It is what it is..........Scan results......



  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    I got the ROPE !!!!!
    Just grab on, I wont let go, you were so kind to offer the ROPE to so many way back when, now its my turn to offer it to you my friend! I know you are strong, and have a very strong faith that will get you through this. I was watching the church Channel last night, and this preacher said "be thankful for what God has brought you through, because it is what will get you through what your going through now" I am probably not remembering it word for word but I sure hope it makes as much sense to you as it did to me.


    Love ya
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    dorookie said:

    I got the ROPE !!!!!
    Just grab on, I wont let go, you were so kind to offer the ROPE to so many way back when, now its my turn to offer it to you my friend! I know you are strong, and have a very strong faith that will get you through this. I was watching the church Channel last night, and this preacher said "be thankful for what God has brought you through, because it is what will get you through what your going through now" I am probably not remembering it word for word but I sure hope it makes as much sense to you as it did to me.


    Love ya

    Oh, hell....
    hang in there.....good attitude, we know it's tough and we know your spouse will take it even harder but keep the faith that you will beat this too!
  • snommintj
    snommintj Member Posts: 601
    Nana b said:

    Oh, hell....
    hang in there.....good attitude, we know it's tough and we know your spouse will take it even harder but keep the faith that you will beat this too!

    I'm going to Guatemala the first week in Sept. Dr says he will target as many as he can. They are having tremendous success with many complete kills.
  • TLG320
    TLG320 Member Posts: 167
    Darn it!
    That is not what I was wanting to hear, Buzz. I know in my heart that you will be fine and beat this thing again, but I really hate that you have to go through those awful appointments, surgery, hurry-up-and-wait, recovery, and all that other cancer crap. You're in my prayers and I, too, know you're gonna be fine. T
  • pluckey
    pluckey Member Posts: 484 Member
    Ditto what Eric Said
    "Buzz - you are too ornery for cancer. It can't live inside of you. There is too much piss and vinegar inside of you. It"

    " Donna still needs prayers, lets just concentrate on her for now" You know our Semi colon Hearts are big enough to throw up some prayers for you too!!! I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for the abundance of love and good vibes and prayers propping my cancery-**** up!!


  • Linda Z
    Linda Z Member Posts: 25
    Buzz, hang in there. You've got a rough road ahead. I'll keep you in my prayers for sure and don't worry....Won't forget about Donna either..I don't know any information to share with you, just good wishes etc
  • colon2
    colon2 Member Posts: 183
    pluckey said:

    Ditto what Eric Said
    "Buzz - you are too ornery for cancer. It can't live inside of you. There is too much piss and vinegar inside of you. It"

    " Donna still needs prayers, lets just concentrate on her for now" You know our Semi colon Hearts are big enough to throw up some prayers for you too!!! I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for the abundance of love and good vibes and prayers propping my cancery-**** up!!



    I am sory
    Buzz, i am so sorry to hear this news. I haven't been posting for awhile, and when i checked back in a couple of weeks ago, I was sorry to hear all the bad news. Your results certainly weren't the ones we wanted, but from one Christian to another, we know that God is still in control, and He knows the plans He has for you. We will all continue to pray for you and Donna and all the others. You are strong and you will get through this.
    God Bless You, Carletta
  • pluckey said:

    Ditto what Eric Said
    "Buzz - you are too ornery for cancer. It can't live inside of you. There is too much piss and vinegar inside of you. It"

    " Donna still needs prayers, lets just concentrate on her for now" You know our Semi colon Hearts are big enough to throw up some prayers for you too!!! I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for the abundance of love and good vibes and prayers propping my cancery-**** up!!



