Breast Cancer!!! Member Posts: 14
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Okay.....I'm truly sorry if I'm "bothering" anyone. It took me forever to even get to this site....TWICE! I just thought that, GOSH! I could have someone/anyone to talk with. Cancer is a horrific thing! Especially in young people. I'm 54, so no big deal, I guess. I received NO response, and when I tried to get back ON....had to fight to find this site! DAMNIT! Are we not going through ENOUGH? I am just having a REAL hard time going through this, although I am, so far, one of the lucky ones who is...SO FAR, a survivor! And only women would GET this, but I miss my BOOB! They were small, anyway....but my husband has destroyed his UNION job! So now I have to give up ALL my meds! Enbral/RA..Ultram/RA..3rd try at high blood pressure meds....OH! and Xanax...cuz my doc couldn't get my BP under control. And flashes....I live in Fl! I am very angry and scared....our bills come to wayyy over what his unemployment will cover. And THAT'S if I give up my meds. Still don't have enough to EAT! He keeps telling me..."we'll be FINE!" GOSH! And, before too long, I will have to be the reasonable one to turn off the phone and AOL...he refuses to quit smoking1 "I'm willing to give it up! I just wish that while we HAVE access to AOL that SOMEONE..........would take the time to answer me! But...I"m pretty used to no one giving a damn! Thanks, anyway.


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  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    Oh, my
    It sounds like everything's going wrong and it's all going wrong at the same time which is almost more than any one person can bear. I'm so sorry. And I know there's nothing I can say or do, short of handing you a big glob of money which I don't have, to help or fix things for you. I've had tough times, too, and I know I felt very alone.

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers right now.

    Try to take good care of yourself,

  • swalters
    swalters Member Posts: 33
    Breast Cancer
    Dear Mrs. Michael,

    You can email me anytime. I would be happy to "talk" to you. I cant help you with all the horrible financial stuff you are going through, but I would be happy to support you in your cancer journey.

    I probably didn't respond before because our diagnosis and treatment were different. However, that doesn't really matter to me, if it doesn't matter to you.

    I am really sorry life has been so tough for you lately.
  • Cindy Ann
    Cindy Ann Member Posts: 101
    aisling8 said:

    Oh, my
    It sounds like everything's going wrong and it's all going wrong at the same time which is almost more than any one person can bear. I'm so sorry. And I know there's nothing I can say or do, short of handing you a big glob of money which I don't have, to help or fix things for you. I've had tough times, too, and I know I felt very alone.

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers right now.

    Try to take good care of yourself,


    I want you to know you are not alone. I too have been through Hell. You can read my drama filled life in past posts. I have felt totally alone. Lost friends. Watched my husband go through Hell at work and then my daughter's gentic testing just came back bad. But there is one thing I want you to know. No amount of money, friends,anger,& medications. Will stop Ca from destroying you if you let it. It will eat your life up, your relationships up, and then you up. I went to see a therapist to rid myself of anger and then numbness.. It costs money. But there are social workers that you can see for free. Get in touch with your local social services. Also young lady you are not old!!! I am 52 and just newly diagnosed. I think we have not finished living our life yet.The best is yet to come.. There is so much left to see and do. I may lose both my breasts will know in 1 mth. But I am going to go for the perkiest beautiful new breasts I can get. Fight the feelings of anger.Forget about your age. Please don't let the cancer take more then your boob. It deserves no more from you peroid..

    Take care of yourself. I will be thinking of you!!

    Cindy Ann
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    swalters said:

    Breast Cancer
    Dear Mrs. Michael,

    You can email me anytime. I would be happy to "talk" to you. I cant help you with all the horrible financial stuff you are going through, but I would be happy to support you in your cancer journey.

    I probably didn't respond before because our diagnosis and treatment were different. However, that doesn't really matter to me, if it doesn't matter to you.

    I am really sorry life has been so tough for you lately.

