Contacted Road to Recovery

cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I contacted Road to Recovery yesterday to see if I could get a ride to and from my 1st chemo appt. The person on the phone was so helpful and took all my information and said someone would get back to me within 2 business days so I should know early next week. This way my husband won't have to take yet another day off from work. I received my schedule for August in the mail today. I'm able to drive myself for the Neulasta shot and the weekly blood draws but they wanted someone to drive me for the chemo not knowing how I'll respond. He's already taking next Friday off when I need to go have my port put in. I still have to check out the website someone else posted I went grocery shopping this morning and cleaned 3 bathrooms and the kitchen this afternoon. Tomorrow will be dusting the whole house. My hubby does the vacuuming:) It's nice to have these options where volunteers help out when we really need it.


  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Wonderful! The Road To
    Wonderful! The Road To Recovery program was so helpful to me when I had radiation~ I know you will connect with some caring, generous souls to help you with this part of your journey.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Never heard of Road to Recovery
    I've never heard of Road to Recovery but will be looking into it.

    I was never told that I needed someone to take me to Chemo or Rads - took myself to all per my choice. The only times I was told that I needed someone 'there' was for port implant and to leave the hospital the day after surgery to bring me home. Hubby was there for port, Hubby and Son were there for surgery and Son took me home the next day. I may be 'strange' (yeah I am LOL) but doing my treatements was 'my time - I didn't want my guys sitting there watching the chemo be put in me - they knew anyway but I didn't want them to watch it happen. I didn't want to be keeping them 'up'. I wanted to just do what I was doing.

    I did talk to the BC Navigator at CCI and told her that I'd be happy to give rides but have never been asked for any. At this time, I'm no longer in treatment but I'd be happy to help out. I'm a 'stay at home wife' so my time is open and I'd love to help anyway I can.

  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Road to Recovery
    Susan, the Road to Recovery is a volunteer transportation service offered by the American Cancer Society. They happen to have it in my area of CT. I was told I needed a ride for the 1st chemo treatment because they didn't know if I would have any severe reactions. The person is not going to sit with me. My sister plans on visiting during her lunch time. My mom and my daughter will probably come visit too on other occasions. I plan on bringing a book and my crocheting. Anything to help pass the time.....
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    Road to Recovery
    Susan, the Road to Recovery is a volunteer transportation service offered by the American Cancer Society. They happen to have it in my area of CT. I was told I needed a ride for the 1st chemo treatment because they didn't know if I would have any severe reactions. The person is not going to sit with me. My sister plans on visiting during her lunch time. My mom and my daughter will probably come visit too on other occasions. I plan on bringing a book and my crocheting. Anything to help pass the time.....

    I'm in the Black Hills area
    It's VERY rural here with no or basically no public transportation if you are outside of Rapid City.

    I have a very reliable vehicle (actually between Hubby and I, we have 3 that can handle pretty much any weather as long as the roads are 'open').

    I wasn't told to bring someone with me when I started A/C or when I started Taxol, but they did wanted to be sure that they had the right cells for Hubby and Son if needed.

    Ad I said - I have time and a vehicle and would like to 'help'. Will be calling to see if i can volunteer on Monday.

  • MOrtiz0810
    MOrtiz0810 Member Posts: 41
    Definitely a Great Program
    I started Chemo this past Wednesday and I called the American Cancer Society about 7 days prior to my first appointment. They were absolutely wonderful in coordinating my transportation! The volunteer came by Wednesday morning and dropped me off at the Cancer Center. I probably thanked her about a dozen times! I was just so grateful that she took time off her busy life to do this for someone who is battling cancer. I look forward to the day that I am fully recovered, and I can pay it forward.

    The American Cancer Society is an amazing Organization, I didn't realize all the resources and help that they have out there for Cancer patients.

    I wish you all the best :)