    This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • steve g
    steve g Member Posts: 58 Member
    Wishing you the best
    Buzzard; Just read your post, have been waiting for your results and am now writing with tears, so sorry for the negetive results. Had hoped to hear better news from you and Craig and will be anxiously waiting for something positive from both of you. I was the one that quit the chemo after one post op session and you had the perseverence to continue so I have been following your progress and now am hitting a new low point. I sure hope that your positive outlook will help get you through this. Thanks for your past help and hope your next post can be more positive news. Steve
  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    ah buzzy
    I knew this wasnt

    ah buzzy
    I knew this wasnt going to be wonderful news, but at least you know now and have a plan. It is just another curve in the cancer road. I am curious how he knows (or why he thinks) this is not a cc met, but a lung cancer primary? I know this will be hard for the family- cancer has a way of bringing us all to our knees ya know. We love you here and are with you on this journey, please, please remember that.
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    Patteee said:

    ah buzzy
    I knew this wasnt

    ah buzzy
    I knew this wasnt going to be wonderful news, but at least you know now and have a plan. It is just another curve in the cancer road. I am curious how he knows (or why he thinks) this is not a cc met, but a lung cancer primary? I know this will be hard for the family- cancer has a way of bringing us all to our knees ya know. We love you here and are with you on this journey, please, please remember that.

    Thanks all...........
    I just told the wife....we had our moment and now she said what I did before...we'll kick it this time and again and again if we have to, but we will get through...its simply a bump in the road and we are aware now that this will be a chronic illness that will be taken care of until the "Cure" is found......Whatever it is, its still better me than one of my family members...I can handle anything, my wife knows that, but not one of my children in this situation. I am ok, my wife is now ok. We both have our faith, we both have our game faces on, and now we will step into the arena, again, and simply kick its ****... again.....Love you all, Buzz
  • just4Brooks
    just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member
    Buzzard said:

    Thanks all...........
    I just told the wife....we had our moment and now she said what I did before...we'll kick it this time and again and again if we have to, but we will get through...its simply a bump in the road and we are aware now that this will be a chronic illness that will be taken care of until the "Cure" is found......Whatever it is, its still better me than one of my family members...I can handle anything, my wife knows that, but not one of my children in this situation. I am ok, my wife is now ok. We both have our faith, we both have our game faces on, and now we will step into the arena, again, and simply kick its ****... again.....Love you all, Buzz

    I agree
    I'm just so happy it's not my wife or kids!! "IN THIS CORNER THE FLYING BALL OF FUREY BUZZARD and IN THIS CORNER SOON THE BE BEATEN TO A PULP CANCER" Bring it on baby!!!

  • impactzone
    impactzone Member Posts: 555 Member
    Buzzard said:

    Thanks all...........
    I just told the wife....we had our moment and now she said what I did before...we'll kick it this time and again and again if we have to, but we will get through...its simply a bump in the road and we are aware now that this will be a chronic illness that will be taken care of until the "Cure" is found......Whatever it is, its still better me than one of my family members...I can handle anything, my wife knows that, but not one of my children in this situation. I am ok, my wife is now ok. We both have our faith, we both have our game faces on, and now we will step into the arena, again, and simply kick its ****... again.....Love you all, Buzz

    Boy we are in this together. I have had 2 lung resections. My dx last thursday was lung met at the resection site. First was a lobectomy and I was in for 5 days. It really wasn't too bad after the first two days. In 2 weeks I was back at work. The second was a wedge resection of the other lung. For whatever reason this one was harder on me. Much was just mental. They make you get up ASAP which is good but breathing with the tubes and drains in was tough. Gotta take it slow. I go up tomorrow to talk to the thoracic surgeon who did the first two. We will discuss cyberknife, surgery and/or RFA. He does VATS but prefers an open which goes under the ribs cut and has thre incisions. He likes this because they deflate the lung and then he can palpate the lung to feel for anything else. Remaining lung volume is an issue though. The lung has 3 lobes on right side and two on the left. They can do wedges resections or take a lobe. Lets try to kick this together. You can call me off site if you wish. I go to Stanford
    Chip in CA
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member

