Question after Endoscopy/dilation/biopsy

Now she has an esophageal web and has many other symtoms: headacher, neausea, eyes dilating mid-day, extremely fatigued and very pale, loss of hair, etc..
Had dilation and biopsies Friday 24,2010..results Tuesday 27,2010.
I was just wondering is any of you have had or have heard of an esophageal web? Mom has this...but the diagnosis itself is a symptom of a symptom...meaning they have no clue why she has it and what caused it. After she has the endoscopy/biopsies/dilation they have to figure out why she is so sick. (EXTREME fatigue, headaches, nausea, sore corners of mouth, sore tongue, weight loss, etc). The docs all say the same thing: It is rare, caused by something else, and we need tests...after the endoscopy. Just hoping one of you have heard of more details?
Hi Dani and Mom
Nice to see
Hi Dani and Mom
Nice to see your post. I was wondering how you were both doing! I have not heard of an esophageal web. I have heard of web like growths in the uterus, caused by endometriosis. the web in her esophagus tumors? I am confused as well. I am thinking maybe you should get a second opinion. Could this web be from her tonsil cancer? Is it scar tissue? Lots of questions. Hope you have some support here Dani. This is a lot for you to carry on your shoulders. You know you will get a lot of responses from others here. I will be thinking and praying for both of you. Keep in touch. Hugs to you and your mom.
Tina0 -
Hey Mr. Marshallunknown said:This comment has been removed by the Moderator
Mr. Marshall,
Thank you for your help and guidance. As always, I am nervous and scared. Mom was much much worse bad I almost took her to the emergency room if the doctor did not see her. The only doctor that could see her was her primary care's husband...who doesn't know her...and unfortunately he was no help at all. We even heard him say to a nurse he had no idea what to do and wasn't sure what was wrong. Which aggravated the snot out of this moment mom was pale as a ghost, headache, eyes dilated, and looked like she was going to kill over. They sent her for blood work and she barely could give any...and the needle stick left her with a huge knot on her arm. I called and stalked her oncologist, and the nurse tried to get her to the ER. Mom promised she would go if she continued to get worse; ER doctors tend to poke and prod. We want her oncologist to be there, and she was out of the office today. The nurse told us her oncologist would call first thing in the morning. We are hoping mom will be o.k. at home until then. Just not sure what they're going to do. Hoping blood test will tell us a little more. Pray for her tonight please. Pray the doctors help her, and that she will be well enough to go through with the procedure Friday. Thanks...
God bless.
Danin0 -
OH!DLS5419 said:Hey Mr. Marshall
Mr. Marshall,
Thank you for your help and guidance. As always, I am nervous and scared. Mom was much much worse bad I almost took her to the emergency room if the doctor did not see her. The only doctor that could see her was her primary care's husband...who doesn't know her...and unfortunately he was no help at all. We even heard him say to a nurse he had no idea what to do and wasn't sure what was wrong. Which aggravated the snot out of this moment mom was pale as a ghost, headache, eyes dilated, and looked like she was going to kill over. They sent her for blood work and she barely could give any...and the needle stick left her with a huge knot on her arm. I called and stalked her oncologist, and the nurse tried to get her to the ER. Mom promised she would go if she continued to get worse; ER doctors tend to poke and prod. We want her oncologist to be there, and she was out of the office today. The nurse told us her oncologist would call first thing in the morning. We are hoping mom will be o.k. at home until then. Just not sure what they're going to do. Hoping blood test will tell us a little more. Pray for her tonight please. Pray the doctors help her, and that she will be well enough to go through with the procedure Friday. Thanks...
God bless.
She has two major doctors right now: Dr. Pandya--yes, one gastroenterologist/surgeon. However, she has a VERY active oncologosit who is also a special doctor for hematology. This woman is brilliant. Her name is Dr. Munjal and I trust her with my own life...and my moms. I know she will be on this first thing in the morning...I just wished she had been there today. I agree...this is taking way way way too long. And the gastro doctor wanted to wait until the second week of August to reveal the results...ugh. No. Tomorrow I will pitch a stink to get more tests and help. Someone needs to help my mom...and fast. Do not worry...if she gets worse, we are going tot he ER.
Hey you guys.
