and dangerous tool. Charity work .. call around and get a few references from the hospital or group they belong to. Just my humble opinion.

    Best of Luck with this new adventure:

    Vicki Sam
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    VickiSam said:

    When you get a few names .. go on line and
    do a little research, see what organizations are they afflilated with .. Breast, Bone cancers. See if they Teach new techniques - all on the internet what a wonderful and dangerous tool. Charity work .. call around and get a few references from the hospital or group they belong to. Just my humble opinion.

    Best of Luck with this new adventure:

    Vicki Sam

    I would ask the hospital
    I would ask the hospital that you deal with and see if they have someone in your network. Don't ya just love the stress this brings on.
  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    You know Jenifer, I had a good scare about a month ago. My oncologist was the person I depended on to see me through, no matter. It turned out not to be cancer, thank God. I know it can be a hassle finding the right onc. but it is well worth having one immediatly available for you. Believe me! God bless you!
  • survives
    survives Member Posts: 254 Member

    You know Jenifer, I had a good scare about a month ago. My oncologist was the person I depended on to see me through, no matter. It turned out not to be cancer, thank God. I know it can be a hassle finding the right onc. but it is well worth having one immediatly available for you. Believe me! God bless you!

    What a wonderful group you are!! Indeed, I am on another blog, but get more responses here, and people are alot more caring! Maybe I'm just lost in the shuffle there, but that's another story.

    Alison, my surgeon was the one to find my "blip", and when speaking to my onc. about it after my MRI (normal), she just sort of shrugged and said, "Your fear is what?" My fear is mets; hello, dr. So that's when she told me "all at risk", "breast cancer not that bad", etc. I guess I'm just disappointed in her reaction. Maybe there's something going on with her, I don't know. It's all water under the bridge now.....moving forward.

    I'm goin goutside to water my plants and soak up some Vit. D, and listen to nature, then will start calling my pcp and a few others for recommendations. I will get a new onc., just really don't want to go through the hastle. What a pain!!! But, when thinking and listening to you all, I'd rather do my hunt NOW, then have my pcp find a problem, and have to look when I'm in a state of panic.

    Thanks for being my voices of reason when I guess I just needed to "vent" or what ever that was! :-) Sounded like a baby, didn't I. Poor, widdle, me!! So, big girl panties are back on, and life moves forward!!

    Thanks again!

  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    survives said:

    What a wonderful group you are!! Indeed, I am on another blog, but get more responses here, and people are alot more caring! Maybe I'm just lost in the shuffle there, but that's another story.

    Alison, my surgeon was the one to find my "blip", and when speaking to my onc. about it after my MRI (normal), she just sort of shrugged and said, "Your fear is what?" My fear is mets; hello, dr. So that's when she told me "all at risk", "breast cancer not that bad", etc. I guess I'm just disappointed in her reaction. Maybe there's something going on with her, I don't know. It's all water under the bridge now.....moving forward.

    I'm goin goutside to water my plants and soak up some Vit. D, and listen to nature, then will start calling my pcp and a few others for recommendations. I will get a new onc., just really don't want to go through the hastle. What a pain!!! But, when thinking and listening to you all, I'd rather do my hunt NOW, then have my pcp find a problem, and have to look when I'm in a state of panic.

    Thanks for being my voices of reason when I guess I just needed to "vent" or what ever that was! :-) Sounded like a baby, didn't I. Poor, widdle, me!! So, big girl panties are back on, and life moves forward!!

    Thanks again!


    Jennifer, I gotta say "good riddence"!
    Your onc sounds like she should be kicked to the curb. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. It IS a big deal, and my onc is there for me anytime I need advice or have a question. I had a pain in my right side, hip area, I've had it before bc using after standing or walking for long periods...but now everything becomes scary, she said it was probaby arthritis but lets do a bone scan to get a good picture. Well, she called last nite and it is arthritis and she gave me Rx for it. She is so sweet and understanding. And doesn't put off anything saying no big deal.

    By the way, I found her myself...online. We have a great cancer center in our area (actually we have a couple) but I live not real close but the one I was interested in was opening a sattilite closer to home so I went online to check it out and there was her pic and bio...she is specially trained and has a special interst in breast cancer, her credentials are top notch and she spent 8 years with Karmanos which is really a big deal in the Michigan area. You can check everyhtnig out online about any future (or current) doc. Sounds like your current one is a loser anyway.

    Good luck in your search, keep us posted.

    Hugs, Judy :-)

    P.S. I have monitored another site and agree with you about this site being the best.
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Still seeing oncologist...
    I will be 10 years out in Sept. And I will still be seeing him every six months. Up until then, I've rotated between my surgeon and onocologist every 3 months. Probably because I was young(er) when I was diagnosed (35).

    I don't mind it either. Just makes you feel a little more at ease about catching anything that may come back early.

