Newly Diagnosed with Breast Cancer at 32



  • tjohnson2310
    tjohnson2310 Member Posts: 168 Member
    Balentine said:

    PET scan and MRI
    Hey what did you find out from your PET scan and MRI? I am surprised they did a PET scan on you. They don't usually do that for the breast cancer they say you have. I am curious to know what they tell you about the scans. Let me know and God bless. Hang in there.

    I was diagnosed with DCIS and IDC according to a biopsy. The MRI confirmed the carcinoma of the right breast and found no cancer in the left breast. Because I have IDC they did the PET scan. IDC of course can spread. I am going to MD Anderson because I feel I will be better served there. I will meet with an oncologist there in 2 weeks. Then i will have a better idea of where things are going for me.
  • Balentine
    Balentine Member Posts: 393

    I was diagnosed with DCIS and IDC according to a biopsy. The MRI confirmed the carcinoma of the right breast and found no cancer in the left breast. Because I have IDC they did the PET scan. IDC of course can spread. I am going to MD Anderson because I feel I will be better served there. I will meet with an oncologist there in 2 weeks. Then i will have a better idea of where things are going for me.

    I also had IDC but no PET scan
    I also had IDC but they did not recommend a PET scan so I was just curious. Let me know when you get your PET scan results and what they tell you. Also let me know what MD Anderson tells you. I pray you are doing well and keeping your spirits up. You can get through this just as so many of us have. God bless!
  • ScubaGirl
    ScubaGirl Member Posts: 32
    I'm 36 and recently diagnosed.
    I was diagnosed on may 20 and have since had a lumpectomy with three lymph nodes out for sentinel biopsy. Luckily I'm stage I, clear margins and no lymph impact. I am triple negative which scared me but the ladies on this site made me feel better about that. I had a port in yesterday and start 6 months of chemo next Thursday followed by 6.5 weeks of radiation. I had brac analysis due to age and family history with negative results.

    I am not happy about having cancer (imagine that) but am approaching it with a sense of humor and a feisty demeanor. I have a team of Cancer ****, a term of endearment, who do things for me and won't take no for an answer. Add a very supportive husband who 'loves' my new short 'do and great family and I'm emotionally ok for now. Ask me at the end of the day. I'm wig shopping today.

    Best of luck with xoxo's!
  • zivagirl
    zivagirl Member Posts: 19

    Invansive ductal carcinoma and ductal carcinoma in situ
    As it stands now my doctor tells me it is less than 2 cm or stage 1. I will have a PET scan of the body this Friday. Since my diagnosis I contacted MD Anderson Cancer Center. I am awaiting their call on Monday or Tuesday.

    TJohnson - MD Anderson
    Welcome - although very sorry for the reason you are here with us. Can you please post the steps you took to contact MD and the numbers you have for contacting them? Thx!
  • zivagirl
    zivagirl Member Posts: 19

    I was diagnosed on 5/17/10. I have asked my self why me? How will this impact my job and my financial situation.etc. Next month I will travel to Houston,Tx to the MD Anderson Cancer Center to meet with an oncologist. I am sure this will be another wave of emotions.

    MD Anderson
    Sorry for the reason we meet here but very much appreciative of the support which I would be a mental mess if I could not meet the great people on this site. Curious as to where you will be traveling from to get treatment at MD and what steps took you to MD?
  • zivagirl
    zivagirl Member Posts: 19
    nkosi1127 said:

    Also diagnosed at 32
    You will be ok - God is with you - I was diagnosed at 32 - and treated very aggressively - surgery was ok - chemo was the worse - 90% mental - you give up and start having a pity party you get worse - stay focused - plenty of vitamin C and rest. No stress and love yourself - look at yourself and see the beauty in yourself. If you ever need to talk in more detail - my number is 630-371-7144 - my name is Cynthia Harris - 5/15/2010 I am in remission - I made it and so will you -