Update: mom is still feeling very weak and is extremely pale with a gradual-recurrent headache. After seeing the doctor yesterday and having blood work drawn, I was very frustrated with the apathy of the physician. I literally saw him walk out of the room and say to a nurse he had "no idea what is wrong with her". And then proceeded to tell mom to just give blood and go she was about to faint! Her BP was a little low...not awful. Her pulse was a little rapid...not alarming. Her pulse ox was 97...good. However, she looked like death, pupils were HUGE and dilated, and she was on the verge of passing out. When I asked him if he had ever had a patient with an esophageal web, he non-shalantly stated "yes...many!" I said really...thats funny because we were told it is incredibly rare and not seen in the US often. He quickly left the room. could say that rattled my cage. I called her oncologist who called the gastroenterologist (that would make the 5th call since last thursday!). NO ONE TELLS US ANYTHING. Grr. Finally got a call back today after mom begged to get her results back early for the test this coming Friday...they had her scheduled for August 9th! Hello!!! Cancer survivor of 6 years who has had her health drastically decline in just a few months...I think it is important to know results a little quicker than that! So they said she will get the results next Tuesday. As for her blood work from yesterday...they didn't test much. Apparently what they did test told them nothing. Yay. What frustrates me is that we have waited patiently for anyone to tell us SOMETHING. Even if the doctor would just say "we have no clue!" instead of beat around the least that would be honest. Everything we know is from google. Literally. I am hoping we will actually get answers after this endoscopy/dilation/biopsy Friday. My grandmother and father will be there so mom has support and I do not go nuts. Poor mom went from scared of doctors and denial of her symptoms at the end of may, to feeling really really really bad and begging doctors to do tests and help her. I am sorry to rant and rave. I know I need to be patient. Just two days before the test. I just want her to be ok.
Thank you so much for your prayers.
God bless.
Dani0 -
Hey TinaTina Blondek said:Hi Dani and Mom
Nice to see
Hi Dani and Mom
Nice to see your post. I was wondering how you were both doing! I have not heard of an esophageal web. I have heard of web like growths in the uterus, caused by endometriosis. the web in her esophagus tumors? I am confused as well. I am thinking maybe you should get a second opinion. Could this web be from her tonsil cancer? Is it scar tissue? Lots of questions. Hope you have some support here Dani. This is a lot for you to carry on your shoulders. You know you will get a lot of responses from others here. I will be thinking and praying for both of you. Keep in touch. Hugs to you and your mom.
Honestly, we have no idea what this web is. No one will tell us ANYTHING. Everything I have learned is from google...and it is a rare disorder that is easily treated BUT it is a symptom of a symptom. Meaning they have to figure out what caused it. Also, 1 in 10 webs (higher stats for women who have already had throat caner) WILL have esophageal cancer along with the web. This is old stat because webs are so rare, there aren't many seen in the US. It is usually caused by only a few thing...and those are not pleasant to say the least. It is not scar tissue, unfortunately. I think that would be easier to deal with. It just really really really bites when the only news your waiting for is "how bad" and "what kind of bad" are we looking at. Thanks so much for your prayers. Means the world to us. My grandmother and dad will be there Friday for mom's procedure...I overheard mom talking to grand-mom today asking for her to come be with me for added support. My fiancé is also wonderful and a huge I am ok. Thanks again and God bless.0 -
TodayDLS5419 said:OH!
She has two major doctors right now: Dr. Pandya--yes, one gastroenterologist/surgeon. However, she has a VERY active oncologosit who is also a special doctor for hematology. This woman is brilliant. Her name is Dr. Munjal and I trust her with my own life...and my moms. I know she will be on this first thing in the morning...I just wished she had been there today. I agree...this is taking way way way too long. And the gastro doctor wanted to wait until the second week of August to reveal the results...ugh. No. Tomorrow I will pitch a stink to get more tests and help. Someone needs to help my mom...and fast. Do not worry...if she gets worse, we are going tot he ER.
Hey you guys.
