Recovery time from oopherectomy (sp??)

MNLynn Member Posts: 224
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Now there's a word I didn't think I'd ever use . . . of course, I never thought I'd put the words "my" and "oncologist" together in a sentence either - but I'm way past that!

Well, yesterday I asked my med onc about what she thought about getting my ovaries removed due to my risk factors (without having the BRCA test done). She thought that it might be a good idea, so I'm getting referred to an OB/GYN at that clinic.

My question is this: how invasive is this surgery? do you think it's something where I wouldn't have to stay overnight in the hosp? how soon would I be able to return to work (a desk job)? I've read that sometimes they will take the fallopian tubes along with the ovaries - what does that do (medically - prophylactically)?

Hey - thanks for any info - since I don't know what I'm getting into - but I think it's something I want to get done to lower my chances ever seeing ovarian cancer.

Hope you are all doing well - I keep this wonderful group of survivors (& those close to them) in my thoughts & prayers every day.

♥ Lynn ♥


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    It depends on how it's done...
    If laprascopically, it takes alot less time, and less recovery time.

    The bigger trouble with this proceedure is you immediately go into menopause. Immediately. I was 1 month's worth of night sweats, and hot flashes. After that, it did start getting better.

    Other things to be vigilant about without ovaries (read:hormones) is bone density (osteoporosis), heart trouble, and emotional mood swings.

    I had a total hyster, prophylactic, with my bowel resection. My recovery time was based on an abdominal cut, instead of a laprascope. It was a good 5 weeks before I could lift anything, etc...just like a C-section.

    Also, your surgeon will be able to help with questions...ask them all!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • Mariannemm
    Mariannemm Member Posts: 136
    I am looking at doing the same thing
    I went yesterday for a biospy on cervix and uterus. My pap came back abnormal last week. Between all my doctors they are leaning towards having a complete removal. The gyn said yesterday that I would have to be off work for 6 weeks. I guess if the biospy comes back fine we will put it off for now. But I totally wouldn't mind having it all out! i will let you know what I decide! Marianne
  • putzie
    putzie Member Posts: 66 Member
    I had one ovary removed due
    I had one ovary removed due to a cyst that had grown on it. Very easy procedure!! I had it done laproscopically, in an out-patient procedure, and was feeling good in a few days. Just bed rest and some good pain killers!! Good luck!! XXXX OOOOO