    Where in Florida?
    I'm in Sebastian. So sorry to hear of your dilemna. When was your bc found?
  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    I don't know what kind of
    I don't know what kind of cancer you have, (I have IBC), but if you need someone to talk to, I am more than willing. I also have RA, so can relate on that level too. Hang in there, you are not alone,
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    I understand your anger and
    I understand your anger and fear, BUT there are avenues available to help you. Contact the social worker at your cancer center, check with medicaid, contact the american Cancer society. If you attend a church or place of worship contact them. Cancer is tough but so are you/we. Be proactive and get the help you need. I'm telling you there is help out there and with the proper channels I dont think it will be necesary to stop your meds. If you do smoke, try to quit. I know its tough to quit because I'm a former smoker. I quit in 1981 and it wasnt easy, but with faith and determination I did it.

    There are many people on these boards who do care. We cannot provide finances but we can provide lots of information. If you have faith in a power greater than yourself pull on that power for some peace and calm. Some people do care they simply dont understand cancer and what we go thru.

    Believe what your husband says, "we'll be Fine". My motto is GOD DIDNT BRING ME THIS FAR TO ABANDON ME. I look forward to your next post. :)
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    heidijez said:

    I don't know what kind of
    I don't know what kind of cancer you have, (I have IBC), but if you need someone to talk to, I am more than willing. I also have RA, so can relate on that level too. Hang in there, you are not alone,

    Welcome to the site
    Sorry for your problems. The good news you find this site. Call free number 1·800·ACS·2345 and volunteers will help you with financial assistance and phycological support. You can continue on COBRA which is in part subsidized by government and have your co-payments at the same level as you have had . Food stamps can be an option , you just need to do paperwork. You can write e-mail or PM to any member of this board. Click on "home" write upper corner on your screen. Just put a screen name and send e-mail.
    Do not be angry at your husband he lost his job which is stressful and we are in economic crisis.
    New Flower
  • Member Posts: 14
    Cindy Ann said:

    I want you to know you are not alone. I too have been through Hell. You can read my drama filled life in past posts. I have felt totally alone. Lost friends. Watched my husband go through Hell at work and then my daughter's gentic testing just came back bad. But there is one thing I want you to know. No amount of money, friends,anger,& medications. Will stop Ca from destroying you if you let it. It will eat your life up, your relationships up, and then you up. I went to see a therapist to rid myself of anger and then numbness.. It costs money. But there are social workers that you can see for free. Get in touch with your local social services. Also young lady you are not old!!! I am 52 and just newly diagnosed. I think we have not finished living our life yet.The best is yet to come.. There is so much left to see and do. I may lose both my breasts will know in 1 mth. But I am going to go for the perkiest beautiful new breasts I can get. Fight the feelings of anger.Forget about your age. Please don't let the cancer take more then your boob. It deserves no more from you peroid..

    Take care of yourself. I will be thinking of you!!

    Cindy Ann

    Breast Cancer survivor!!!
    Hi, Cindy Ann.....WOW!! I FINALLY got through to this darned website to respond to
    the many wonderful, caring and supportive emails I received from my long ago ranting.
    :-) I just wanted to say "Thank You" for your support and, most of all, your understanding of my anger. I guess only another survivor would and COULD understand it.
    Which is unfortunate, because so many people don't understand that...although the cancer
    is out of our is NEVER out of our minds!! ( as Lance Armstong said)
    Especially when you have to worry for 5 looong yrs. after they remove the cancer.
    I'm doing better, now. I just saw my oncologist last week and he said my blood looked
    GREAT! And I told him I had stopped taking the Tamoxifen because since I live in
    Florida, I just couldn't handle the hot flashes. Geeeezzz.....I thought I was done
    with all of that garbage long ago. But after the surgery it all came back!! Nothing
    like double menopause to get a girls blood boiling! LOL! He said I looked good and as long
    as my bloodwork continues to come back good, that I could stay off of it. And now I have a
    rather sensitive question for you, but I'd rather it not be on a post, for all the
    world to read. Could you please email me? I'm qure you've already figured out what
    it's about.......again...thanks, so much!
  • Member Posts: 14
    swalters said:

    Breast Cancer
    Dear Mrs. Michael,

    You can email me anytime. I would be happy to "talk" to you. I cant help you with all the horrible financial stuff you are going through, but I would be happy to support you in your cancer journey.

    I probably didn't respond before because our diagnosis and treatment were different. However, that doesn't really matter to me, if it doesn't matter to you.

    I am really sorry life has been so tough for you lately.