Update: mom is still feeling very weak and is extremely pale with a gradual-recurrent headache. After seeing the doctor yesterday and having blood work drawn, I was very frustrated with the apathy of the physician. I literally saw him walk out of the room and say to a nurse he had "no idea what is wrong with her". And then proceeded to tell mom to just give blood and go she was about to faint! Her BP was a little low...not awful. Her pulse was a little rapid...not alarming. Her pulse ox was 97...good. However, she looked like death, pupils were HUGE and dilated, and she was on the verge of passing out. When I asked him if he had ever had a patient with an esophageal web, he non-shalantly stated "yes...many!" I said really...thats funny because we were told it is incredibly rare and not seen in the US often. He quickly left the room. could say that rattled my cage. I called her oncologist who called the gastroenterologist (that would make the 5th call since last thursday!). NO ONE TELLS US ANYTHING. Grr. Finally got a call back today after mom begged to get her results back early for the test this coming Friday...they had her scheduled for August 9th! Hello!!! Cancer survivor of 6 years who has had her health drastically decline in just a few months...I think it is important to know results a little quicker than that! So they said she will get the results next Tuesday. As for her blood work from yesterday...they didn't test much. Apparently what they did test told them nothing. Yay. What frustrates me is that we have waited patiently for anyone to tell us SOMETHING. Even if the doctor would just say "we have no clue!" instead of beat around the least that would be honest. Everything we know is from google. Literally. I am hoping we will actually get answers after this endoscopy/dilation/biopsy Friday. My grandmother and father will be there so mom has support and I do not go nuts. Poor mom went from scared of doctors and denial of her symptoms at the end of may, to feeling really really really bad and begging doctors to do tests and help her. I am sorry to rant and rave. I know I need to be patient. Just two days before the test. I just want her to be ok.
Thank you so much for your prayers.
God bless.
Today, Friday, we will be at the hospital around 10:30 for mom's endoscopy/dilation/biopsy. Please please please keep her in your prayers. We are nervous...mainly for the dilation. Mom's esophagus was radiated so much when she had tonsil cancer...and now this "web" thing just doesn't seem right. I really hope they are careful...pray that God's hands will be the physicians guide. Pray she comes out of the anesthesia well, and that she doesn't have much pain. Thank you all.
God bless, Love Dani
Also, I received bad news today with my cousin, kayleigh, who is 19...the doctor found a growth-they said is looks bad-on the inside and outside of her cervix and they are planning on removing most some of her cervix...not good. She goes for a consult next week...when mom goes for her results. Ugh. Prayer prayer prayer...
2Corinthian 4:7-9, 13-18
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
It is written: "I believed; therefore I have spoken." With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak, because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence. All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.0 -
Endoscopy/dilation/biopsiesDLS5419 said:Today
Today, Friday, we will be at the hospital around 10:30 for mom's endoscopy/dilation/biopsy. Please please please keep her in your prayers. We are nervous...mainly for the dilation. Mom's esophagus was radiated so much when she had tonsil cancer...and now this "web" thing just doesn't seem right. I really hope they are careful...pray that God's hands will be the physicians guide. Pray she comes out of the anesthesia well, and that she doesn't have much pain. Thank you all.
God bless, Love Dani
Also, I received bad news today with my cousin, kayleigh, who is 19...the doctor found a growth-they said is looks bad-on the inside and outside of her cervix and they are planning on removing most some of her cervix...not good. She goes for a consult next week...when mom goes for her results. Ugh. Prayer prayer prayer...
2Corinthian 4:7-9, 13-18
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
It is written: "I believed; therefore I have spoken." With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak, because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence. All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Hello everyone.
Mom had her Endoscopy/dilation/biopsies today. They put her under watched anesthesia. When she was finished the doctor told her and dad that she was shocked mom had been able to swallow anything. Apparently, she had extreme scar tissue all down her esophagus. They explained never to let anyone incubate her unless children's tube is available. I never got the chance to ask what she thought of the web and she never told us...which is interesting. She told us mom's esophagus was so small and that they could only do a slight dilation and that she needed to be very careful and cautious until Tuesday's consultation and results. She also explained that she took ***many*** biopsies from her esophagus all the way into her stomach, and she told us she put a rush on getting the results back.
They also discovered she has (either gastroenteritis or wasn't clear on what they said.) Mom was really woosy when she came out and asked the doctor if it "looked" like cancer. Dr. Pandya said there were not any obvious spots and that she took plenty of biopsies that we should get back Tuesday. She explained to mom that she can only eat very very very mushy foods until Tuesday, and that she would be sore. Mom was in pretty bad pain and had think-ish mucous come up about 3 hours after the procedure, but after some numbing pain meds she is resting well. She is very pale and just looks awful.
Now I guess we wait and pray. We are very hopeful its not cancer. If all goes well and it is not, then we still have to figure out what is causing her to be so ill, and what caused the web. I ask for the doctors to have guidance and help as they look at the results and figure out the best plan of action. Thank you all for your prayers.
God bless.