    Boy we are in this together. I have had 2 lung resections. My dx last thursday was lung met at the resection site. First was a lobectomy and I was in for 5 days. It really wasn't too bad after the first two days. In 2 weeks I was back at work. The second was a wedge resection of the other lung. For whatever reason this one was harder on me. Much was just mental. They make you get up ASAP which is good but breathing with the tubes and drains in was tough. Gotta take it slow. I go up tomorrow to talk to the thoracic surgeon who did the first two. We will discuss cyberknife, surgery and/or RFA. He does VATS but prefers an open which goes under the ribs cut and has thre incisions. He likes this because they deflate the lung and then he can palpate the lung to feel for anything else. Remaining lung volume is an issue though. The lung has 3 lobes on right side and two on the left. They can do wedges resections or take a lobe. Lets try to kick this together. You can call me off site if you wish. I go to Stanford
    Chip in CA

    Yep, and we'll both kick its butt as well....
    Thank you Chip for the information...very very helpful and extremely emotionally satisfying. I may be in touch most likely through PM in here but I will stay in touch......again, thank all of you for you thoughts, prayers and well wishes... :) Buzz
  • coolvdub
    coolvdub Member Posts: 408 Member
    Buzzard said:

    Yep, and we'll both kick its butt as well....
    Thank you Chip for the information...very very helpful and extremely emotionally satisfying. I may be in touch most likely through PM in here but I will stay in touch......again, thank all of you for you thoughts, prayers and well wishes... :) Buzz

    Damn it anyway

    Really sorry to hear your news, but a positive attitude can go a long way. Hang in there and kick cancers A$$ again.

  • JDuke
    JDuke Member Posts: 438
    coolvdub said:

    Damn it anyway

    Really sorry to hear your news, but a positive attitude can go a long way. Hang in there and kick cancers A$$ again.


    Hate this news Buzz,
    but I am confident that your positive attitude will continue to serve you well. You are and will continue to be an inspiration as you get in the fighting frame of mind and kick this beast to the curb!
    Warmest regards,
    LOUSWIFT Member Posts: 371 Member
    Buzz if you don't have a red cape and a large "S" under that shirt you should have. I don't need to tell you to stay strong.
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    You of course are in my prayers. You are a strong man and I know you will pick the right course. Thinking of you.

  • emrose
    emrose Member Posts: 136
    Sorry Buzz...
    This sucks! I'm sorry you didn't get better news.

    As you probably remember, My husband's first post chemo pet scan showed uptake in the right lung. Three spots, turned out to be colon cancer mets. Had a wedge resection and they felt around while in there to check for anything else. Everything looked good, and all margins were clear. He was out of the hospital within a week and back to work in two. Within two months he was at a photo shoot for the 2011 Colondar showing off his scars for the world to see. He even went wakeboarding while there!

    He chose not to do chemo this time around. He had some chemo sensitivity testing done, had many discussions with his onc, consulted another oncologist, met with a naturopath, did research... Basically tried to be as well informed as possible. There are a variety of factors that led to his decision but for now he's getting scanned every 3mo and focusing on health, nutrition, supplements, exercise, etc. Not sure what your next steps will be, but there are many options. One will fit your situation and get you on the road to recovery. He just had his second clear PET! Woohoo! 5months NED! So - there is hope! We aren't out of the woods yet, by any means. But - surgery was successful and he's feeling great. All we can ask for right now.

    I hope you find a plan that you are comfortable with. You'll get back to NED in no time!!
  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    sorry and lung surgery
    I'm so sorry to hear this news. And in awe and admiration at your attitude. You are right -- wooped it before, and can woop it again. I can tell you are in 'action' mode now.

    I have had surgery 3 times, each time for a solitary lung met. One time was a lobectomy. The other two were wedge resections, using VATS. My recovery wasn't too bad -- they get you up and walking quickly. And I kept walking! For what it's worth, my lung capacity is still well over 90%, even after 3 surgeries. A few months ago, I did a 25 km hike - involving a lot of hills. Did OK, for a woman my age (!). (Yes, it was timed!). Happy to share any further details of my surgery/recovery, if useful.

    Good luck as you begin putting together your plan.

    I will be with you every step.
