Where's my PEG? - - Oh, yeah - they took it out this morning

Pam M
Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Yay - my doc subscribes to the "no pain, no pain" ideology. My PEG was removed this morning. "Mild sedative" turns out to be something that knocked me out, and left me with no memory of the procedure once the happy juice got turned on.
Gastro scoped me while I was in la la land, decided a stretching was in order, and did the dilation (I agreed to all this last week). I was surprised that I needed the dilation. As many of you know - this was big for me. First my hair started coming back, then my mouth, throat and skin started healing, then the PICC was removed, then I could eat in public - now this. The only physical sign I have left that something was "not right" with me is my very short hair, with the oh-so cutting edge permanent bald swath in back; even that should be covered over in a few months by the hair higher up on my head, I think. Looking "normal" seems to matter to me right now - I like the idea of people having no reason to wonder what's wrong with me. Do well, everyone.


  • alwaysforhim
    alwaysforhim Member Posts: 14
    Hi Pam,
    I have been a voyeur to this site for over two months, but have never responded. But I had to on this. You are always so kind and supportive to the new kids on the block giving them hope and encourage. Just reading your posts has helped me. I hope you celebrate in style.
  • miccmill
    miccmill Member Posts: 248

    Hi Pam,
    I have been a voyeur to this site for over two months, but have never responded. But I had to on this. You are always so kind and supportive to the new kids on the block giving them hope and encourage. Just reading your posts has helped me. I hope you celebrate in style.

    I like the way your new normal is progressing. Very encouraging.

    Be well
  • Kimba1505
    Kimba1505 Member Posts: 557

    Hi Pam,
    I have been a voyeur to this site for over two months, but have never responded. But I had to on this. You are always so kind and supportive to the new kids on the block giving them hope and encourage. Just reading your posts has helped me. I hope you celebrate in style.

    Taking out that PEG is like cutting the ambilicle cord...you are cut free and on your own. What will you do first without the PEG? Congrats on having your body back.
  • stevenl
    stevenl Member Posts: 587
    Kimba1505 said:

    Taking out that PEG is like cutting the ambilicle cord...you are cut free and on your own. What will you do first without the PEG? Congrats on having your body back.

    Way to go Pam, a big milestone indeed. Wishing the best for ya!!!

  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
    Congratulations Pam, I think having the peg tube out was one of the happiest moments I've had in the past year.

    It sounds like everything is going your way now!!

    Keep up the good work,
  • JUDYV5
    JUDYV5 Member Posts: 392
    What a great milestone.
  • delnative
    delnative Member Posts: 450 Member
    JUDYV5 said:

    What a great milestone.

    I was so happy to get rid of that freakin' PEG, I understand right where you're coming from.
    As for the bald patch across the back of your head, I called it my Moe Howard (Three Stooges) look. (Nyuk nyuk nyuk.)
    Congratulations, and keep on keepin' on.

    --Jim in Delaware
  • micktissue
    micktissue Member Posts: 430
    Happy for you (aka envy)
    Awesome news. Mine is stubborn. Dialation in my future.


  • Scambuster
    Scambuster Member Posts: 973
    Come back curly.
    Good news on all fronts Pam. 'My racing strip came back and it's a bit curly. Strange sine I have dead straight hair.

    I got a great 'ducks bum' hairdo now ;o)

  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    Great News Pam,

    Glad to hear that you are on your way to a new Normal.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here
  • davidgskinner
    davidgskinner Member Posts: 81
    Love the story...
    Congratulations...it's a big deal to lose that thing. And you didn't have to get the "big yank." Or, at least you got to sleep through it. What a nice doc you have!
    My bald spot is about 2 or 3 square inches right under under my chin on the right side. It makes it so I have to shave or I look like I have a case of mange on my face! Add to that the radical scar on my neck and I am one fierce looking hombre! haha...
  • lady4darknight
    lady4darknight Member Posts: 90 Member

    Love the story...
    Congratulations...it's a big deal to lose that thing. And you didn't have to get the "big yank." Or, at least you got to sleep through it. What a nice doc you have!
    My bald spot is about 2 or 3 square inches right under under my chin on the right side. It makes it so I have to shave or I look like I have a case of mange on my face! Add to that the radical scar on my neck and I am one fierce looking hombre! haha...

    Congrats Pam on the big day!!!!!
  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849

    Congrats Pam on the big day!!!!!

    Yeaaaaa Pam!
    Awesome Pam! Wish I could wake up and my PEG be gone too. As for the Moe look (like the 3 stooges reference Jim), I referred to my bald spot on the back of the head as my reverse mullet. Finally starting to grow hair back there, but the good news is the doc said I'd never have to shave below my chin again. Yehaa, I knew there was something good to come out of all those rads hitting me in the head!

  • santa6
    santa6 Member Posts: 29
    Mine grew back
    For what it's worth, my bald swath in the back grew back in about 5 months. Good luck.
  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    santa6 said:

    Mine grew back
    For what it's worth, my bald swath in the back grew back in about 5 months. Good luck.

    Most happy for you- that it is gone. We are like a family- brothers and sisters growing with their recovery to different stages, like losing hair, PEGs and Ports, and Teeth and, uh, uh...the ability to remember!!! Congratulations, Sister.

  • tonyanddenise
    tonyanddenise Member Posts: 70
    Congrats and good for you! I am jealous. My journey is essentially in its infancy. You give me hope. Thanks and live well!