May I ask a question and someone tell me honestly? Can doctor's see an abnormality and know if it is cancer or not without a biopsy? DO they usually put a "rush" on biopsies for cases like this? She is being precausious by taking "many" biopsies, right? She just seemed frustrated that there was SO much scar tissue and mom's throat couldn't take much dilation. I want to stay neutral in this worrisome state so I can be prepared for good or bad. But I would feel a little bit better if someone has had any experience with this type of situation? I am so very worried and so tired of waiting. At least we will know something (hopefully good news) Tuesday. Thanks0 -
This comment has been removed by the ModeratorDLS5419 said:Endoscopy/dilation/biopsies
Hello everyone.
Mom had her Endoscopy/dilation/biopsies today. They put her under watched anesthesia. When she was finished the doctor told her and dad that she was shocked mom had been able to swallow anything. Apparently, she had extreme scar tissue all down her esophagus. They explained never to let anyone incubate her unless children's tube is available. I never got the chance to ask what she thought of the web and she never told us...which is interesting. She told us mom's esophagus was so small and that they could only do a slight dilation and that she needed to be very careful and cautious until Tuesday's consultation and results. She also explained that she took ***many*** biopsies from her esophagus all the way into her stomach, and she told us she put a rush on getting the results back.
They also discovered she has (either gastroenteritis or wasn't clear on what they said.) Mom was really woosy when she came out and asked the doctor if it "looked" like cancer. Dr. Pandya said there were not any obvious spots and that she took plenty of biopsies that we should get back Tuesday. She explained to mom that she can only eat very very very mushy foods until Tuesday, and that she would be sore. Mom was in pretty bad pain and had think-ish mucous come up about 3 hours after the procedure, but after some numbing pain meds she is resting well. She is very pale and just looks awful.
Now I guess we wait and pray. We are very hopeful its not cancer. If all goes well and it is not, then we still have to figure out what is causing her to be so ill, and what caused the web. I ask for the doctors to have guidance and help as they look at the results and figure out the best plan of action. Thank you all for your prayers.
God bless.
May I ask a question and someone tell me honestly? Can doctor's see an abnormality and know if it is cancer or not without a biopsy? DO they usually put a "rush" on biopsies for cases like this? She is being precausious by taking "many" biopsies, right? She just seemed frustrated that there was SO much scar tissue and mom's throat couldn't take much dilation. I want to stay neutral in this worrisome state so I can be prepared for good or bad. But I would feel a little bit better if someone has had any experience with this type of situation? I am so very worried and so tired of waiting. At least we will know something (hopefully good news) Tuesday. Thanks0 -
Hi Dani Sweetheart and dearDLS5419 said:Endoscopy/dilation/biopsies
Hello everyone.
Mom had her Endoscopy/dilation/biopsies today. They put her under watched anesthesia. When she was finished the doctor told her and dad that she was shocked mom had been able to swallow anything. Apparently, she had extreme scar tissue all down her esophagus. They explained never to let anyone incubate her unless children's tube is available. I never got the chance to ask what she thought of the web and she never told us...which is interesting. She told us mom's esophagus was so small and that they could only do a slight dilation and that she needed to be very careful and cautious until Tuesday's consultation and results. She also explained that she took ***many*** biopsies from her esophagus all the way into her stomach, and she told us she put a rush on getting the results back.
They also discovered she has (either gastroenteritis or wasn't clear on what they said.) Mom was really woosy when she came out and asked the doctor if it "looked" like cancer. Dr. Pandya said there were not any obvious spots and that she took plenty of biopsies that we should get back Tuesday. She explained to mom that she can only eat very very very mushy foods until Tuesday, and that she would be sore. Mom was in pretty bad pain and had think-ish mucous come up about 3 hours after the procedure, but after some numbing pain meds she is resting well. She is very pale and just looks awful.
Now I guess we wait and pray. We are very hopeful its not cancer. If all goes well and it is not, then we still have to figure out what is causing her to be so ill, and what caused the web. I ask for the doctors to have guidance and help as they look at the results and figure out the best plan of action. Thank you all for your prayers.
God bless.
May I ask a question and someone tell me honestly? Can doctor's see an abnormality and know if it is cancer or not without a biopsy? DO they usually put a "rush" on biopsies for cases like this? She is being precausious by taking "many" biopsies, right? She just seemed frustrated that there was SO much scar tissue and mom's throat couldn't take much dilation. I want to stay neutral in this worrisome state so I can be prepared for good or bad. But I would feel a little bit better if someone has had any experience with this type of situation? I am so very worried and so tired of waiting. At least we will know something (hopefully good news) Tuesday. Thanks
Hi Dani Sweetheart and dear dear mom,
Thank you so much for keeping us so up to date! You are doing a fantastic job caring for your mom. She could not have asked for anyone better! Drs. do know if they see cancer or not when they do the scope. My dad's dr told us he was 99% sure it was ec. They do a biopsy and send it to pathology to be certain.