    No, it doesn't matter...
    Hi, Sandie.....thank you for post. I got so many from so many wonderful, caring people.
    It just took forver for me to be able to get on here to respond to them. It doesn't matter
    to me if our diagnoses are different. Our unfortunate journeys are the same. I never
    would have dreamnt I'd be going through somethinglike this. I should have figured, though,
    since Cancer runs in both sides of my family. Both grandmothers. My oldest sister
    was diagnosed 2 months before me. I'm doing better, now, though. But anytime you'd like to
    email me, I would be happy to respond. Fair warning to everyone, though.
    I really don't get here, very often. Once a week, maybe....sometimes
    every other week. Just depends on what I've got going on or if I
    even feel like sitting in any one spot for too long, letting my
    butt get numb! ;-)
    Thanks again...

  • Member Posts: 14
    Mama G said:

    Where in Florida?
    I'm in Sebastian. So sorry to hear of your dilemna. When was your bc found?

    Hi, Mama G! Nice to see another Floridian!! Although I've only been here about 7
    yrs. My breast cancer was diagnosed the beginning of Oct., last yr.
    I had the masectomy Oct. 22nd. My oldest sis had hers 3 months before,but was able to have her reconstruction done the same day. I wasn't due to the surgeon MY
    breast doc wanted for me wasn't available, at the time. By the time she
    was....I had changed my mind because I just couldn't face going through
    that kind of pain, again. I'd rather give BIRTH,again, than go
    through that! But I think that may be a big part of my emotional
    troubles. Ya know? And it's just starting to hit me.
    Well...thanks for your post and caring/support. It means a lot to me.
    You can email me, anytime, or just post, if it's easier. either way....
    I'll answer. eventually......not much for sitting at the computer for too long.
  • Kimosabe
    Kimosabe Member Posts: 43
    Wow, you certainly have your
    Wow, you certainly have your hands full. As many of these posts indicate, there are many social service agencies that can help you. Seek them out. Stay strong and don't let cancer define your life. Good luck.
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    Welcome Donna :-) I can 't
    Welcome Donna :-) I can 't relate to the medications you are taking because my cancer is triple negative and there is no medicine for it "yet". I can relate to all the other fears cancer brings into our lives. There is help out there for medications, if you talk to the social worker at you oncs. office they should be able to help you!! Anyhow, wanted to send you a warm welcome and tell you to keep coming back, someone is ALWAYS here.
  • Member Posts: 14
    heidijez said:

    I don't know what kind of
    I don't know what kind of cancer you have, (I have IBC), but if you need someone to talk to, I am more than willing. I also have RA, so can relate on that level too. Hang in there, you are not alone,

    Wow!! Who would have thought, huh? Like arthritis isn't bad enough. Gosh...makes
    me wonder what I did soo horrible. did you also get high BP after your surgery?
    I've developed THAT, too! sheesh! And now something about my sodium level is wayyy too low. I'm like....Sooo??? doc doesn't WANT me to have any salt. LOL!
    Well...turns out all of us need a "certain" amount of salt...something
    to do with electrolytes and potassium. I'm just waiting, to grow another
    head, at this point! ;-) What kind of arthritis do you have? What do you take
    for it? I was diagnosed 12,2004. I know I had it long before then, but I'm one
    of those people who, unless I'm DYING or bleeding to death, I won't go to a doctor.
    Now it seems that THAT is how I spend a good deal of my time. Thanks, btw,
    for your caring/supportive post. So may wonderful people responded to my rantings
    and I know I won't be able to get to all of them, but YES!!! I always want/need
    someone to talk to. Unless you've been through what we all have, you have no
    way of understanding the emotional turmiol we suffer through.
    Donna you can post or email
  • Member Posts: 14

    Welcome to the site
    Sorry for your problems. The good news you find this site. Call free number 1·800·ACS·2345 and volunteers will help you with financial assistance and phycological support. You can continue on COBRA which is in part subsidized by government and have your co-payments at the same level as you have had . Food stamps can be an option , you just need to do paperwork. You can write e-mail or PM to any member of this board. Click on "home" write upper corner on your screen. Just put a screen name and send e-mail.
    Do not be angry at your husband he lost his job which is stressful and we are in economic crisis.
    New Flower

    It took me forever to be ABLE to get on thise site! I tried what you said, but it
    didn't work. At any rate, I'm on, now, and trying to return some posts.
    Btw......yes, it WAS my husband's fault he lost his job. He did something
    real stupid, which He knew better...but he's Union, thank GOD, so it
    was only for 30 days. We tried to get food stamps. Were told we make too
    much money on unemployment!!! Anywayyy.......he's back to work, now so
    that stress is off my mind. He, along with about 5-6 others, I might add,
    so he wasn't the only moron. LOL! Thanks for your helpful hints,though.
    I appreciate everyone being so kind and understanding. It means the world to me.