    Nkosi - Also Diagnosed at 32 -
    I noticed from your post that you are in area code "630". I am very close to your area code; Northwest Indiana. Can you please share the facility name of where you rec'd your treatment/surger, etc. please? Thanks - zivagirl
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    tjohnson sorry that you had
    tjohnson sorry that you had to join the club but youll find this site to be very helpful thru your journey...and thru the emotional rollercoaster that your going to take a ride on.
    Good luck
  • sohardbnme
    sohardbnme Member Posts: 129
    newly diagnosed
    Hi, i am 37. I was diagnosed Monday. I am in shock.
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762

    newly diagnosed
    Hi, i am 37. I was diagnosed Monday. I am in shock.

    so sad that so many YOUNG women are diagnosed
    It makes me wonder what is causing it? There must be a reason for this. Surely "they" can find it and stop this madness! It breaks my heart to read about you women who have to face this demon at such a young age. I was PiSSed at 59!!!! But I will tell you that there is an END and it's not anywhere near as bad as you're thinking it will be. The hair thing seems to have gone by so fast (I was one of the lucky ones who had their hair start growing back while on Taxol) and the side effects are worth your LIFE! Good luck to all of you and please come on here and let us know how you're doing. God bless each and every one of you.
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    So sorry I missed your 1st post.
    I also welcome you, and am sorry that we meet this way.. I was 55 when dx's w/IDC last Nov. Left breast. Lumpectomy and radiation. Low score Onco Dx, so no chemo.

    How are you doing now, T?

    Big hugs and prayers

  • tjohnson2310
    tjohnson2310 Member Posts: 168 Member
    zivagirl said:

    MD Anderson
    Sorry for the reason we meet here but very much appreciative of the support which I would be a mental mess if I could not meet the great people on this site. Curious as to where you will be traveling from to get treatment at MD and what steps took you to MD?

    nellie b connally breast center
    sorry so late... u can self 1-713-792-2360
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    sbmly53 said:

    So sorry I missed your 1st post.
    I also welcome you, and am sorry that we meet this way.. I was 55 when dx's w/IDC last Nov. Left breast. Lumpectomy and radiation. Low score Onco Dx, so no chemo.

    How are you doing now, T?

    Big hugs and prayers


    I am 37 now, but was diagnosed with bc at 36. My treatments were double mastectomy with tissue expanders placed in at same time. With the expanders, you go to the plastic surgeon every two or three weeks and they insert saline into the expander to get your skin ready for reconstruction. I had chemo and am on tamoxifen. I just had a total hysterectomy in May. Everyone deals emotionally different when they are diagnosed. At first i was in a daze, denial and didnt believe it. I thought i could stay strong and handle it all myself. So not true. I finally broke one day and formed a support system. Coming here really helped me alot. I have good days and bad. Make sure you have some type of support system. I fought hard in my battle and won. Keep coming back and let us know how you are.
    Take care
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    I was diagnosed with DCIS and IDC according to a biopsy. The MRI confirmed the carcinoma of the right breast and found no cancer in the left breast. Because I have IDC they did the PET scan. IDC of course can spread. I am going to MD Anderson because I feel I will be better served there. I will meet with an oncologist there in 2 weeks. Then i will have a better idea of where things are going for me.

    So sorry you are here too
    So sorry you are here too tjohnson. Sending you hugs and prayers!

  • sohardbnme
    sohardbnme Member Posts: 129
    I'm 37
    My diagnoses is invasive ductal carcinoma and ductal carcinoma in situ of the left breast.i am still in shock...
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    Welcome tjphnson. So sorry
    Welcome tjphnson. So sorry that you had to come but this is the best place to be if you need help and encouragement. I am/was Stage3A invasive ductal. Then some numbers that I don't know what they mean....T2/N2a. I am one year out of diagnosis and done with chemo and radiation and am happy to report clear of anything right now.
    I wish you the best and we are all here for you.
    God Bless,