Oh your poor mom, God please give her the strength she needs to continue on with this journey. I thought she had a lot of scar tissue from the radiation for her tonsil cancer. Scar tissue can totally close off the esophagus. We will continue to pray for all of you. I will be looking for your post on Tuesday. God bless you and keep you at this most difficult time. Talk to you soon.
Tina0 -
GREAT news! Prayers were answered!Tina Blondek said:Hi Dani Sweetheart and dear
Hi Dani Sweetheart and dear dear mom,
Thank you so much for keeping us so up to date! You are doing a fantastic job caring for your mom. She could not have asked for anyone better! Drs. do know if they see cancer or not when they do the scope. My dad's dr told us he was 99% sure it was ec. They do a biopsy and send it to pathology to be certain.
Oh your poor mom, God please give her the strength she needs to continue on with this journey. I thought she had a lot of scar tissue from the radiation for her tonsil cancer. Scar tissue can totally close off the esophagus. We will continue to pray for all of you. I will be looking for your post on Tuesday. God bless you and keep you at this most difficult time. Talk to you soon.
To my wonderful new friends,
Thank you for your support and prayers. We went to the doctor for the results and she explained that the biopsies came back negative for cancer! Woo hoo! It's NOT cancer! Praise the Lord! They did however find a huge blockage of scar tissue from the radiation treatment that they had to stretch a couple of times but finally got through the blockage. Then they saw her stomach was severely inflamed and took biopsies there. They think she may have a really bad infection...maybe the H.Pylori bacteria. She also wanted to make sure mom's blood work is ok, so we took mom to get more blood tests...she is sick but she is still cancer free! YAY! We are in tears of joy. I cannot thank you all enough for the support and prayers you have given me week to week. If any of you ever need prayers or support or anything, please please please send me an email. ( Thank you all. Our prayers were answered.
God bless.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
"Hear, O LORD, and be merciful to me; O LORD, be my help. You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever."
Psalm 30:10-12
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;
save me, and I shall be saved,
for you are my praise.
—Jeremiah 17:14
"Your word, O Lord, is eternal;
It stands firm in the heavens.
Your faithfulness continues through all generations;
you established the earth, and it endures."
Psalm 119:89-90 NIV0 -
also!DLS5419 said:GREAT news! Prayers were answered!
To my wonderful new friends,
Thank you for your support and prayers. We went to the doctor for the results and she explained that the biopsies came back negative for cancer! Woo hoo! It's NOT cancer! Praise the Lord! They did however find a huge blockage of scar tissue from the radiation treatment that they had to stretch a couple of times but finally got through the blockage. Then they saw her stomach was severely inflamed and took biopsies there. They think she may have a really bad infection...maybe the H.Pylori bacteria. She also wanted to make sure mom's blood work is ok, so we took mom to get more blood tests...she is sick but she is still cancer free! YAY! We are in tears of joy. I cannot thank you all enough for the support and prayers you have given me week to week. If any of you ever need prayers or support or anything, please please please send me an email. ( Thank you all. Our prayers were answered.
God bless.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
"Hear, O LORD, and be merciful to me; O LORD, be my help. You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever."
Psalm 30:10-12
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;
save me, and I shall be saved,
for you are my praise.
—Jeremiah 17:14
"Your word, O Lord, is eternal;
It stands firm in the heavens.
Your faithfulness continues through all generations;
you established the earth, and it endures."
Psalm 119:89-90 NIV</p>
When I asked mom what she wanted to do once she got completely better, she responded with a huge smile: Go to Disney World!
She is serious!December we are going as a family.
0 -
great news!!!DLS5419 said:also!
When I asked mom what she wanted to do once she got completely better, she responded with a huge smile: Go to Disney World!
She is serious!December we are going as a family.
So happy your mom is cancer free! Hope she has a speedy recovery and have fun on your vacation!
Nancy0 -
great news!!!DLS5419 said:also!
When I asked mom what she wanted to do once she got completely better, she responded with a huge smile: Go to Disney World!
She is serious!December we are going as a family.
So happy your mom is cancer free! Hope she has a speedy recovery and have fun on your vacation!
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