Foot/ankle/leg swelling

Kimosabe Member Posts: 43
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I've had two of my four taxotere/cytoxan treatments. About a week after the second one my right foot,ankle, and leg became swollen. My onco sent me for a vascular ultrasound to rule out a clot (no clot) and now I am taking lasix which isn't doing much. It's pretty uncomfortable and is limiting my activity. Has anyone else had this problem?


  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    I had major aches and pains
    I had major aches and pains in my feet, legs, hands, and arms with the chemo, I still go to physical therapy to deal with the neuropathy. I had a/c and then taxol. Hope you find an answer soon, until then take it easy and God Bless
  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    taxotere can cause swelling
    of your feet and ankles - it did happen to me - after the 4th of 6 t/c chemos, my left foot and ankle began to swell up. by the time i got to the 5th treatment, i could not get shoes on my feet, walking was painful. i was given lasix, but didn't feel it halped much. hang in there, it does eventually go away!
  • upnorthlive57
    upnorthlive57 Member Posts: 41
    leg swelling and lasix treatments
    Kimosabe I was in the emergemcy room couple weeks ago and the biggest fear they had with me was my potassium level was really low like 297 supposed to be in the 300 ranges and I ended up getting a lasix shot well let me tell you the water left within an hour!! now i do lasix pills 3 times a day and potassium pills 2 daily blood work done twice a month I havent swelled up as bad since now for the neorapthy ( sp? ) lyricea taht they use for fibro mialgea that works too.
  • AMomNETN
    AMomNETN Member Posts: 242
    My legs, ankles, and feet began swelling after my 4th treatment of taxotere/carboplatin. For me it is usually is worse the last week when I'm on my feet more. After treatment I don't have this problem because I'm laying down most of the time. I take HTCZ if needed plus I have to take potassium. I also think all the hot weather hasn't helped either with the swelling. Talk to your dr.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    AMomNETN said:

    My legs, ankles, and feet began swelling after my 4th treatment of taxotere/carboplatin. For me it is usually is worse the last week when I'm on my feet more. After treatment I don't have this problem because I'm laying down most of the time. I take HTCZ if needed plus I have to take potassium. I also think all the hot weather hasn't helped either with the swelling. Talk to your dr.


    the potassium level is 2.97
    the potassium level is 2.97 adults need to be closed to mid 3's. my potassium level was low on chemo 2.7 this predisposes you to heart rhythm problems so be careful.
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    I too was on taxotere and
    I too was on taxotere and carboplatin, and both my legs, ankles and feet got very swollen, also suffered neuropathy on fingers and feet. Dr also gave me lasix (water pills) and potassium pills. And yeap, didnt help much either. But eventually the swelling did start to go down slowly and back to normal once I stop the taxotere and carbo. Its been almost 4months now and even the neuropathy is getting much better, I can hardly notice anymore. Hang in there, but continue to be very vigilant of any swelling.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I start TC in 2 weeks
    and my oncologist has already ordered medication for me to take to prevent swelling before it happens because I have a tendency to swell already. I certainly hope your situation gets resolved. I know first hand that swollen feet, ankles and lower legs can be very painful.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    I start TC in 2 weeks
    and my oncologist has already ordered medication for me to take to prevent swelling before it happens because I have a tendency to swell already. I certainly hope your situation gets resolved. I know first hand that swollen feet, ankles and lower legs can be very painful.

    Like Pink Power has stated .. I still have
    swelling in my hands, feet and ankles and will have for another year. I try to exercise, and stay away from salt and sugar products -- difficult to do. I also drink tons, and tons of water. Some days are better than others.

    Please elevate you feet, when possible. Good Luck,

    Vicki Sam