  • Member Posts: 14

    Welcome to the site
    Sorry for your problems. The good news you find this site. Call free number 1·800·ACS·2345 and volunteers will help you with financial assistance and phycological support. You can continue on COBRA which is in part subsidized by government and have your co-payments at the same level as you have had . Food stamps can be an option , you just need to do paperwork. You can write e-mail or PM to any member of this board. Click on "home" write upper corner on your screen. Just put a screen name and send e-mail.
    Do not be angry at your husband he lost his job which is stressful and we are in economic crisis.
    New Flower

    It took me forever to be ABLE to get on thise site! I tried what you said, but it
    didn't work. At any rate, I'm on, now, and trying to return some posts.
    Btw......yes, it WAS my husband's fault he lost his job. He did something
    real stupid, which He knew better...but he's Union, thank GOD, so it
    was only for 30 days. We tried to get food stamps. Were told we make too
    much money on unemployment!!! Anywayyy.......he's back to work, now so
    that stress is off my mind. He, along with about 5-6 others, I might add,
    so he wasn't the only moron. LOL! Thanks for your helpful hints,though.
    I appreciate everyone being so kind and understanding. It means the world to me.

  • Member Posts: 14

    Welcome to the site
    Sorry for your problems. The good news you find this site. Call free number 1·800·ACS·2345 and volunteers will help you with financial assistance and phycological support. You can continue on COBRA which is in part subsidized by government and have your co-payments at the same level as you have had . Food stamps can be an option , you just need to do paperwork. You can write e-mail or PM to any member of this board. Click on "home" write upper corner on your screen. Just put a screen name and send e-mail.
    Do not be angry at your husband he lost his job which is stressful and we are in economic crisis.
    New Flower

    It took me forever to be ABLE to get on thise site! I tried what you said, but it
    didn't work. At any rate, I'm on, now, and trying to return some posts.
    Btw......yes, it WAS my husband's fault he lost his job. He did something
    real stupid, which He knew better...but he's Union, thank GOD, so it
    was only for 30 days. We tried to get food stamps. Were told we make too
    much money on unemployment!!! Anywayyy.......he's back to work, now so
    that stress is off my mind. He, along with about 5-6 others, I might add,
    so he wasn't the only moron. LOL! Thanks for your helpful hints,though.
    I appreciate everyone being so kind and understanding. It means the world to me.

  • Member Posts: 14
    natly15 said:

    I understand your anger and
    I understand your anger and fear, BUT there are avenues available to help you. Contact the social worker at your cancer center, check with medicaid, contact the american Cancer society. If you attend a church or place of worship contact them. Cancer is tough but so are you/we. Be proactive and get the help you need. I'm telling you there is help out there and with the proper channels I dont think it will be necesary to stop your meds. If you do smoke, try to quit. I know its tough to quit because I'm a former smoker. I quit in 1981 and it wasnt easy, but with faith and determination I did it.

    There are many people on these boards who do care. We cannot provide finances but we can provide lots of information. If you have faith in a power greater than yourself pull on that power for some peace and calm. Some people do care they simply dont understand cancer and what we go thru.