  • marines911
    marines911 Member Posts: 68
    survives said:

    Trust issues
    Well, I lost my trust with her with some comments that she made last time I was there....well meant, I'm sure, but still, even dh raised an eyebrow. I haven't been with her the full five years, and what I liked was the fact that she is a survivor, but either plays in De-nile, or is just closed minded. Her attitude was, and her comments were, that "breast cancer is not that bad", that "we are living with it", and "most alternative meds are as useful as Kool-ade". I asked her about aspirin, and she told me that "that is for stroke, not bc." Well, not exactly. I asked her about fish oil...she said most not regulated, and only for cholesterol. NO, wrong again.

    So, either she doesn't read her reports, or she is just that set in her ways. I asked her what the regement would be after 5 years. She said no AI (which I knew), and I said that all I needed was a yearly visit from her. Kinda goes against from what I've read here, and on another board. What I got from her is that I had "cancer-lite", stop worrying, old woman." It's all mute now anyway. So trust with her.........? Maybe not so much trust, just attitude. And, dh said she bristled when I starting questioning her, which she did. What, don't talk about what's down the pike??? Don't think ahead?

    Anyway, I'll be talking with my pcp, and see what drs. she can recommend that our under our network. Haven't gotten a new book on contracted doctors from my insurance yet.

    All is good. It will all work out...things mostly do!! Just wanted an opinion, and I got a couple!! Thanks so much ladies!

    Change is sometimes needed
    My wife had recently switched oncologist, especially after she stated that all she can do is make my wife's life comfortable. We fely that she had given up on my wife and that there is really nothing left to do. Luckily my wife is on an another blog, no surrender, and she has been given plenty of advice and she also chats with a researcher. We have to come to find out that oncologist are not reseacrners and vice versa. The old oncologist was kind of threatened that my wife knew so much and my wife's questions were sometimes met with resistence. The new breast cancer specialist was actually recommnended by the researcher and she has been great. Never knew about tumor markers from old oncologist, and now we don't have to wait until scans to verify if treatment is working. Scan will still be required to confirm, but at least we can see if the chemo is having some affect. Wife was real hesistant to switch oncologist, but it turned out to be the best thing. It always helps to several opinions. Good luck.

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I'm not seeing an onc now. I
    I'm not seeing an onc now. I stopped two years ago when we moved. The previous one I didn't like anyway. She didn't take me seriously. I liked the one I had during treatment but we moved. I was diagnosed in 2003. I called one onc office here and they want all my records before they see me. I guess they assume I'll continue with them.
  • KayNYC
    KayNYC Member Posts: 495 Member
    good timing
    It seems the change in the insurance actually created an opportunity for you to find someone who is more like-minded. You can call your insurance company, giving them the area you wish to receive treatment and get them to email or fax you names of in- network ONCs. You can also check with the hospitals that you prefer for names of their Oncs that accept your insurance. Checking the Onc's ratings online, as well as asking your internist for a list of Onc's are other options to help you on your quest to find the right Onc for you. It makes good sense to find one, sooner rather than later when you can pick and choose at your leisure rather than look for one when you are under stress or facing a health crisis.
    Best of luck finding the best Onc to follow you during your survivorship.
    Hugs, K
  • survives
    survives Member Posts: 254 Member
    KayNYC said:

    good timing
    It seems the change in the insurance actually created an opportunity for you to find someone who is more like-minded. You can call your insurance company, giving them the area you wish to receive treatment and get them to email or fax you names of in- network ONCs. You can also check with the hospitals that you prefer for names of their Oncs that accept your insurance. Checking the Onc's ratings online, as well as asking your internist for a list of Onc's are other options to help you on your quest to find the right Onc for you. It makes good sense to find one, sooner rather than later when you can pick and choose at your leisure rather than look for one when you are under stress or facing a health crisis.
    Best of luck finding the best Onc to follow you during your survivorship.
    Hugs, K

    I finally did talk to my onc's office this afternoon, and they were in quite a stew!! It seems that this letter went out a bit prematurely. The Insurance lady told me that they are still in negotiations with my insurance, and they will know for certain by the end of the month. She asked that I call back then. Soooooooooooooooo, what I think I am going to do is breathe, and keep the bird in hand, so to speak. If, and I do mean IF, she keeps the demeanor I saw this last visit, this time next year, records in hand, I will be looking at new onc. I am in a very rural area of Texas, and most of the hospitals don't even HAVE an oncologist. Sort of like we are being herded towards bigger cities. Which, really isn't a bad thing. You want the best when you need it.

    Anyway, am going to do some research for the "just in case' scenario. You know, I really thought I had a good one. And, not saying that she's not. Just seemed weird this time. Will do some research on HER, and see if I can find something or someone that experienced what I did. Should be telling.

    Thanks again, everyone!