An Inconvenient Cancer

edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
None of us want this, none of us would have chosen it, but I'd rather it be me than my daughter.

What is inconvenient? The plumbing backing up on Thanksgiving, the one day a year when you are doing all the cooking and the guests have begun to arrive. You're not about to pay a plumber triple digits to fix it, instead you make some jokes, keep a stiff upper lip, and go to plan B.

As survivors we cry, we joke, we fight, we persevere.

Cancer caught up with me while I was quite busy with other things. It's not as though I have time to deal with this now. Cancer is here, I can't ignore it and the things I thought were 'important' will have to take the back burner. If nothing else, I have learned from this disease that I need to slow down, focus on myself, that's a challenge for those of us raised to put other's needs before our own, to fight, but keep moving.

It's easy to busy ourselves pondering this side effect or that chemotherapy treatment, and maybe that's a good thing to keep our heads from exploding over the stress that accompanies the diagnosis. Yep, my priorities changed over night as I'm certain they did for all of us.

Inconvenient? Yes.
Insurmountable? Not at all.


  • MNLynn
    MNLynn Member Posts: 224
    so true . . .
    I totally agree . . . how do we fit this into our lives - by doing what you've just said.

    I felt like I didn't have time for even what I thought I needed to get done before this bc stuff - and then, all of a sudden, priorities change and we need to focus on this.

    I'll say this - I'm glad we bought a laptop last year instead of the desktop - I've been on the computer almost 24/7 with all of this - and at least I can do it from the couch now!

    Keeping all of you in my thoughts & prayers . . .

    ♥ Lynn ♥
  • sohardbnme
    sohardbnme Member Posts: 129
    MNLynn said:

    so true . . .
    I totally agree . . . how do we fit this into our lives - by doing what you've just said.

    I felt like I didn't have time for even what I thought I needed to get done before this bc stuff - and then, all of a sudden, priorities change and we need to focus on this.

    I'll say this - I'm glad we bought a laptop last year instead of the desktop - I've been on the computer almost 24/7 with all of this - and at least I can do it from the couch now!

    Keeping all of you in my thoughts & prayers . . .

    ♥ Lynn ♥

    Priorities do change
    So true, I just got my Master's in 2008...In 2009 I addressed my childhood, ridded myself of unsavory learned behaviors, and distorted thinking… I am so more open and able to meet people where they are at, and not where I think they should be… My communication skills have improved dramatically… I am forgiving… I have grown so much mentally and spiritually… Because I address me… I finally had 2 years post Master's this May... I am in position to make more money in my field... I thought this was my year to find a mate, get married, and have a child... (Hopefully in that order)…
    Now none of that matters, if I am not healthy...Priorities definitely change...I believe that God was preparing me for this journey…
  • sohardbnme
    sohardbnme Member Posts: 129
    Thank you
    Lynn & Faith
    I needed to read both post… I no longer feel alone, now that I found this forum…
    You both help me put some things in perspective, and I greatly appreciate it…
    Thank you both for being you…
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Very wise words!
    Speaking of

    Very wise words!

    Speaking of daughters, I asked my 28 yr old daughter if she was afraid of getting breast cancer (so many relatives with it). She is usually a hypochondriac about everything else ;-)

    She told me, "No, I spit at breast cancer. You and your sisters are fine and I will be fine too."

    I think she knows better than anyone (besides us survivors) what it is to live with this beast and I think she is very smart to be ready to put up her dukes and fight it!

    Which is not to say we don't have some cruddy days. But knowing that I am not alone and surrounded by so many good and supportive folks helps a lot.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Well said my dear...
    No one ever expects this uninvited visitor.

    Talk about re-prioritizing life...

    God Bless,

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I got the 2-fer....double blessed....
    Rectal cancer was first, breast cancer followed 6 months later...

    Life changing? You BET!!!! My life is COMPLETELY different now...may be because I was told I had 6 months to live, 5 years ago!!!

    I agree about changing my priorities...mother of 2 special needs kids left precious little time for, I am at the top of my list!!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    Very well put. Better me
    Very well put. Better me then my daughters.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Pinkpower said:

    Very well put. Better me
    Very well put. Better me then my daughters.

    Amen ... Sister in Pink
    Thank you for the encouragement! It helps me.

    Vicki Sam