    Believe what your husband says, "we'll be Fine". My motto is GOD DIDNT BRING ME THIS FAR TO ABANDON ME. I look forward to your next post. :)

    Thank you for your post...I finally got on small feat....and now am trying to
    respond to a few of the posts from all of you wonderful,caring and supportive
    folks. I di have a place of worship. I am a devout Catholic and they have helped,
    immensely. Just being there helps me. Ya know? And yes, i am a smoker :-(
    My oncologist isn't happy about it, and offered to give me meds to stop it,
    but I'm so sick of taking pills and shots that I said, "No,thanks. If I change
    my mind, I'll let you know." I'm luck to have 3 wonderful docs. Who I get sick
    of all of us, I'm sure.....but it's good to know they're there
    and that they truly care. that's hard to find in this day and age. And I'm sooo
    happy I was finally able to access this site! Gosh, it's so good to be able
    to talk with others who have been through or at going through what we have and
    actually UNDERSTAND the anger and fear!!! Well.......i have a million things to get
    done, today, so I'll write again, soon. You can post or email me.....either way.
    I'll try to get back as soon as i can.

    thanks, again
  • survives
    survives Member Posts: 254 Member

    Welcome Donna :-) I can 't
    Welcome Donna :-) I can 't relate to the medications you are taking because my cancer is triple negative and there is no medicine for it "yet". I can relate to all the other fears cancer brings into our lives. There is help out there for medications, if you talk to the social worker at you oncs. office they should be able to help you!! Anyhow, wanted to send you a warm welcome and tell you to keep coming back, someone is ALWAYS here.

    It would seem---
    that a long and lengthy conversation with either your onc. or pcp is in order. If you don't have any insurance, some of the companies will help you with your meds. Did you check into that? If you have truly given up your bp meds, this is very dangerous with the stresses that you are experiencing right now. Please try and calm down. We are ALL in the same boat as you are, just on different decks. All of us have problems that seem insurmountable at times, but, things do have a way of working out. I can't tell by your posts if your stressed, angry, anxious, or all of the above, but know that help is out there for you, and with a little patience, you can receive it.

    Take deep breaths and know that we are all here for you, and to some degree understand. Life throws curves at us, but we are women, we are strong, and I, for one, throw curves right back!
    Don't let things get you down!!

    Hang tough.....fists up!
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    survives said:

    It would seem---
    that a long and lengthy conversation with either your onc. or pcp is in order. If you don't have any insurance, some of the companies will help you with your meds. Did you check into that? If you have truly given up your bp meds, this is very dangerous with the stresses that you are experiencing right now. Please try and calm down. We are ALL in the same boat as you are, just on different decks. All of us have problems that seem insurmountable at times, but, things do have a way of working out. I can't tell by your posts if your stressed, angry, anxious, or all of the above, but know that help is out there for you, and with a little patience, you can receive it.

    Take deep breaths and know that we are all here for you, and to some degree understand. Life throws curves at us, but we are women, we are strong, and I, for one, throw curves right back!
    Don't let things get you down!!

    Hang tough.....fists up!

    Your frustration sounds familiar to me. I dont always get alot of response to my posts either. In fact i quit coming here for a while because it felt like it was just a click thing. If you werent in it, you got no responses. I realized though that sometimes just reading that someone else is going through hell too helps. And i realized that even if i dont get responses still, its very fullfilling for me to respond to others questions the best i know how. I got the same nobody gives a crap about me feeling too. I dont have outside support, so coming here and replying to others is very helpful. I feel blessed to do it. And the blessing comes from not expecting anything in return for it. I just love to give my words to others. Sometimes it ends up being a novel, but thats me. Know that there is someone here for you always. You will make some special connection with at least one person and thats one more you had than before. Dont give up and keep coming here for support and venting. Take care

  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    lolad said:

    Your frustration sounds familiar to me. I dont always get alot of response to my posts either. In fact i quit coming here for a while because it felt like it was just a click thing. If you werent in it, you got no responses. I realized though that sometimes just reading that someone else is going through hell too helps. And i realized that even if i dont get responses still, its very fullfilling for me to respond to others questions the best i know how. I got the same nobody gives a crap about me feeling too. I dont have outside support, so coming here and replying to others is very helpful. I feel blessed to do it. And the blessing comes from not expecting anything in return for it. I just love to give my words to others. Sometimes it ends up being a novel, but thats me. Know that there is someone here for you always. You will make some special connection with at least one person and thats one more you had than before. Dont give up and keep coming here for support and venting. Take care


    Hi Laura
    I don't see you on very often but I am fairly new here. At first I just read and it helped so much. After a while I got the courage to post a few times and I have always got very good responses. I'm sorry if you felt the way you did, but I hope that has changed and I'll always try to answer you! LOL


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